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 Rep: 281 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

faldor wrote:

Not the most informative interview ever given, but in case anyone is interested.

bumblefoot - New interview in Gitarzysta magazine (In Polish):
English translation:

11:42 AM Jun 11th  via web

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Sky Dog wrote:

I will go on record as saying if I see one more dorky comment from DJ on twitter, I am going to disown the newest of the new Gnr.

 Rep: 287 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Aussie wrote:
madagas wrote:

I will go on record as saying if I see one more dorky comment from DJ on twitter, I am going to disown the newest of the new Gnr.

Funny you say that I was looking at the twitter threads on another site and thought something similar.  He tweets crap all the time and a lot of it comes across to me as just "try hard bad ass rock n' roller".  YAWN!

On a slightly related note I cannot believe Buckethead was criticized for trying to use the GNR name to promote himself and further his personal career etc.  Man I cannot believe the amount of crap DJ pedals.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Sky Dog wrote:

He just isn't my style....not a fan at all.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

I can't say I blame DJ. He knows this is free publicity, and it could all be gone tomorrow. It ain't like he's fantastic. He's downright lucky he got the job. Sometimes I wonder if the top hat sold it.

Something tells me under the right contract circumstances, DJ would be thrown over for Robin's return, and Robin would be thrown over for Slash. Even as nice a guy as Ron is, he'd be out the door if Bucket WANTED to be back in GN'R.

Axl doesn't hold near as many cards as he lets on.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Sky Dog wrote:

here is a Tommy tweet....note the difference. He is not talking about trashing a hotel room or selling some "swag". This guy did the rock and roll thing a long time ago. It's weird to me how these two guys get along because they are so much different on paper.

Tommy isn't trying to sell you on The Mats', he is just appreciating that people still care.


So stoked to see how many people are listening to the mats right now. Thats a good day for me.
44 minutes ago via TweetDeck

He must have gotten some form of royalty check or something.:D

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

It's amazing how much of the Mats catalog still can sound brand new even in 2010. Kind of like GN'R, 1991 or older.

 Rep: 70 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Naltav wrote:

Hm? What does this mean?  hmm

From gunsroses:

"Snubbing" Melbourne? Wtf?! That's just dumb... but unfortunately typical. Take da good n' make it bad. Thanks!


Edited to ad:

So I guess this mean they're working on playing at Rock In Rio.

1 week a go @gunsnroses tweeted to somebody called @NiihRose:


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