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 Rep: 194 

Re: Slash album reviews

metallex78 wrote:

Well, I've listened to this album enough that I think I can give an honest review of it. So here goes...

GHOST Great opener with a killer groove. Izzy and Slash play together so well, and it really is a pleasure to hear Izzy's riffing coming out of the left speaker, and Slash from the right. The guitar tone is straight from AFD, and Ian's cool understated vocal delivery is great too. A tasty Slash solo tops it off.

CRUCIFY THE DEAD I expected a bit more, and it sounds kinda bland like most modern Ozzy songs. Interesting lyrics, an obvious dig at you know who... Disappointing Slash solo as well.

BEAUTIFUL DANGEROUS A good track, that I really liked when I first heard it, but find myself liking it less and less with repeated listens. Some good riffing, a nice solo, and Fergie sings quite well, but not really my favourite.

BACK FROM CALI I really like the main riff, it sounds very AC/DC-ish as Slash originally described it. Myles sounds like he's trying to impersonate Axl in parts, which sounds really bad, but overall, it's a catchy straight-ahead rocker. The solo is ok, nothing great.

PROMISE This really grew on me with repeated listens, and it's one of my favourites now. Much closer to Chris' work with Audioslave, than his work with Soundgarden. Nice Slash solo in this one too.

BY THE SWORD Sounds like something Led Zeppelin would've come up with back in the 70's, and that's a good thing. Seeing this performed live gave me a greater appreciation of the song too. Great emotive solo by Slash and some cool lyrics/vocals by Andrew.

GOTTEN I absolutely hate Maroon 5, but that said, this is a really haunting ballad, with some great lyrics. The solo is a bit of a let down, but this may do well on top 40 radio when all the teenage girls hear it.

DOCTOR ALIBI Great match up with Slash and Lemmy. This song rocks, but it's a shame Slash couldn't come up with an actual riff, rather than just power chords. Cool funny lyrics, and a great solo, which if I'm not mistaken, has bits from VR's Dirty Little Thing solo.

WATCH THIS Awesome. Comparisons to the song My Own Summer by Deftones aside (the main riff is identical), the combination of Duff, Slash, and Dave Grohl on the drums sounds just as good as it looks on paper. Great riffing, great soloing, great drumming. Possibly the best song here.

I HOLD ON Sounds kinda like a modern Aerosmith track. Not too bad. Could possibly do well on rock radio. Cool solo too.

NOTHING TO SAY Yes, Slash plays metal! Another contender for my favourite song on the album. A great song to get the blood pumping. Great riff, vocals, and possibly the best solo on the album, and there's quite a bit of lead work throughout too. The soloing reminds me a bit of Don't Damn Me as far as structure and delivery.

STARLIGHT Good music, Slash is channeling The Rolling Stones on this. But Myles' Mickey Mouse high-pitched vocals kill it for me. A really nice Slash solo on there too.

SAINT IS A SINNER TOO Didn't get this song, and I still don't really get it. Rocco is channeling Freddie Mercury, which sounds kinda cool. Slash's playing is good, but it just sounds left-field and completely out of place with the rest of the album. Doesn't really take off, just kinda builds and builds, but doesn't go anywhere.

WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE Bland rocker, but Iggy's lyrics are funny, and delivered in typical Iggy fashion. Some great Slash soloing, but an otherwise throwaway track.

A pretty good listen overall, and it does grow with repeated listens.
I'd love to Slash delve deeper into the heavier playing, as that's where he seems to shine the most on this album.
I rate this well above Libertad, and probably on par with Contraband.

I should also note, it's great to hear Slash's guitar mixed properly, the production on this album is stellar.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Slash album reviews

Mikkamakka wrote:

Pop Top: Slash stands and delivers true Guns N' Roses album

The Salt Lake Tribune

Grade: A-

CD » Forget "Chinese Democracy." Guitarist Slash's first true solo album, " Slash ," is the new Guns N' Roses album, with former bandmates Duff McKagan, Steven Adler and Izzy Stradlin joining in to make believe the grunge, nu-metal and other rock revolutions never happened. Yes, this album of ballads and high-tempo rockers sounds like it's 1990 all over again. But it's a remarkably cohesive collection that reminds us of the best GNR songs that Slash co-wrote (remember "Locomotive" and "Welcome to the Jungle"?), while featuring singers ranging from Kid Rock and Ozzy Osbourne to Fergie and Adam Levine. The top hat-wearing guitar hero writes and delivers some of the most catchy and serpentine licks, riffs and grooves in ages in this classic-rock ode to classic rock.

