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 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

TheMole wrote:
Tommie wrote:
TheMole wrote:
Tommie wrote:

Just finished Heavy Rain...WOW.

No spoilers, I'm only 8 hours (or 3.3 inches) in! wink
How long did it take you to finish it? Do you feel like replaying to see the different story arcs?

I dunno I"m going to say about 10-12 or so.  I"m really not sure.  I played it the one day I got it, then didnt touch it again until yesterday.  Yesterday I played for about 5 hours on and off.  Prior to starting up again yesterday, I was a more than halfway done with the chapters. 

I really feel no need to replay it.  But I hardly ever do with games.  I got the good ending and I'm happy with it.  Probably going to sell it and get Bad Company 2. 

Feel free to use the spoiler tags and let me know where you are.

Well, I don't think I need the spoiler tags for this, 'cause everyone knows this scene is in there, but

Hidden Text:

I just had sex


Re: The Video Game Console Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Just finished "Dragon Age: Origins"... Great game.

Tried to start "Devil May Cry IV" yesterday, but longests cut scenes ever... at the start... must been 40 minutes before the first actual level.

Like the middle of "Metal Gear IV" without the interesting story or much of a point.. Don't think I'll play to finish it again for a few months.

 Rep: 64 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Dreamline wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Can't see the streaming thing working in Australia until they make our broadband run at an acceptable speed by international standards. Also what will this do to data charges?

I think i'd rather a machine I keep for 5-10 years, and buying games than huge internet bills, a monthly subscription fee and all kinds of rental costs as well. But then I guess I'm just old school!

I saw them demoing OnLive at the Game Developer's Conference last year.  I gotta say I'm pretty skeptical about the whole thing.  There was definitely perceptible lag between the controller and the action onscreen.  Considering that they were set up specifically to demo their tech, I'd say that's a bad sign.

Maybe it's gotten better since then, but I just don't think we're yet to the point where we can have hundreds of thousands of players on a system like that.  The processing power has to come from somewhere.  I'm quite happy knowing that my Xbox's power is mine alone and I don't have to share it's processing power.  Hell, even with home consoles some games these days have pretty bad lag, screen tearing, and horrible load times.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

picked up okami for the wii yesterday...supposed to be a really cool game

 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

TheMole wrote:
Tommie wrote:
TheMole wrote:
Tommie wrote:

Just finished Heavy Rain...WOW.

No spoilers, I'm only 8 hours (or 3.3 inches) in! wink
How long did it take you to finish it? Do you feel like replaying to see the different story arcs?

I dunno I"m going to say about 10-12 or so.  I"m really not sure.  I played it the one day I got it, then didnt touch it again until yesterday.  Yesterday I played for about 5 hours on and off.  Prior to starting up again yesterday, I was a more than halfway done with the chapters. 

I really feel no need to replay it.  But I hardly ever do with games.  I got the good ending and I'm happy with it.  Probably going to sell it and get Bad Company 2. 

Feel free to use the spoiler tags and let me know where you are.

Ok, so I just finished it yesterday. Amazing game, I wll definitely play it again to try and do some stuff different this time around.

As for my ending, I also got the "good" one, but there's so much variations that I just need to play it again:

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When the cops show up at the motel, I didn't manage to escape, so Ethan ended up in jail and was out for me, for the rest of the game. In the end, I figured it out in both my Madison and Jayden scenes at about the same time. Madison tried to stop Shelby in his apartment, but got caught and only just escaped the burning building. Jayden (with the geolocation clue thing in ARI) found the warehouse and won the fight with Shelby that occured there (Shelby fell into a metal grinder, cool stuff).

I'd love to know what happens when you can save the kid with Ethan instead the FBI bloke, the stand-off between Shelby and Ethan there should be interesting. Or what if Madison would've found the password on the computer in Shelby's apartment, would she have gone to the warehouse? And then all the bad endings (heard of Ethan shooting his brains out on the cemetery with Madison watching), but I can't bring myself to play specifically for those.

I believe in the ideal game, you should end up with everyone saved (except Shelby perhaps) and Madison, Ethan and Shaun ending up as a happy family. I'd like to play to get that ending... smile

So yeah, I loved it wink

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:
Neemo wrote:

picked up okami for the wii yesterday...supposed to be a really cool game

also got a game called no more heroes (first one) its one of the top rated games on the system and its a mature title...GTA with a lightsaber... nice 9

lots of blood and guts and some witty mature humor as well apparently

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

well that no more heros game is pretty crazy...its weird so when i get more used to the controls i may have a better handle on my feelings about it...

i beat indiana jones lego 100% over the weekend

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

A new Nintendo handheld coming?????

This sounds awesome if true.

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

This is 3d working on the current DS, it is using a method called headtracking and does not need glasses to be worn. I think its pretty cool and would'nt mind if the new handheld used similar 3d. It has been also rumoured that the new machine will be more powerful than a Gamecube and also have an analogue stick.

So what are your opinions on the subject?


 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


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