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 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

I agree about trading Lewis. Ravens in the same position as the Bears. Offense needs major rebuilding, and the intimidating D is a shell of its former self.

Time to build around someone on offense.

Not sure if its a smart move on Garrett's part to take this job. It'll be a few years before he sees any results.

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

nugdafied wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Wow, he'd have a ton of rebuilding to do on Baltimore's offense. And by then, Ray Lewis will be retired. I'd trade Lewis while he has value. Get a pick out of him. The Colts would want him I'd think.

Nobody is going to give Baltimore anything of value for Ray Lewis. Randy Moss only cost the Pats a 4th rounder & he's still in his prime. Lewis will be a 33 yearold next year and he hasn't played a full season since 2003. Teams know they can wait for guys like him to get cut, or just draft a 22 yearold in the 3rd round.

The Cusack
 Rep: 1 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

The Cusack wrote:

The Ravens offense looked pretty good with Troy Smith behind center.  I believe had Brian Billick been given another year with Smith at QB that the Raven would have been a playoff contender.  I honestly think that whomever coaches in Baltimore next season will need to find #1 WR for Smith and keep McNair for insurance.  I think the QB situation was a huge part of the reason Billick got fired.  Truthfully he should have kept Trent Dilfer when he won the Super Bowl in 2000 but I think the real issue for the management was Billick's loyalty to Kyle Boller who'd only shown flashes of brilliance in an otherwise lackluster career in Baltimore.  In short what I'm saying is that the problem with the Baltimore offense is much more simple to fix than it appears.  Fix the passing game and that team can win 11 games next season with most of their current personnel.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Yeah. the Boller experiment was a catastrophe of biblical proportions. It happened while their window was open. Billick made mistake after mistake right after he won a SB. Dumping Dilfer, getting Grbac, then the Boller experiment. From 01-08, that team should have won at least one more SB, but due to his poor judgment they wind up winning none.

McNair for insurance? Its time to put him out to pasture. He had a good run. They gotta move on.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Ravens got to find a way to get McGahee a 100 yards per game. Buffalo never did figure out how, and as the offense really suffered. Because McGahee doesn't make things happen on his own, he doesn't elude many and he doesn't break many tackles, so using him as a 20 carries per game back brings up some questions for a coordinator.

And btw, I don't dislike McGahee. What he said about Buffalo is understandable, and I can imagine how bored I'd be with a million dollars to burn in this city. It worked out for him and the Bills, and probably the Ravens down the road.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:

I never liked Billick. He was the offensive coordinator in Minn, when they had Randall, Moss, & Chris Carter & went 15-1. Then he goes to Baltimore, & their offense sucks. The defense carried them, helped coached by Buddy Ryan's son, Rex. Also, Billick cancelled a preseason game at the Vet in Philly because he felt his players might get hurt on the turf. Jackass, it was the 1st game of the preseason and because they won the SB he thought he was so great.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:

Well fellas, I've been away recently, been at home with my son who was sick, but feeling better...Anyway, GO GIANTS!!! I cant remember a game that has been as meaningful as this one. Not only do we advance to the NFC Championship, but we also send Dallas on a tail spin, Romo collapses, TO "cries", Jerry Jones' arrogance bit him in the ass, assistant coaches are leaving... Ahh a good time!

Our defense stepped up big time in the second half, and with an injured secondary, that was very impressive. Couldnt be more proud of my team than I have been this week. Now, its on to Green Bay. This is gonna be a very tough game. Those of you who love to see the ball flying around all over the field, may not wanna watch. I think this is going to be a game where the ball is pounded on both sides. WHat better, than to have the NFC Championship played at Lambeou Field between two of the "old time" teams, the Packers and Giants!

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:

Haha, funny,  I was going to post saying "Where's NYG been." too.

I can't beleive Dallas hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years. Even with my hatred for Dallas aside, that's pathetic.

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

NY Giants82 wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

Haha, funny,  I was going to post saying "Where's NYG been." too.

I can't beleive Dallas hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years. Even with my hatred for Dallas aside, that's pathetic.

Me neither. But I love every minute of it. Paticularly this time. They thought that it was their time, and their trip to the Super Bowl. What an arrogant organization. Starts from the top. The whole place mirrors Jerry Jones.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:

I can't beleive Dallas hasn't won a playoff game in 12 years. Even with my hatred for Dallas aside, that's pathetic.

Hey, that stuff happens...

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