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 Rep: 67 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Tommie wrote:

'Console killer' launches in June
By Maggie Shiels
Technology reporter, BBC News, San Francisco

A gaming service that aims to kill off the traditional gaming console will begin streaming popular games over the internet in June this year.

OnLive, which launched to much fanfare in 2009, announced details of its service at the GamesBeat conference.

Instead of games taking hours to download or buying them off the shelf, OnLive promises games on-demand.

"OnLive breaks the console cycle. We don't need new hardware devices," said company founder Steve Perlman.

That sentiment was echoed by his chief operating officer Mike McGarvey.

"We want to take your dollars from hardware and let you spend it on software. We are a new platform and we're building a network and infrastructure to last for the next 30 years of gaming, not the next five years," Mr McGarvey told reporters.


OnLive has been in development for eight years and will officially become available on June 17.

The company said it will deliver on-demand video games via the cloud to the PC, Mac or TV and that it could provide high quality gaming on low-end machines.

OnLive relies on video compression technology, which instantly streams video via the internet so if feels like the game is playing locally.

The reality is that all the heavy lifting is done by remote data centres that can be no more than a thousand miles away.

Players use a PC or TV hooked up to a broadband connection to connect to the system.

"It could be very disruptive to the console vendors," Billy Pidgeon, an independent game analyst told Bloomberg News.

"This also wouldn't be good for retailers or anybody selling physical software formats."

Research group NPD reported that last year, US video-game sales fell 8% to $19.6bn (£13bn).

Instant gratification

OnLive said that it was reacting to a change in gamer's habits, as they increasingly migrate online.

"There is this huge shift from download and use later to use it right now. The bytes coming in are not being stored. They are being consumed the moment they arrive," said Mr Perlman.

Dean Takahashi of website GamesBeat believes instant success is not guaranteed.

"It is going to be small at first. At the beginning it becomes one more great channel for the game companies to pursue. But at some point, yeah there is going to be a transition," he said.

OnLive will be available for a monthly rental fee of $14.95 (£9.99) for subscribers to then buy or rent games over the internet.

It will have titles such as Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia and Borderlands.

No date was given for when OnLive will be available in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
Story from BBC NEWS: … 556874.stm

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

new xbox360 for $129? worth it?

 Rep: 664 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

James wrote:

Yeah, I heard of that last year. Definitely sounds like an interesting concept. Consoles/games are just way too high and with the current economic climate, that service could become a huge trend if the dominoes fall in the proper order.

Neemo wrote:

new xbox360 for $129? worth it?

Yeah, but be prepared to pay 40-60 bucks per game. There is a Netflix type rental service for games, but have never used it.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

monkeychow wrote:

Can't see the streaming thing working in Australia until they make our broadband run at an acceptable speed by international standards. Also what will this do to data charges?

I think i'd rather a machine I keep for 5-10 years, and buying games than huge internet bills, a monthly subscription fee and all kinds of rental costs as well. But then I guess I'm just old school!

 Rep: 67 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Tommie wrote:

Just finished Heavy Rain...WOW.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

so i bought the 360 for 146 after tax, and then picked up gta4 and fear...2 games nad console came up les than $205...but then I turned around and brought it all back....i rarely play video games now figured that o shouldnt be devoting more $$$ to somethign i will rarely use ... sad it sucks being responsible

 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

TheMole wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Rain reminds me alot of Max Payne in terms of tone and presentation.

And that's what I fear is wrong with the next MP installment. It's completely foregoing the Film Noir feel the original two had. I'm a sucker for atmosphere, downplaying the franchises strength in that area is a huge mistake IMHO.

But you're right, the permanent snow in MP was comparable to the permanent rain in Heavy Rain (or vice versa, whatever), but MP's presentation was still slightly better for me. HR sometimes favors realism and game mechanic over of story telling a bit too much for me. But as I said, I absolutely love it. First game in ages I've actually longed to go home for.

 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

TheMole wrote:
Tommie wrote:

Just finished Heavy Rain...WOW.

No spoilers, I'm only 8 hours (or 3.3 inches) in! wink
How long did it take you to finish it? Do you feel like replaying to see the different story arcs?

 Rep: 67 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Tommie wrote:
TheMole wrote:
Tommie wrote:

Just finished Heavy Rain...WOW.

No spoilers, I'm only 8 hours (or 3.3 inches) in! wink
How long did it take you to finish it? Do you feel like replaying to see the different story arcs?

I dunno I"m going to say about 10-12 or so.  I"m really not sure.  I played it the one day I got it, then didnt touch it again until yesterday.  Yesterday I played for about 5 hours on and off.  Prior to starting up again yesterday, I was a more than halfway done with the chapters. 

I really feel no need to replay it.  But I hardly ever do with games.  I got the good ending and I'm happy with it.  Probably going to sell it and get Bad Company 2. 

Feel free to use the spoiler tags and let me know where you are.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
TheMole wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Rain reminds me alot of Max Payne in terms of tone and presentation.

And that's what I fear is wrong with the next MP installment. It's completely foregoing the Film Noir feel the original two had. I'm a sucker for atmosphere, downplaying the franchises strength in that area is a huge mistake IMHO.

But you're right, the permanent snow in MP was comparable to the permanent rain in Heavy Rain (or vice versa, whatever), but MP's presentation was still slightly better for me. HR sometimes favors realism and game mechanic over of story telling a bit too much for me. But as I said, I absolutely love it. First game in ages I've actually longed to go home for.

I also think the lack of James McCaffrey in MP3 is a bad move. McCaffrey's voice had a brilliant way of capturing Max Payne's psyche. He just drew you in.

There excuse is that Payne will be much older, and McCaffrey no longer right for the part. That's bullshit. Any good actor can do an old variation of their voice.

Hell, Kevin Conroy has played about 16 different age-depictions of Batman.

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