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 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash album reviews

buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:

50% true.... The majority don't go to hear the new songs live. But the majority also know who is long gone!

C'mon man! Most people do care who is singing! They just don't know or care who plays the guitar, bass etc etc! 10 years of on and off touring proves you wrong, buzzaw!

Really?  Slash has been touring more often and for a longer period of time - often with relatively unknown singers, so tell me exactly how much the singer matters again?

Just because you wish something to be true doesn't mean it is.  Go watch the videos with Myles singing the songs.  Go see a good cover band play the songs and see what the reaction that case, NONE of the key guys are there and the songs still get reactions.  Those are the facts.  You can imagine whatever you want, but the facts are the facts.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash album reviews

buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:

in short, people will still pay good money to hear Axl Rose sing Guns N' Roses songs. Obviously, the large majority are there for the classics. My personal opinion is that more people will pay to hear Axl sing the classics than would pay to hear Slash play them. hmm

Completely valid opinion.  I disagree (assuming Slash gets the name too), but we will never know who is right.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash album reviews

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

Just compare the attendance numbers of 1993 and 2002,2006,2010 and you'll see the difference. A lot of people know it's a replacement band, so they choose to stay home. Others see the name and it confuses them (or don't care who's there, just wanna hear the classics), so they go.

Some dozens go to hear the CD songs.


I totally knew this post was coming from you. You are priceless.

So refute his post.  Make a factual post that proves him wrong.  Go pull attendance numbers and show him that more people are going now.  Post videos where the crowds react wildly to the new songs while having a lukewarm reception to the classics.

What's priceless is that some people today will still blindly defend Axl.  Long live the nutswingers!

 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash album reviews

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Where did I say people were coming to see them because of CD? You can't seem to get over the fact that not as many people as you'd like to think actually give a shit that Slash isn't there.

Where did I say anything about Slash?  I believe there was no mention of Slash anywhere in my post.  Are you Axl because you're making yourself look pretty Slash obsessed.

My post is addressing the fact that a BAND NAME is doing all of the things that you are seeming to credit to Axl.  When was the last time they headlined a real festival in the US?  I know they did some stupid small radio station festival that they would have headlined no matter who had the name.  Can you say with 100% certainty that a Slash led GnR would not have headlined those same festivals in Europe?  Be sure to check your facts before saying yes...

 Rep: 475 

Re: Slash album reviews

misterID wrote:

Your scraping the bottom of the barrel, buzz. Mikka is a joke. So is the argument and the reasonings for any success GNR or Axl has that its not actually success but a failure. I removed the part of my post about how nice it was of Mikka to follow GNR around on this last tour and take a poll of everyone who's there about "why" they're there. Its made up "facts" that you guys constantly pull out of your asses.

Your judging attendance from a band in its heyday to ten years later after not doing jack shit and proving that the attendance is lower... Laddi-fucking-dah. Big fucking whoop. But its still as good or as better as most current bands today. You want to say its because of the name, fine. It's Axl's band, he's been doing his line up for ten years, still successful, you guys hate it, blow it out your ass.

And fuck you, dude, if you're calling me a nutswinger and saying that I'm blindly defending Axl.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash album reviews

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Your scraping the bottom of the barrel, buzz. Mikka is a joke. So is the argument and the reasonings for any success GNR or Axl has that its not actually success but a failure. I removed the part of my post about how nice it was of Mikka to follow GNR around on this last tour and take a poll of everyone who's there about "why" they're there. Its made up "facts" that you guys constantly pull out of your asses.

Your judging attendance from a band in its heyday to ten years later after not doing jack shit and proving that the attendance is lower... Laddi-fucking-dah. Big fucking whoop. But its still as good or as better as most current bands today. You want to say its because of the name, fine. It's Axl's band, he's been doing his line up for ten years, still successful, you guys hate it, blow it out your ass.

And fuck you, dude, if you're calling me a nutswinger and saying that I'm blindly defending Axl.

I agree - you are at the bottom of the barrel.  I apologize for scraping you, but somebody has to.  Nobody has to follow the band around and ask people why they are there.  Watch the videos of the shows.  That tells you EVERYTHING you need to know.  But I addressed that already in another post that I'm sure you'll ignore.

