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 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

misterID wrote:

Honestly, russ, I've never seen Axl take responsibility for anything. It's always been somone elses fault, or somenes agenda against him? Does anyone know when he's taken the blame for anything. Even a "My bad?"

I can't think of one.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

Never. Even when the whole OIAM fiasco happened, he blamed his corrupted upbringing, and copped out. I only mention that, because it was the one time i've ever seen Axl self-reflect, think about what he's about to say, like inside... he knows he fucked up.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axl S wrote:

The thing I guess that gets me this time is it's not just Axl playing the blame game, it's the rest of the band. Even when I liked the music, thought Axl was a dick I at least thought the rest of the band were alright and could support them. Now with DJ shooting his mouth off, Tommy replying to a fan asking why they were late with "blah blah blah", Fortus (although never really liked him anyway) telling fans to DEAL with it Axl isn't gonna change for your and even Ron saying "Yeah it was cool and rock n roll doing the sit in". It all made me kinda see that it's not just Axl, they all believe this crap. They all believe it's not their fault. That's what pissed me off about this one. If it was band are there on time, AXL shows up late and AXL blames the promoter, I would have just seen this as Axl as always being a douche. But this time it was the BAND!

On a side note this is at least the first time I can remember where they have been intentionally late i.e. they've been backstage and just waited longer to go on. Axl was backstage two hours before he was supposed to go on at Reading and somehow he was still late. It shouldn't surprise me but I dunno it kinda does.

 Rep: 268 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Olorin wrote:

They all exposed themselves for what they are imo. People say its always been that way, its Guns N Roses. But people generally become more mature as they age, you know grow up, and these guys are old. Mabye they are trying to play a teenage badboy role to impress kids or something, but to me its just pathetic and very far from being "dangerous".

Its time they went back into the studio, I think they have lost all focus on what the original intentions of continuing Guns N'Roses, unless I'm wrong I thought it was to be about new music.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Take this FWIW as I saw it at HTGTH but someone at Leeds said the GNR stage setup was still taking place at 9.25 and GNR hit the stage 5 mins later as soon as the roadies were off the stage.

 Rep: 268 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Olorin wrote:

The live reports on twitter, and also updates on the boards as it happened told a different story. But Leeds did seem to go ok by most reports, even the live twitters coming in were very positive. I would rather the BBC broadcast this show rather than Reading, fat chance tho hmm

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

As I said just a report I read on HTGTH. It's a shame the BBC didn't want to venture any further than 30 miles out of London to bring 'full' coverage of Reading and Leeds as it sounds like the Leeds show was considerabley better from GNR's point of view.

 Rep: 281 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

faldor wrote:
Axl S wrote:

The thing I guess that gets me this time is it's not just Axl playing the blame game, it's the rest of the band. Even when I liked the music, thought Axl was a dick I at least thought the rest of the band were alright and could support them. Now with DJ shooting his mouth off, Tommy replying to a fan asking why they were late with "blah blah blah", Fortus (although never really liked him anyway) telling fans to DEAL with it Axl isn't gonna change for your and even Ron saying "Yeah it was cool and rock n roll doing the sit in". It all made me kinda see that it's not just Axl, they all believe this crap. They all believe it's not their fault. That's what pissed me off about this one. If it was band are there on time, AXL shows up late and AXL blames the promoter, I would have just seen this as Axl as always being a douche. But this time it was the BAND!

On a side note this is at least the first time I can remember where they have been intentionally late i.e. they've been backstage and just waited longer to go on. Axl was backstage two hours before he was supposed to go on at Reading and somehow he was still late. It shouldn't surprise me but I dunno it kinda does.

All for one, one for all.  I think it's great that they're sticking together.  Isn't that what you want out of a band?  No dissension? 

I get it.  You're fed up with Axl's actions and you want EVERYONE to be.  Well, his closest friends and band members aren't, so I guess we'll just have to deal with that.

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Sky Dog wrote:
Olorin wrote:

They all exposed themselves for what they are imo. People say its always been that way, its Guns N Roses. But people generally become more mature as they age, you know grow up, and these guys are old. Mabye they are trying to play a teenage badboy role to impress kids or something, but to me its just pathetic and very far from being "dangerous".

Its time they went back into the studio, I think they have lost all focus on what the original intentions of continuing Guns N'Roses, unless I'm wrong I thought it was to be about new music.

watch some of the videos...there was a definite electric energy in the crowd. Personally, when the power was cut, I really think Axl was bordering on trying to start a some of the vids. There was a Gnr energy in that crowd that is a bit un-nerving.

oh yeah, it is fucking packed with tons of security who look quite nervous ....

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