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 Rep: 77 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

Von wrote:

I was reading a really cool interview that Manson did with a really overzealous, uncool fansite. Anyway he mentioned Axl and was asked to elaborate. What he said was actually pretty interesting, but really neither positive or negative. Take it as it is. He's clearly a fan, but he seems to go out of his way to not state an opinion one way or the other on the new Guns. I love and respect Manson, and this should prove at least more worthwhile than the shit posted up from the Shadows Fall dude and all that 9

On the subject of Axl: What's your take on the revival of GNR and Axl being the only original member left?

I don't know a lot of details about it. Sean Beavan, who mixed EAT ME, DRINK ME, and worked on all our records for the most part -- except Holywood -- was working on that for like 2 years. I saw the comeback thing and I don't really know what to make of it. I have seen the Velvet Revolver side of it and the Buckethead Guns N' Roses side of it. I saw Guns N' Roses on the Appetite for Destruction tour. It's really sad to say -- and kids I'm not trying to make any sort of suggestion here, but a lot of people are not as good when they stop doing drugs. I was singing Welcome to the Jungle karaoke last night on my birthday and I had leather pants on.

Read the whole thing here if you want

 Rep: 664 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

James wrote:

I wish he would have elaborated on Beavan's involvement. Surely he told him some horror stories.

Its frightening how many extremely talented producers/mixers/engineers have been hired and fired for this project.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

monkeychow wrote:
manson wrote:

but a lot of people are not as good when they stop doing drugs.

That has to be the dumbest thing i've ever read.

I'm sick of this "drugs help creativity" bullshit - yes a lot of artists use drugs - but this is because artists tend  to often be sensitive people who gravitate to the fringes of society. Sure a lot of creative stuff was made by people who were on drugs, but its not the drugs that made them creative people.

What drugs do is fuck up music. Its obvious in Slash's book that the need to score drugs / use drugs / get clean from various bandmembers and the associated lifestyles actually fucked up tours/friendships and would be recordings.

So how did drugs help gnr? Axl penned the lyrics to Mr Brownstone and I few others based on drug experiences. But who think's he couldn't have thought up another topic? And does anyone think Slash and Izzy wouldn't have come up with the riffs anyway? This glam people give to drugs is just bullshit, how many more albums would we have had from people if they hadn;t been too high to work at their music, and don't start me on the premature deaths. Think of what these people would be recording if they wern't dead at 28 4 Stop the madness 4

If manson thinks that Axl is different now, fair enough, but rather than suggest its due to getting sober, he might want to consider that Axl was probably like 25 when manson saw him first, and like 40 the second time. Then theres the fact he was playing with an entirely different band, was in an entirely different emotional state (having worked on his issues for years)..i could go on...but why bother its just so fucking dumb.

The worst bit is the preface of "now kids don't do this" right before he suggests that its right for people to not quit drugs, and that sober performance is lacking compared to high. That's like me saying "hey - don't get offended but your a fat, moron with a small cock" to someone....just cos u add a prefix at the front of a sentance DOES NOT negate the logic of anything you say after it.

The guy has a few good songs, but this comment was just dumb!

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

nugdafied wrote:
monkeychow wrote: Axl penned the lyrics to Mr Brownstone

That would be Izzy who wrote those lyrics.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

monkeychow wrote:
nugdafied wrote:
monkeychow wrote: Axl penned the lyrics to Mr Brownstone

That would be Izzy who wrote those lyrics.

Oh really? lol...shows what I know 16

But anyways...i stand by my ranting on drugs...the izz man would have come up with another topic and prob recorded more stuff if drugs wern't getting in the way IMO.

EDIT: I should say - if people wanna use drugs for their own recreation I have no issue with that. But I do take issue with people saying its necessary for creativity, or, as Manson suggested, that a person's performance is lacking because they are not on drugs.

 Rep: 77 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

Von wrote:

It seems some of you are really unfamiliar with Manson's dry sense of humor and use of sarcasm. I don't think we were supposed to take a statement like "a lot of people are not as good when they stop doing drugs" and turn it into The Gospel According to Marilyn Manson. There was an attempt at a pissing match in this thread that instead wound up being people pissing all over themselves.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

monkeychow wrote:
JonathanvonDoom wrote:

There was an attempt at a pissing match in this thread that instead wound up being people pissing all over themselves.

If that's directed at me I'm not sure what your getting at.

I wasn't attempting to get into an argument with anyone, i was just sharing how his comments made me feel.

All i ment to be saying was that while I like MM's music, it seemed his comments were illogical (attributing a perceived negative change in the band's performance to sobriety when theres been a 20 year time gap and a new band, it seems to me that drugs or lack thereof would be the least relevant factor). I just didn't think it added up.

I'll admit I went on a rant about the "hey kids" but - but thats because its a pet-peve of mine when people preface stuff with "no offence" or "i'm not saying to try this" right before they advocate something inherently offensive, dangerous or stupid. I don't mind them advocating it, but I wish they'd have the courage to own their actual opinions.

For example. If manson truely thinks artists perform better on drugs he should come out and say so. Not whitewash it with the "i'm not saying to go do this" bit - cos to me all that does is say he's scared of copping critism from the media/pc crowd etc who will winge about leading kids astray. So i feel like one should either accept that drugs lead people astray but that they personally feel performance would be better with them - and admit it freely and say "fuck off" when people accuse them of corrupting others. OR - accept that its not good to promote drug use in this manner. Don't promote it with a token warning at the start that makes no sence. Like what is the actual message? "Don't do it - unless you want your performance to be good like it once was". Maybe its me. I just see it as a contridiction.

HOWEVER...all that aside...YOUR RIGHT - i'm not familiar with MM sence of humour at all - all i know of him is a couple of the records he is if it was a joke...well then thats a lot more reasonable and would explain why it made no sence to me.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

Aussie wrote:
JonathanvonDoom wrote:

There was an attempt at a pissing match in this thread that instead wound up being people pissing all over themselves.

WTF?  Are you reading and talking about the right thread?

 Rep: 485 

Re: Marilyn Manson talks Axl Rose

Neemo wrote:

this train of thought is stolen from Bill Hicks who was quoted by TooL in their Aenima Album
for the song Third Eye

-Bill Hicks:See I think, drugs have some done good things for us. I really do. And if you don't believe drugs have done good things for us. Do me a favor, go home tonight, take all your albums, all your tapes, and all your CDs, and burn them. 'Cause you know what? The musicians who made all that great music that's enhanced your lives throughout the years? Reeeeeeeal fucking high on drugs.-

sounds pretty familiar huh? Only its from like 1996

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