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 Rep: 60 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Gong wrote:

they twitter a lot but they say nothing.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

faldor wrote:

At least we know they're still alive though, and active.  When they stop tweeting about nothing, then the fun stops.

And all people tweet about nothing anyway.  That's what twitter is for as far as I can tell.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Axlin16 wrote:
faldor wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Mixed feelings. On the one hand, it's very cool to see DJ just cut out the middle man, go right to the source, and clear shit up.

On the other, I think you have to be careful with stuff like that. Sometimes just playing and doing occasional interviews, like madagas stated, is the best.

If these internet geeks get too close, you start getting Disney character questions, and do you think Marge Simpson is hot? roll

Well do yourself a favor then and stay away from any of DJ's "fan meetings" in his haunted mansion.  It's a sight to behold.

I think the fan interaction is great.  For years we were complaining about being in the dark and never hearing anything.  Now, at least we get SOME info.  Of course, we still don't know much on the business end of things but nonetheless.  And I agree, I'd take music output over fan interaction.  As far as I know Buckethead doesn't "talk" to fans much, but he releases new music every other week.  If given the option, I'd choose that, but I don't see GNR ever reaching anywhere near Bucket's musical output.  So in the meantime, I'll take what I can get.

Yeah, but that's a whole nother bag. For one, Brian Carroll plays a character named Buckethead as an artist. Staying in character requires his silence. As for material, Bucket actually is on the opposite end of releasing too much. If Bucket would hold back sometimes, and just save his best material for an album every other year or so... he'd be releasing masterpieces, left and right.

Instead he puts out anything that comes to mind, and you get 2-3 good tracks per album, and the rest is a drink coaster. The only exceptions are his 90's catalog, and obvious releases like Electric Tears.

 Rep: 60 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Gong wrote:
faldor wrote:

And all people tweet about nothing anyway.  That's what twitter is for as far as I can tell.


How about:

We're planning a tour of The States for November - we hope to announce the dates soon

 Rep: 12 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

rose22 wrote:
Gong wrote:
faldor wrote:

And all people tweet about nothing anyway.  That's what twitter is for as far as I can tell.


How about:

We're planning a tour of The States for November - we hope to announce the dates soon

yeah but then you have to read that dreaded word.........."soon"

twitter is basically a "had the best prime rib of my life last night, rock on"

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Sky Dog wrote:

They shouldn't announce one f'n thing in regards to a new album or tour unless it is concrete official. Personally, having a carrot dangled in front of my face for ten years was enough. All action or nothing.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Axlin16 wrote:
rose22 wrote:
Gong wrote:
faldor wrote:

And all people tweet about nothing anyway.  That's what twitter is for as far as I can tell.


How about:

We're planning a tour of The States for November - we hope to announce the dates soon

yeah but then you have to read that dreaded word.........."soon"

twitter is basically a "had the best prime rib of my life last night, rock on"

It's still better than Facebook, having to see people beat off to their own ego and look at pictures of the great party you didn't get invited to.

Not that i'm speaking from personal experience, UHHHHH.... tongue

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Naltav wrote:
madagas wrote:

They shouldn't announce one f'n thing in regards to a new album or tour unless it is concrete official. Personally, having a carrot dangled in front of my face for ten years was enough. All action or nothing.

So true!!!  22

 Rep: 207 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

DCK wrote:

Yeah..carrot infront of your face for 10 years...

No one explained it better. Ever.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Rumors building up regarding CDII release date...

Olorin wrote:

"All Action"  Yup I agree,  let's do it!

Fuck the jarmonaters pseudo logic and its kin, 2010 sounds about right for part 2.

More than right actually.... its like it was meant to fuckin be 9

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