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 Rep: 88 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Gunslinger wrote:

Computers, Cell-phones, Televisions, Video Game Systems...not stuff we absolutely must have but damn if it isn't nice they came along!  If you had no choice but to give up one of these four things which would it be?

 Rep: 661 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

monkeychow wrote:

I'm not much into gaming, everytime i buy a console it gathers dust, I play it like maybe 3 days a year lol.

I could also loose the fone reasonbly painlessly too, only really keep it for the occasion drama when the car breaks down, oh and its come in handy as a torch cos the LCD is bright lol.

Computer and TV (well dvd) are non-negotiable for me tho.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Neemo wrote:

cell....i've thought about getting rid of mine more than once

 Rep: 67 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Tommie wrote:

TV- mainly because I hardly watch it anymore, I can get my news and some tv shows online.

 Rep: 80 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Backslash wrote:

Console for me.  The only one I've ever owned is NES (still works too!).  If I want to play a video game, I'll get it on PC.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

bigbri wrote:

game system for me. I got rid of all mine a few years ago. Don't really miss them.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

James wrote:

Easily a cell phone, because I got rid of mine a long time ago. I hate them. You don't need someone being able to contact you anywhere you are. It makes me sick when I see people in stores having some meaningless chat on the phone while trying to shop. Even more annoying are people who call each other on cell phones when they are in the same room. The icing on the cake is the thousands of people who have died in car wrecks because of these lame gadgets.

One time at a party I counted 13 cell phones in the room. Thats way too much radiation for my tastes.

A game system could be added to my list as well. I love video games, but I rarely play them anymore.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

Axl S wrote:

Mobile Phone- I never use it and it would be described as an "old brick" now anyways.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

RussTCB wrote:


Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Electronic Sacrifice!

I could ditch my phone without much of a problem.

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