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 Rep: 212 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

Intercourse wrote: likey!

 Rep: 287 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

Aussie wrote:
Intercourse wrote: likey!

Yeah I am really interested in hearing some heavy stuff from Slash!  It's one avenue he really hasn't explored all that much, we've only seen glimpses of it.

 Rep: 194 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

metallex78 wrote:

The heavier rock I really dig which VR showed glimpses of, was like on their cover of Negative Creep, and stuff like Superhuman, Illegal I Song and Dirty Little Thing.

I'm really curious who it could be. Not so sure about Corey Taylor, as I don't think VR would work as a metal band, but a heavy rock band with that classic rock vibe, that I'd REALLY dig.

Or maybe it's someone I'm really hoping for - John Corabi. That would just blow my mind!

 Rep: 84 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

jamester wrote:


On Monday 10th January 2011, @mattsorum said:

In the studio with Cherie Currie tomorrow almost done. Also did 4 days with an amazing singer and VR and have 9 killer demo tracks. Going to make the decision one way or another this week. … nt=Twitter
VELVET REVOLVER Working On 'Nine Killer Demo Tracks' With 'Amazing Singer' - Jan. 10, 2011
According to a new Twitter posting by VELVET REVOLVER drummer Matt Sorum, the band just completed a four-day writing/recording session "with an amazing singer" which produced "nine killer demo tracks."

Regarding the group's search for a new vocalist, Sorum writes, "[We're] going to make the decision one way or another this week."

VELVET REVOLVER has been without a singer since dismissing Scott Weiland in April 2008. Following a new round of auditions last fall, the band seems to have zeroed in on one potential candidate.

Sorum gave The Pulse Of Radio a few hints about the vocalist that the band is, in the drummer's own words, "dating." "[The] guy that we're liking right now is a known guy," he said. "A very strong guy, too. And it seems to, at this point, in my opinion, metaphorically, it makes perfect sense because... a little younger, a little stronger, a little bit heavier rock 'n' roll than we are, that's all I can say, but in a way we want to come out stronger. The older you get, the stronger you have to be, the harder you have to work."

Sorum recently told Billboard that the prospective frontman has been in other known bands before. "He's a guy we've had our eye on, but the timing wasn't right," the drummer said. "We don't like stealing people or any of that shit. [Scott] Weiland was available. He was out of STONE TEMPLE PILOTS. It wasn't like we went and said, 'Hey, dude...' He came to us, basically, like, 'Hey, I'm out of my band. I've got time. Let's do this.' And it's a similar situation with this particular individual."

Slash told that VELVET REVOLVER "should be making an announcement one way or another (sometime in January). So it's gonna be interesting going into the third record because we're gonna have a whole different personality as a vocalist. Chances are it's gonna be a lot heavier than anything VELVET REVOLVER has done so far. 'Cause that was the only thing missing for me — the sort or heaviness of it — in the first two VELVET REVOLVER records."

The only vocalists known to have auditioned for the band last year were SPACEHOG's Royston Langdon and Franky Perez f

 Rep: 661 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

monkeychow wrote:

Very interesting what kind of young strong vocalist is between drinks at the moment? Who's out there?

A7x comes to mind, but surely they'd just get a new drummer....

 Rep: 59 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

jorge76 wrote:

I hate to say it, but the fact that in this TMZ culture there aren't people staking out the studio trying to get pictures of who this is, even when they've been dropping comments like this for a month, shows how much a lot of people just don't care.

Still, I'm excited to find out.

 Rep: 84 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

jamester wrote:

^^ I think you may have a good point! I cant figure it out but younger could mean almost anyone from the defunct bands post what 89.

 Rep: 661 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

monkeychow wrote:

There's no doubt VR has lost a lot of it's momentum.

I mean they had a buzz going in because they were ex-gnr.

Then they recorded albums that I think are kickass but that were too light weight for many GNR fans.

Then they lost scott, thus loosing the STP side of the VR fanbase.

Then they've waited 2 years to move on.

I'm not real surprised people aint stalking them, the project has been in limbo for a long time.

But all that said I think they'll come back and kick ass. Slash is on fire at the moment - he's playing so well, and these days he's picked up a lot of additional fame. Not only is he respected for his GNR stuff, but his solo album tour seemed to cause quite a lot of buzz (at least around australia anyway) ..and he's doing all the festivals and shit worldwide. He's back.

Right now no one but the hardcores care. But with the right singer and that slash, duff and matt chemestry...I'd say VR could really take off again.

 Rep: 768 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

Axlin16 wrote:

VR, like GN'R, is only gonna take off again if they have some true bonafide hits to ride. Granted it doesn't transfer into album sales these days, but it does garner tons of press when you can ride a "Your Decision" for weeks at #1 on the rock charts.

Regardless of VR, I know Slash has the potential to do that based on the catchy tunes from his solo album, especially the opening tracks in the first half.

BUT, I do think Weiland was a weak lyricist, and even today Slash & Duff hurt for Axl's contributions on anything they do post-Guns.

It wouldn't hurt VR at all if, unless they're gonna bring a great lyricist on board for Scott's replacement, to outsource some writing for the next album. I don't see any reason why they can't make some catchy, radio-ready songs, that are totally heavy in the GN'R tradition. If Metallica can do it, why can't they?

Although even under the best case scenario, I don't see them catching fire outside of the rock world. They're niche now because of the condition of the music industry. GN'R is in the same boat.

I think it'd be best for VR to just wipe the slate clean, and forget the Scott-era ever existed short of a few songs. I say play the old VR hits/singles, mix in ALOT more GN'R songs, plus the newly-written songs for the reborn VR and you've got a great future for VR.

But I do believe they need to tap that GN'R market a bit more and not pussyfoot around Axl and the whole "i'm GN'R, I get exclusivity to playing shows with 12 AFD songs". Bringing Izzy & Steven in for some guest appearences and session work wouldn't hurt either.

 Rep: 194 

Re: SLASH Says we should be making an announcement sometime in January

metallex78 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Very interesting what kind of young strong vocalist is between drinks at the moment? Who's out there?

A7x comes to mind, but surely they'd just get a new drummer....

I hadn't thought of that, and M. Shadows vocals have been described as a "metal" Axl Rose.
A7x is his band and his commitment though, I'd be really surprised to see him step away from that.

Would definitely get my vote though, I love A7x and the track on Slash's solo album was great too.

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