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 Rep: 70 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Naltav wrote:
jamester062001 wrote:

Axl has never mentioned an Autobiography as far as I know.

Yes, I think he have mentioned it before. Not sure where, prolly the chats.

All I know is when I read about MSL having the autobiography, I thought: "I've heard about that somewhere..."

 Rep: 212 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Intercourse wrote:

I unashamedly want all of the dirt.
I am a whore for the stuff.
I will buy anything I may download anyway so won't feel guilty if I hear them 'illegally'.

I think its interesting that MSL asked band members to call him. He must know things about back pay etc that he feels they would be grateful to him for finding out about.

If Axl is stiffing his band & workmates while he sits at home on piles of $$$ then fuck him, he's just as big a thief as those leaking the material abd deserves to feel their wrath. He probably thinks its easy to bury the little guy, not with the internet it's not!!
Makes me wonder now if Slash and Duff had it right when they sued him..

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

From what I gather, I think the former members was really about Buckethead and that the deal about the current band members is that DJ is getting paid more than the rest of the band as mentioned from his brief chat above ^^

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

It was Sebastian Bach that mentioned previously that Axl was working on his autobiography.  (Yeah I know he's not the most reliable source)

Bach said: “I was saying to Axl one day, ‘I’m going to write a book.’ He was like, ‘Cool. How many pages you got?’ I go, ‘I’ve got six pages.’ He starts laughing and goes, ‘Yeah, I started my book a while back. I’m up to 12,000 words at this point.’

“He is very prolific. He is just not motivated by fame at all. He’s had enough of it. He gets excited by making music, by putting on a concert. Making albums, he loves doing it.”

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

^^^ yeh im p-shure hes talkin about the leagle transcript. Axl mentones it in the chats with about the same amount of words. He goes on to say he may never finish it because its depressing.

He also says it is not an autobiography.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

Im shure others have beat me to it but i posted this video on GNR , bumble, Dj, fortus Facebook. as well as sent it to rolling stone and blabbermouth. Im excited to see what comes of it.

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

Hmm MSL has been chatting online here, he read out a letter:

According to someone at mygnr:

Ok, so basically MSL just read an email on cam in the caht room from Axl to Beta, Fernando and Del saying that Bumble is jealous of DJ and it's getting annoying. I think MSL was saying the jealousy was over DJ having a larger salary. He also said that Bucket's royalties got cut because he refused to do anything to promote CD.

Hmm sounds like poor form to air some of this stuff.  I must say that's a shame for Buckethead if that's true re his royalties, the guy deserves every cent for his exceptional work on the album.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

agree...shitty name. However, on second thought. I don't think MSL has the next album...just a collection of songs with working titles. I hope Jackie Chan is a working title.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

Most of those new titles were pretty lame.

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