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 Rep: 485 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Neemo wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Come on guys the backup in in "China"

*pokepoke*  *hint*

That's one of the things that got me thinking.

enlighten me because i am not quite following...

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Neemo wrote:

but he used the excuse of a partner in china last time as well...

A) copyright laws are different there
B) an obvious tie to "Chinese Democracy"

if they were gearing up for a release of a new album why would they worry about the old one? i highly doubt it will be called Chinese Democracy II as we refer to it

before you say it, if they are going to rerelease CD there are loads of better ways to get publicity than getting this guy to talk about Axl's inbox being hacked...cuz lets face it, nobody really cares except the fan forum people, anyway the album what went gold in the USA? and what is sitting in bulk in nearly every best buy store? do we think that other mechandisers are clamouring to get a peice of that paltry pie? I mean i love the album just as much as any fan (well maybe not as much as some 16 ) but i'm not really so blind to think that a rerelease will wither take the USA by storm or that information on the inner workings of this disfunctional band will intrigue anyone to any great extent...

my interest is piqued by all of this but i'm torn ... but as far as us forum fans .... it all goes back to the battered wife or car crash analogies if you ask me, CD's release was anticlimatic at best, and we are all looking for those days of anticipation before the album came out

lets quote a gnr song to finish this post, i think its pretty appropriate to following this band online

"Shoved it in the bindle and I shot it in the middle
And it, it drove outta my mind
I should've known better, said I wish I never met her Said I,
I leave it all behind Yowsa!"

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Neemo wrote:

ultimately MSL either really has some legit info or he has jack shit, will we ever know its legitimacy? doubt it so we will have to decide for ourselves whether to beleive it or not...thats if he even says anything on the subject in the first place

he had a bit of eensy weensy fame when he got a hold of some leaks through suspect means last time, and he's been trying to get in the spotlight again since, he'd prolly get more fame and glory out of trying to make his way into TNA or WWE, but hey this way he doesnt have to work as hard

 Rep: 281 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

faldor wrote:
russtcb wrote:
faldor wrote:

It seems that MSL is losing a lot of favor in respect in the GNR community.  There was a time when he was revered buy many for getting us the leaks.  But I think he's crossed a line this time.  Not many people are on his side in the one and for the first time in awhile, fans are in a way rallying around the band.  As much as people want to complain about their "mis"treatment of the fans over the years, not even they deserve this.

Well now, that's a real double edged sword for me. Please don't misunderstand, I in NO WAY think what this guy is doing is right. BUT (and I've said this a ton) if GNR did anything like a normal band does, the door wouldn't be open for this type of stuff to occur.

Who defines what is normal though?  Obviously the GNR situation is unlike any that there's ever been and it certainly hasn't been all that fan friendly over the years, but I don't agree with the line of thinking that they brought this upon themselves.  Lots of bands have done things to piss fans off but I don't see Van Halen fans hacking band members e-mail accounts and demanding Michael Anthony be allowed back in the band.  Velvet Revolver fans aren't making similar demands that they find a lead singer.  How about Pink Floyd or Led Zeppelin re-uniting.  Don't those fans deserve that?

NO!  You get what you get.  If Axl and GNR want to work at a snails pace.  If they want to treat their fans in what some view as negative, that's their choice.  And it's our choice to accept it or say F off!  It's not our right to go and steal top secret information from them and distribute it accordingly.  I don't care how badly you think GNR is run.  Things have gotten way out of hand somewhere along the line and it needs to stop or this band will have absolutely no chance at returning to any bit of normalcy.  The divide between band and fans will just get further and further apart.  This latest stunt is certainly not a step in the right direction.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

faldor wrote:
russtcb wrote:

That's why this whole thing doesn't make much sense to me. I keep hoping (stupidly I guess) that this whole thing is some sort of viral thing that will start to be fruitful next week sometime.

I'd like to believe that too, but I highly doubt it.  Because if it was some sort of viral campaign it certainly isn't working too well so far.  NOBODY is talking about any of this outside of the GNR forums.  So unless their target market is just that, it's not going to plan.  And you don't need any secret viral campaign to attract the forums anyway, we're here for better or worse. 

IF this was planned GNR would've made more noise about it with a response and counter to give it some legs.  Right now it seems they're keeping things quiet and either dealing with the matter in private, hoping it goes away, or laughing to themselves because none of what MSL claims to have is legitimate.  I'd favor any of those options over this being a well devised scheme.

And besides, we complain all the time about how horribly managed GNR is.  Would they really take the time to create an elaborate Power Point presentation on the plans for 2011?  They seem like more of a throw a dart at a suggestion board type of crew to me.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

The big thing that tells me that he doesn't have any new music, and probably nothing legit, is that he claims he won't leak the new stuff because he doesn't want to spoil the new album for us roll and for himself... Basically saying HE hasn't listened to the new music....

But if you go back to his very first video he's asking people who want to trade new music for his info and "new music" to contact him. Does that make any sense to you?

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

Just reading some of what Mysteron is saying. He says he doesn't have a link to GNR anymore so he doesn't know what's going on. I always wondered what that connection was. I always assumed it was with Tommy. It was Mysteron who got jarmo the interview with him a long time ago. Then when Fernando jumped on Mysteron once, because he said Axl was preparing to address the fans and Fernando called him a liar (and then Axl addressed the fans not too long after that) that always struck me and I wonder what his connection was to the band.

He definitely wasn't part of Axl's inner circle.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


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