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 Rep: 217 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Mikkamakka wrote:

Axl Rose

On Tuesday 31st August 2010, @axlrose said:

Our start times at the Reading and Leeds festivals factually had nothing to do with us as the previous bands (who were great by the way) came off stage when they did and we went on within' our contracted and documented changeover time period.

Whatever other nonsense anyone's choosing to write would appear intentionally false.

Having the fans or our show penalized for how the event was ran or simply the natural flow of events those evenings and for such minimal amount of overtime along with distortions and falsehoods by media, the promoter and or event organizers regarding the events seems a bit draconian and more than unfair to the fans.

A simple question: If you are aware of our changeover time, the average length of our show and the general nature of how these types of festivals run all of which are no big secrets...why book us?

Is it simply because the lineup on our nights at both festivals sold well? So it's a cash grab with no respect for the fans or the band and somehow an unwanted inconvenience for the cities and law enforcement? If we're not wanted and just being used to line someone else's pockets or for fictitious tabloid fodder at the fans and our expense we're fine with going elsewhere. God forbid we would force ourselves on anyone. It's not that kinda party.

I didn't organize, arrange, authorize, have knowledge of or was even consulted about our being booked for these shows till after the fact nor did I choose to work with anyone I'm aware of other than our manager who was involved in arranging these dates. Yet it would appear we're amazingly often legally obligated to honor such arrangements whether against our will or better judgment. That's simply and unfortunately how this business often works with the artist and imo seems is legally supported to benefit managers, agents, promoters and ticket vendors.

With how the fans and we were treated in the past I had what I feel were legitimate and now proven justified apprehensions. Yet we gave 100% and from where we stood it seemed as if the both the fans (who rocked!) and our camp were having fun and making the most of things.

Why (and what would appear intentionally) risk having it go bad for everyone? Imo that's where true recklessness and negligence at both the fans and our expense would seem to be.

Anyway...thanks again to all the fans who made our nights!!



Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Smoking Guns wrote:

Nobody cares anymore.  I know I don't...  And why is this coming so long after the debacle?

 Rep: 118 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

mickronson wrote:

How much changeover time does he require that other bands dont?  Well, its all history now.

 Rep: 217 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Mikkamakka wrote:

"I didn't organize, arrange, authorize, have knowledge of or was even consulted about our being booked for these shows till after the fact nor did I choose to work with anyone I'm aware of other than our manager who was involved in arranging these dates."


 Rep: 661 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

monkeychow wrote:
madagas wrote:

watch some of the videos...there was a definite electric energy in the crowd. Personally, when the power was cut, I really think Axl was bordering on trying to start a some of the vids. There was a Gnr energy in that crowd that is a bit un-nerving.

oh yeah, it is fucking packed with tons of security who look quite nervous ....

Watching that vid I must say I do get a sense of how frustrating it is for the band too though, like granted they came on late, but it's got to be annoying when you're starting up the song like that and someone kills the power.

 Rep: 268 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Olorin wrote:

Sounds familier.

Mabye they should upload a scan of the factual start and changeover times document. Its all so hard to believe, GNR are always late on. They were on hours after the support acts, when their stage was all set up, all throughout this tour, who's to blame there?

At least they are showing concern about the backlash and almost apologising, instead of just stone walling it like the last 10 years.
Any doubts I had about that tweet cancelling the tour being Axl are evaporating, I'm now thinking he was playing hardball in some negotiations and that was his ace.

 Rep: 661 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

monkeychow wrote:
mickronson wrote:

How much changeover time does he require that other bands dont?  Well, its all history now.

Actually I think GNR would take a while to set up for....3 guitars...2 keyboards and so on...backing vocal mics for everyone...there's quite a lot of stuff on stage, more than most bands I'd have thought.

 Rep: 118 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

mickronson wrote:

And how long is that... after a while you`d think it`d be trimmed down...I dunno, a lot quicker.
I`m still buying the nap time myself smile

 Rep: 53 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

slashsfro wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

"I didn't organize, arrange, authorize, have knowledge of or was even consulted about our being booked for these shows till after the fact nor did I choose to work with anyone I'm aware of other than our manager who was involved in arranging these dates."


Does anyone actually believe this anymore?  Seriously every GNR decision goes through him?  To believe that Doc McGhee (or whomever is managing them) would just randomly book this stuff without consulting him is absurd.  The fact that he used this excuse close to 10 years ago to cancel a European tour doesn't help either.

The funny part is that even with all this stuff the Leeds and Reading festivals still wouldn't mind having them back next year.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

I sure hope nobody believes it or they are the dumbest mother fuckers alive.

So Axl Rose has no control, and no idea when he's booked to perform.... what are we fucking three? Nobody buys that shit man, and that whole "lack of management" thing is either A) a lie, or B) Axl's own fault cause he hires and fires every six seconds, either way... that excuse has been beaten to death and overused.

I don't believe a fucking word this guy says anymore. He's went to the same well FAR too many times for water.

At least if you're gonna lie... be good at it. Axl plain sucks at it. It's always obvious.

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