-- David Burger

 Rep: 217 

Re: Slash album reviews

Mikkamakka wrote:

Surprising review, since not much of what I've heard reminded me of GN'R (or VR).

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash album reviews

Axlin16 wrote:

That David Burger review is fanboy, biased garbage.

If you like it better than CD, that's fine... but "it's 1990 all over again", "this is the new GN'R album".

I doubt he even listened to the album. There's nothing in this entire album that sounds like Guns N' Roses, during any incarnation, except for maybe Nothing To Say, which ironically sounds like a Chinese Democracy song. I didn't hear any GN'R in the album I listened to. I heard Slash, as he presents himself in 2010.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Slash album reviews

bigbri wrote:

^^That's what I thought. Lazy review. Someone's gonna pick up the album expecting GNR and "classic rock" and they ain't gonna get it.

The question is, does he know what GNR sounds like or did he not listen to the album?

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Slash album reviews

Smoking Guns wrote:

By the Sword is very classic rock sounding, but not GNR sounding. Starlight with Axl on Vocals would sound GNRish and his lead playing on Dr. Alibi very Nighttrainish.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Slash album reviews

bigbri wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

By the Sword is very classic rock sounding, but not GNR sounding. Starlight with Axl on Vocals would sound GNRish and his lead playing on Dr. Alibi very Nighttrainish.

Yes, it has those moments, but based on the review you'd expect the whole thing to be like that. It just screams "i listened to 1 or 2 tracks and wrote my review and saved myself 45 minutes of work."

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash album reviews

Axlin16 wrote:
bigbri wrote:

^^That's what I thought. Lazy review. Someone's gonna pick up the album expecting GNR and "classic rock" and they ain't gonna get it.

The question is, does he know what GNR sounds like or did he not listen to the album?

Only the most uninformed music employee and/or lover, hasn't at least heard something from the vintage GN'R catalog. Like the "big three" from AFD, Patience from Lies, and Rain & Cry, if not a few select others like the LALD & KOHD covers, and maybe a Garden or Yesterdays from UYI. They've had to of heard that classic GN'R sound on the radio, at least.

He seems to be one of those that just wants to support Slash, with over-enthusiasm. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but obviously he's misinforming the public.

CD's reviews were typically very accurate. Most reviewers said the rockers were industrial, and the ballads sounded like lost cuts off of UYI. CD actually did have some vintage GN'R sound in places, but then again it was a GN'R album, and that was it's purpose.

I'm sure if you have numerous albums to review, it can get tedious, but that review, like you said, smacks of laziness and someone who listened to a couple tracks, and reviewed. I'd like to know which ones, because most of the songs sound like the GUEST artist's music. I.e., Ghost sounds like a Cult song, Nothing To Say sounds like AX7, Crucify sounds like Ozzy, etc.

There's no GN'R anywhere, other than someone really listening hard for those groovy blues rock riffs, which is Slash's traditional sound, but not necessarily GNR's, depending on which track you're listening to.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Slash album reviews

Mikkamakka wrote:

Ghost and some solos sound like GN'R, and Watch This could have been the younger brother of Locomotive.
People often confuse the singer with the band, therefore anything Cornell sings is Soundgarden or Audioslave, while every song with Astbury is Cult.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Slash album reviews

misterID wrote:

I like Ghost. I don't see a GNR connection in the song at all, though. Izzy doesn't really stand out. Nothing To Say is okay, too. But none of the other songs do anything for me. I like Mother Maria also. Don't know why that didn't make the cut because its better than 90% of what's on the album. Very Stonesy. Very cool guitar work, imo.

I'm okay with the Cornell track, but Chris's lyrics are the weak link in the song.

Andrew Stockdale and Myles kill most of the enjoyment for me. I'm sure there are tons of people who would love to play with Slash, why did he go for this line up?

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