We're not 10 years after it's heyday, we're 20 years after it.  He's comparing the new band to the new band, which is a completely valid comparison.  But you're never one to let the facts get in your way.

Quite frankly, you're blindly defending Axl.  So you're much better off fucking yourself because I'm not interested in whatever it is you're clinging to.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Slash album reviews

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Where did I say people were coming to see them because of CD? You can't seem to get over the fact that not as many people as you'd like to think actually give a shit that Slash isn't there.

Where did I say anything about Slash?  I believe there was no mention of Slash anywhere in my post.  Are you Axl because you're making yourself look pretty Slash obsessed.

My post is addressing the fact that a BAND NAME is doing all of the things that you are seeming to credit to Axl.  When was the last time they headlined a real festival in the US?  I know they did some stupid small radio station festival that they would have headlined no matter who had the name.  Can you say with 100% certainty that a Slash led GnR would not have headlined those same festivals in Europe?  Be sure to check your facts before saying yes...

So what you didn't mention Slash? I was making an observation.

Yeah, real obsessed. I'm following around a band I don't like anymore just so I can constantly bitch about its lead singer... But I'm not obsessed.

GNR is Axl's band. It is his credit. He deserves it.

No. I don't think a Slash lead GNR would have headlined those festivals.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Slash album reviews

misterID wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Your scraping the bottom of the barrel, buzz. Mikka is a joke. So is the argument and the reasonings for any success GNR or Axl has that its not actually success but a failure. I removed the part of my post about how nice it was of Mikka to follow GNR around on this last tour and take a poll of everyone who's there about "why" they're there. Its made up "facts" that you guys constantly pull out of your asses.

Your judging attendance from a band in its heyday to ten years later after not doing jack shit and proving that the attendance is lower... Laddi-fucking-dah. Big fucking whoop. But its still as good or as better as most current bands today. You want to say its because of the name, fine. It's Axl's band, he's been doing his line up for ten years, still successful, you guys hate it, blow it out your ass.

And fuck you, dude, if you're calling me a nutswinger and saying that I'm blindly defending Axl.

I agree - you are at the bottom of the barrel.  I apologize for scraping you, but somebody has to.  Nobody has to follow the band around and ask people why they are there.  Watch the videos of the shows.  That tells you EVERYTHING you need to know.  But I addressed that already in another post that I'm sure you'll ignore.

We're not 10 years after it's heyday, we're 20 years after it.  He's comparing the new band to the new band, which is a completely valid comparison.  But you're never one to let the facts get in your way.

Quite frankly, you're blindly defending Axl.  So you're much better off fucking yourself because I'm not interested in whatever it is you're clinging to.

No, buzz, you just make shit up, try to pass it off as facts and attack anyones posts who doesn't see things the way you do. Because your just a sad little fanboy who can't get over the fact that his favorite band broke up.

I'm not the one who's clinging to anything... 20 years later, was it?

93-02,03 is ten years. That's what I responded to. Compare the 2 line ups all you want.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Slash album reviews

Mikkamakka wrote:
misterID wrote:

Your scraping the bottom of the barrel, buzz. Mikka is a joke. So is the argument and the reasonings for any success GNR or Axl has that its not actually success but a failure. I removed the part of my post about how nice it was of Mikka to follow GNR around on this last tour and take a poll of everyone who's there about "why" they're there. Its made up "facts" that you guys constantly pull out of your asses.

Your judging attendance from a band in its heyday to ten years later after not doing jack shit and proving that the attendance is lower... Laddi-fucking-dah. Big fucking whoop. But its still as good or as better as most current bands today. You want to say its because of the name, fine. It's Axl's band, he's been doing his line up for ten years, still successful, you guys hate it, blow it out your ass.

And fuck you, dude, if you're calling me a nutswinger and saying that I'm blindly defending Axl.

You are a joke, nutswinger. The albums and shows of Metallica, AC/DC and all the big names still sell like 20 years ago, the only exception is Guns N' Roses. Because it's not a one-man show (to be correct: it is now, but it was not where they were successful) and people know it.

Your argument would have valid ground IF Axl alone, under his own name would be playing bigger venues than Slash. It is not the case, cause Axl has no balls and is afraid to face the reality. Axl Rose as a solo artist would be dead and he knows it.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Slash album reviews

misterID wrote:


I agree to disagree, because responding is pointless. Just keep on keeping on Mikka 22

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