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 Rep: 207 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

DCK wrote:

I really think you're right. Ron is just plain a good guy. The type of good guy you just don't find around rock n roll, let alone around other guys who could give 2 remote shits about their fans.

Ron comes from a different place than the rest of them. He's not an inbreed rock n roller. He's an academic and a guitarist. Very rare combination. I think Ron is the best. Just too bad I don't care much for either his solo music or his GNR input.

I think Axl actually does care a great deal, in his own way. He just have no idea how to focus that energy in the right places. Instead he stops the show and throws out some bullies, chats to the fans on forums, and doesn't want any "Motley Crue backstage package" for God knows how much money becuause he feels it rips off the fans. When stuff happens where he needs to step in online or somewhere else (this is 2010 afterall), he doesn't have a clue how to handle it and just stays quiet. Either because he doesn't see the issue, or he just doesn't know how to handle it at all. Or, in GNR world afterall, he haven't even been informed because he's in some godforsaken town buying guns.

Axl is Axl, and DJ just sold me a custom toilet seat.

Pretty ironic that those two guys (and Tommy) saved the show in Oslo. DJ is the king live. Finck can stay home. I became a DJ fan after that performance. If he sold you a custom toilet seat, please direct me to his Ebay site for purchase, because the guy is the biggest reason this version of GNR works. His Twits pushes me away though, from his encounter with an annoying barman in South American to his recent "Hell yeah America" because he bought some fucking guns. You can clearly tell he's not the brightest of the bunch.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 281 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

faldor wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I totally believe Ron, Richard, Tommy, Frank, Dizzy & Chris care about the fans.

Axl is Axl, and DJ just sold me a custom toilet seat.

Yep. I pretty much feel this way. I agree with you on the first line. I used to say "Axl is Axl, you know what you're going to get" but lately I've changed that to "Axl Rose can go fuck himself"

As for DJ, I subscribed to his Twitter and Facebook but had to remove all of it a few weeks into it. I didn't like checking my feeds and having to wade through shit loads of informercials for his GOD AWFUL merchandise.

You can hate on DJ all you want, but I don't know how that equates to him not caring about the fans.  He could be bold faced lying, but he's said how much he appreciates the fans as many times, if not more, than he's made his questionable tweets that irk some so much.

 Rep: 58 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Stepvhen wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

DJ just sold me a custom toilet seat.

I hate to say it but what your seeing with DJ is only the beginning of how the whole music business is going to go.

These guys can't make a living off record sales anymore so they are going to use every avenue open to them to sell merch.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Smoking Guns wrote:

DJ just comes off as a poser.  Nice guy, but not the real deal.

 Rep: 485 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Neemo wrote:

no? you dont think so? to me he seems pretty genuine...pretty down to earth and grounded as least that was the impression i got when i met him, my buddy and i talked with him for about a half hour or so

i'm interested to know why people label him as a poser...if you ask me i miss the 80's mentality rock star, hes a cool dude in my book...i dont give a crap if he promotes his merch...if i had merch i'd promote it otherwise whats the point? DJ has so many ventures and avenues for income, i think its admirable that he stands behind everything he does, just cuz he has his name on it or talks about it doesnt mean that you need to buy it...some peopel will dig some products and some peopel wont...its no diffefretn than shopping at walmart, you dont need to buy everythign in the store when you go there, ya get what you want/need, if you dont want it then dont get it

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:
Stepvhen wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

DJ just sold me a custom toilet seat.

I hate to say it but what your seeing with DJ is only the beginning of how the whole music business is going to go.

These guys can't make a living off record sales anymore so they are going to use every avenue open to them to sell merch.

Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons figured it out 30 years ago.

 Rep: 207 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

DCK wrote:


for the UK on Monday, for the GNR TOUR. NOT quitting GNR, don't listen
to any trolls and dweebs pretending they have a clue.2

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

AtariLegend wrote:
DCK wrote:


for the UK on Monday, for the GNR TOUR. NOT quitting GNR, don't listen
to any trolls and dweebs pretending they have a clue.2


WTF man? Why haven't you told Bumblefoot yet, he needs confirmation that the tour is over!

 Rep: 207 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

DCK wrote:

WTF man? Why haven't you told Bumblefoot yet, he needs confirmation that the tour is over!

Thought I'd do that joke too, but concluded it was just "too much". 16:haha:

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