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 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:

Really?! Concert attendence?! Jeez....  roll

I know.  How dare I use actual life experiences to make a point.  The nerve of some people...using real life to support a point of view on the internet.  I mean, 100 or so concerts is such a small sample size anyway...

You're not making ANY good arguments dude!

If you're around 25-30yrs old and a diehard musiclover, attending a 100 concerts in your lifetime is not something I would throw around to prove ANY point man! How many festivals would you have to attend to see 100 gigs? Not many at all! Even if it was a 100 GNR-concerts, it still wouldn't prove your silly argument! 

This actual-life-experience of yours fell flat to the ground man!

5-7 new songs is above average for ANY band, EVERYONE knows that!

LOL - okay.  I must have imagined my entire life then.  Thanks for clarifying.  I guess I should have done drugs or something if I was going to have imagined all of it anyway.  I mean, you're so right...using actual experience instead of what other people want to believe as proof of something is just silly.  EVERYBODY knows that too, right?

Does this mean my mom is still alive?  Did I imagine that too?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Axlin16 wrote:
Neemo wrote:
faldor wrote:

I envy you, and others, that have gotten the chance to see them this time out.

...and i truely hope that gnr tours stateside for those in the USA and to other places that havent seen them tour this album yet...

my point was that i dont see how you can make an opinion of the band when you havent seen it hmm

It might be a bit of a jump to make blanket assumptions, but the reality is we live in an ever growing fast-paced world, that spread YouTube cell phone videos across the globe within seconds, post on Facebook n' shit like that.

People are going to decide whether they want to see this band, based on that shit alone. That's just the way it works in 2010.

The only way for GN'R to combat it, is to shoot pro-shot videos, and throw them up either on the website, or start a YouTube channel, so professionally mixed, and solid presented videos get out there.

I'm sure they don't care, and as long as they don't, that's the perception that will exist for a Slash-less GN'R. People are going to compare DJ on these cell phone vids, to the Tokyo '92 DVD. Seems completely dumb to me, and i'm sure you, but that's just the way it happens.


The band actually does suck. And I don't believe that.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I know.  How dare I use actual life experiences to make a point.  The nerve of some people...using real life to support a point of view on the internet.  I mean, 100 or so concerts is such a small sample size anyway...

You're not making ANY good arguments dude!

If you're around 25-30yrs old and a diehard musiclover, attending a 100 concerts in your lifetime is not something I would throw around to prove ANY point man! How many festivals would you have to attend to see 100 gigs? Not many at all! Even if it was a 100 GNR-concerts, it still wouldn't prove your silly argument! 

This actual-life-experience of yours fell flat to the ground man!

5-7 new songs is above average for ANY band, EVERYONE knows that!

LOL - okay.  I must have imagined my entire life then.  Thanks for clarifying.  I guess I should have done drugs or something if I was going to have imagined all of it anyway.  I mean, you're so right...using actual experience instead of what other people want to believe as proof of something is just silly.  EVERYBODY knows that too, right?

Does this mean my mom is still alive?  Did I imagine that too?

What?! Was I THAT unclear!

I have no doubt you have attended 100 concert in your lifetime. I just pointed out  that to a musiclover, that is not something that is THAT incredible! Hence my refrence to going to festivals. If you go to, say Roskilde, each year for 10 years (many people do) and attend at least 10 gigs (and that's not many), that's 100 concerts right there!!!!

 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

You make some very valid points and a good argument, BUT I think you have to view GNR differently than other bands.  I don't know if there has ever been a band like GNR.  In the sense that they had such a huge impact on the music world with such a small catalog.  They only released 4 albums of original material prior to CD.  Yet they became one of the biggest bands in the world in the early 90's.  So it's tough to argue they should only be playing 10 songs from their glory era live these days.  And it's real tough to suggest that they should only play 3 songs from AFD.  That album was monumental, it's hard to argue they shouldn't include Mr. Brownstone, It's So Easy, and Nightrain.  And Rocket Queen happens to be my favorite song of all time, so personally I'd like to include that and it has seem to become a staple.  So I'd say they should play 6/7 songs off of AFD, which they have been doing.  Honestly, I have NO argument with the setlists.  I think they're well structured.  You've got a little something for everyone.  6/7 AFD, 1 Lies, 4/5 UYI, 5-7 CD.

And another thing about GNR's catalog.  It may not be extensive in terms of number of albums, but they give you the most bang for your buck on each album.  The UYI's and CD 14+ songs, 70+ minutes.  Lots of bands from yesteryear AND today release albums that are much shorter.  I bought the new Pearl Jam album, which I LOVED, but it's like 32 minutes long.  Van Halen has some very short albums in their catalog.  I realize you get more 3-4 minute raido friendly songs that way, but that's never really been what GNR is about.

Actually I imagined everything that I experienced and I've made no case at all...Naltav has shown me without a doubt how wrong I am.  5

GnR has 4 albums of original material including CD.  AFD, UYI I, UYI II, and CD.  The Lies material that is original can just replace the covers on the Illusions albums.  Even if you say they HAVE to play ISE (disagree), Brownstone, Nightrain, and RQ, you still have a ton of room for featuring CD.  Other than Patience, NR, YCBM, and DC, there's nothing original on UYI/Lies that they HAVE to play.

