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 Rep: 268 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

Olorin wrote:

What the fuck is going on lol! I must be more stoned than I knew 11

 Rep: 9 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

Manets wrote:

If someone really hacked his Twitter, this person did it right. Axl wouldn't never tweet I LOVE SLASH, but it wouldn't be the first time he suddenly cancels a tour, it sounds a lot more like Axl.
What I think that happened is that Axl got really angry and "canceled" the tour, and tweeted that. And the GNR camp said that to take sometimes to convince him to comeback.

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

johndivney wrote:
faldor wrote:

I still don't know if I buy it.  More likely Axl made the tweet and they're trying to talk him down now.  If someone actually hacked into his account they could've done a lot more harm.  Maybe that's the beauty of it though, keep it short and sweet and ultimately believable.

yea the timing of it & the execution was perfect IF it was a hacker. the event you described of axl posting it then changing his mind is plausable tho. atm looks like the tour is back on..
(about an hour ago i was heading for bed n thought i'd have a quick gander online before shutting down 4 the night..)

 Rep: 149 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

slcpunk wrote:

Silly Axl, anybody could guess "jarmo" as your PW.

 Rep: 268 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

Olorin wrote:

 Rep: 664 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

James wrote:

Not buying the hack for a second. That's damage control from the spin machine. Maybe he just flew off the handle, said it was over, and things will proceed as usual.

Interesting that people noticed tension between Ron and Axl on stage. Any footage of that incident?

Sorry for the thread turning into a mess. Merged some of those posts from the other thread into this one.If you're looking for your post from that thread(or a response to your post), its on page 1 or 2 of this thread.

 Rep: 664 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

James wrote:
Olorin wrote:

The festivals are only a couple of weeks away and the main headliner just pulls the plug, thats one major headache for the organisers.

Not too big of a headache. Just call Soundgarden.

 Rep: 661 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

monkeychow wrote:


What the fuck? I go to bed for a few hours and I wake up to: "All upcoming Guns N' Roses dates are officially cancelled. Please contact your place of purchase for any refunds."

I'd assume this also applies to the Australian show in December.

A few thoughts:

* Like neemo I honestly believe the current line up is the best the band has sounded since 2000. I know you guys love robin and bucket, but I think bumble and ashba really had it down - at least from what i've seen on youtube. So i'd be really disapointed if this version of the line up changes before I was scheduled to see them in December.

* I don't think this is "the end" unless Axl wants it to be. The man has come back from loosing slash, loosing bucket etc and all kinds of riots and cancels before. Sure it will piss people off and sure it may be a long wait....but there's always a way to start over.

* Regarding all the stuff about Ron quitting. I think we've jumped to conclusions there. Ron is a great guy, but he's said himself in a number of interviews that he's also a moody musician type person. So that a few people thought they saw him look pissed off does not mean he quit GNR or that he was pissed off at Axl. He might have just been having a bad day. Or maybe he and Axl are both pissed off at something or someone else and Axl's responce is to cancel the shows. Unless i've missed something, it's complete speculation to assume he's quit.

* If he did quit - I do think the band would need to take a break to find someone else. they could come back for sure one day, as they've lost important people before, but realisticly they'd need to audition people to find another shredder type guy to handle the bucket/ron parts. There's people out there. But it would need to happen.

* I hope this thread isn't actually the cause of the problem. And I don't think that's as unlikely and self important sounding as we might imagine. We know Axl to goes to forums from time to time. And we know that he seems to care what is said about him more than some famous people do. There is a lot of negativity in this thread, more than usual even for this place. And that's fine if it's all your honest opinions, I'm not calling for censorship or anything. But I do hope if people from the band ever read it that they realise it's only one side of the coin, and there's also those of us who look forward to shows, and who enjoy the album and so on. Anyway, odds are it's some external business drama that's caused this, but I'm just saying if this thread was about me and my band and I read it, I'd feel like walking off a bridge. And so I hope it doesnt effect the band on the same level.

Well I'm about to fly up to sydney in a couple of hours  to go see slash, was planning the same trip in december for GNR. Will see what happens I guess.

 Rep: 664 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

James wrote:

Where are the" Ron quits" rumors originating? It wasn't implied on the infamous tweet, and while there was tension between the two at that show, where is the rumor coming from?

 Rep: 661 

Re: World Tour Cancelled?

monkeychow wrote:

One reason I felt the twitter post was legit was that when he cancels a show I've noticed Axl usually comments about refunds.

Know what I mean. It's normally something like "We're going home. Your money will be returned". I've noticed before he seems careful to make sure people realise he isn't ripping them off when he bails.

But then it could have been a hack by someone who knew that. And I guess it's not rocket science to offer a refund as part of a fake tour over message. But it does make me wonder if something upset him and whatever that was has now passed.

In any event, if the tour is back on, or never was off, and ron is around, that's good news!

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