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 Rep: 664 

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

James wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

You pose an interesting point. Has Axl been insecure about releasing new material with any new incarnation of the band, because he's insecure in their ability?

Would Slash, Izzy & Duff back in the studio make him feel more comfortable that a quality product would exist? Thus future albums.

Possibly. But remember, it was Axl who basically condemned everything Slash had done since Lies and said he wished they would've replaced him before the Illusion's.

Now I don't know if that comment was made out of anger, or he said it and meant it. If so, I highly doubt Axl would feel more comfortable.

Then again, it was Axl who constantly tried to get Slash back in the fold during the initial breakup, renigged and suddenly expressed interest in making the first Snakepit album a GN'R album in order to keep Slash happy, and a couple times, rumor only, has tried to launch a reunion with Slash with neither side willing to agree to terms.

Seems to depend on the day/year/month as to how Axl feels about Slash, the old band, the new band, GN'R, and future albums.

he changes his stance depending on which way the wind blows. One minute he said Slash is what was preventing him from doing another AFD, the next minute says Slash wanted to do another AFD but he wanted to go in a different direction. Same with the Snakepit crap. He rejected it at first then when Slash decided to do something with it, decides he wants it. Too late. While he measures wind directions to constantly change his opinions, others take action.

I used to always look forward to his side of the GNR story but someone who continually contradicts themselves will never give you anything resembling the truth. They've all contradicted themselves but his stick out more because he talks the least.

Wanted Slash gone during UYI? Then why did you rave on those records in tons of interviews in 89-93? Don't like Adler's drumming on AFD? Then why did you rave on it? Don't like Sorum either? Then why did you tell a crowd of 20k on that late summer night at the show I was at that he was the greatest drummer in the world?

Its why you can never truly rule out a reunion. The wind might blow tomorrow.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

-D- wrote:

Remember when Slash reportedly told Beta or whoever answered the door that Duff was spineless.........

Bet he will really believe that now.Duff did kind of betray Slash in a way.

For the who won argument, tough to say. A built in brand goes a long way. Look at Vince Neil for instance. In Motley they sell out arenas everywhere, when he does his solo shit, he fills a club. same with Bret Michaels.

So u can't under estimate that name recognition. It brings in the casual nostalgic crowd.

For Instance, if Whitesnake came to Chattanooga, I'd go but to be honest I'm a less than casual fan and i know David Coverdale but he could be backed by a bunch of Jamaicans and I wouldn't know the difference if it were real band or not.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

Olorin wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Yes, I am interested to see how Slash takes this... Him and Duff are real friends, regardless of the band they are in... But Slash and Axl are not, Duff went there... Duff normally has Slash's back.. Duff and Axl had to have some sort of talk, wonder if Slash was discussed on any level.

Doubt it, Axl and Duff have been through enough together and seperation, I'm sure they had more than enough to catch up on without even thinking about Slash.

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

Sky Dog wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
madagas wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Sales aren't the only factor. Profit has 2 parts to it. VR spends tons less than gnr does.

no shit Sherlock, thanks for business sales, merchandise, WAY in holy hell VR and all the other side projects come close.

Beer sales don't go to the band. And no way in hell the side projects spend anywhere near what gnr does. Gnr probably outspends them in salary alone. You're still ignoring the equation and only looking at sales.

It is all in the deal they cut with the promoter and venue. The costs are astronomical.... I am sure. However, I still think the profit margins are alot larger due to the sheer volume being so much bigger. Those side musicians don't get near the cut that the Illusion band did. You can guarantee that. Axl gets the lion share night in and night out.

Like D said, don't underestimate the power of the brand name. Ask Roger Waters how important it is. He said the biggest mistake he ever made in the biz was not getting the Pink Floyd name. You can bet your ass Slash and Duff wish they had it.:peace:

ps, either way, we don't know the details so we'll never know for sure...just my opinion obviously.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

Neemo wrote:

you guys always think this is some kinda war...this isnt highschool

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

Sky Dog wrote:

Well, there is certainly no question that Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Slash have done VERY well in the business over the last 25 years. They are all "Loaded".

 Rep: 768 

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

Axlin16 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

you guys always think this is some kinda war...this isnt highschool

Maybe now it's not because people have had the time to mature, get older, have families. and perspectives and attitudes change.

Early in the 2000's (meaning not to long ago) they were still throwing insults back and forth at each other. Axl, Izzy, Slash, Gilby, Steven & Matt were ALL doing it. About the only one I never ever remember going there on that level was Duff.

And yes, the comments of Beta, Fernando & Del all count as "Axl". If he wants to allow them to speak for him, then he's just as accountable for their statements.

Alot has changed now, and alot of tempers have boiled down to cold water. But not long ago, it was very much high school, except with millions of dollars and even bigger ego's at stake.

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

johndivney wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

it was very much high school, except with millions of dollars and even bigger ego's at stake.

so, like a high school musical would u say?

 Rep: 768 

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

Axlin16 wrote:


Yes, I guess i'd say that. Except I think the Axlites and the Slashites would break down more in song, like West Side Story.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Duff Joining GNR (Oct 14, 2010) was awesome but dumb

Mikkamakka wrote:
-D- wrote:

Not trying to insult certain members on this forum, but a lot of u just don't "Get it"

What i said,for whatever reason, doesn't register.

It doesn't matter what hardcore internet fans think. To us, its a nice little one off gift. but Rolling Stone had that shit on their website probably before the concert was even over.  Other musical news outlets reported it and they all ask the same question "Does this mean a full fledged reunion?"

It undermines all the hard work and all the hurdles the new band have had to jump, and it undermines all the hard work Axl has put into getting people to accept this new band. Finally people aren't chanting "We want Slash" finally the new guys are getting credit for their skill but all this does is re-light that reunion match with napalm.

I'm sorry some can't understand the ramifications of that. in that aspect, having old members onstage is dumb. Exciting, I am all for it personally, but in the grand scheme of GNR, it's a terrible idea.

I understand your point. The 4-song reuinon with Duff showed that people doesn't care about this nu-nu-line-up at all. They take it, if they can't get better, but the real deal is Axl+Slash+Duff+Izzy. Even those would go to see a reunited GN'R, who has never liked the band, but it'd be so big, they'd need to tell their friends that they saw the Magic 4.

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