What you and others are really doing (and I don't think intentionally) is proving the point I'm really trying to make.  This is not a CD tour, this is a nostalgia tour.  They are not featuring CD, they are featuring the old material.  And they aren't doing it because they want to, they, like all of those other bands that were mentioned, are doing it because they have to.  Failure to do so would result in no tour because the fans of the band aren't interested in what they are doing now, they are only interested in what they've done.  It doesn't matter how talented the band is.  It doesn't matter how well they play the new material.  I agree, the band is playing well and seems to be enjoying what they are doing.  All of that stuff is great, but it doesn't matter a bit.

Here we are almost a year and a half post CD release and absolutely nothing has changed when compared to the tours before CDs release.  Go look at the setlists.  It's brutal.  So what in the world would make you think that any other new music is going to get some different reaction from the fans?  (Finally I get to come full circle and relate back to the original topic).  It doesn't matter how good the music is...people just don't care anymore.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:

You're not making ANY good arguments dude!

If you're around 25-30yrs old and a diehard musiclover, attending a 100 concerts in your lifetime is not something I would throw around to prove ANY point man! How many festivals would you have to attend to see 100 gigs? Not many at all! Even if it was a 100 GNR-concerts, it still wouldn't prove your silly argument! 

This actual-life-experience of yours fell flat to the ground man!

5-7 new songs is above average for ANY band, EVERYONE knows that!

LOL - okay.  I must have imagined my entire life then.  Thanks for clarifying.  I guess I should have done drugs or something if I was going to have imagined all of it anyway.  I mean, you're so right...using actual experience instead of what other people want to believe as proof of something is just silly.  EVERYBODY knows that too, right?

Does this mean my mom is still alive?  Did I imagine that too?

What?! Was I THAT unclear!

I have no doubt you have attended 100 concert in your lifetime. I just pointed out  that to a musiclover, that is not something that is THAT incredible! Hence my refrence to going to festivals. If you go to, say Roskilde, each year for 10 years (many people do) and attend at least 10 gigs (and that's not many), that's 100 concerts right there!!!!

Dude, I'm not going to use what you think I should think to override what I actually experienced.  THAT is the point.  And I'm not counting ANY festival that I've been to, nor am I saying I've only seen 100 concerts.  The list is much longer than that.  It isn't about the numbers, it's about you telling me that I should believe something that directly contradicts every personal experience that I have had.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

faldor wrote:

We're just going to have to agree to disagree buzz.  I think playing 5-7 new songs on a nightly basis from a new album is quite sufficient.  You think they should play at least 9 new songs.  But I'd also like to say, and this isn't specifically directed to you, that even if they WERE playing 9 new songs per night, people would find something else to bitch about.  It's inevitable.  Some people are quick to point out anything that can remotely be considered negative and vice versa.  It's the way of the world.  You probably know what side I'm on.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

LOL - okay.  I must have imagined my entire life then.  Thanks for clarifying.  I guess I should have done drugs or something if I was going to have imagined all of it anyway.  I mean, you're so right...using actual experience instead of what other people want to believe as proof of something is just silly.  EVERYBODY knows that too, right?

Does this mean my mom is still alive?  Did I imagine that too?

What?! Was I THAT unclear!

I have no doubt you have attended 100 concert in your lifetime. I just pointed out  that to a musiclover, that is not something that is THAT incredible! Hence my refrence to going to festivals. If you go to, say Roskilde, each year for 10 years (many people do) and attend at least 10 gigs (and that's not many), that's 100 concerts right there!!!!

Dude, I'm not going to use what you think I should think to override what I actually experienced.  THAT is the point.  And I'm not counting ANY festival that I've been to, nor am I saying I've only seen 100 concerts.  The list is much longer than that.  It isn't about the numbers, it's about you telling me that I should believe something that directly contradicts every personal experience that I have had.

You still fail to prove your argument!

Huge popular bands like GNR have to find a way to meet their crowds halfway. In doing so, they have to play their most known hits. And if they have a new album out they prolly want to promote that album and keep the show new and interesting for the diehard fans. Most bands prolly do like 3-5 new songs. If GNR does 5-7 new songs, that's above avarage!

Then you start saying that personal experience proves me wrong. And when asked what pesonal experience that is, you bring up that you have attended 100 or more concerts. What on Gods green earth does that prove??!!

 Rep: 268 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Olorin wrote:

OK Axls in NY, staying in a hotel very close to Universal, and he's looking well pleased with himself.


"ok... times to go take care of some all have a great w/e and oh yeah.. don't forget to follow @axlrose wink peace!!! "

I wonder whats cooking big_smile

 Rep: 281 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

faldor wrote:

I don't know if I'd read too much into that.  He likes it in NY, so he could just be there for pleasure and not "biznezz".

 Rep: 268 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Olorin wrote:

Mabye, but the vodka tells me otherwise 5

CD is cranked by the way, and sounding delicious 11

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