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 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:

He's so full of shit. He becomes even more full of shit, by backing out.

Put up or shut up. Simple as that. We're supposed to owe you absolute loyalty, based on the past, of simply knowing the right info at the right time? Damn, MSL sounds like he has an Axl-complex.

You can't walk in with a "GAME CHANGER" like MSL did, and think you're not gonna meet some opposition. If MSL's feelings are hurt, and if he has so much evidence, then instead of getting his feelings hurt, he'd know that soon... very soon... he'll be completely vindicated when all of the dirt leaks. People might not like it, but at least they'll know he was telling the truth.

Instead he's copping out, by using the negative response as a "well fine, i'll just take my ball and go home".

In an ironic twist - Cramer was right. The dude has a total MO of Joseph Smith.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:
russtcb wrote:
apex-twin wrote:
-D- wrote:

how much more mileage is he gonna try to get out of this?

He was quite persistent when it came to AFD.

Just now listening to Better again. I would love for Axl to keep pushing til it's a hit. Goddamnit, this is hands down my favorite song by this band ever. Easily.

Easily? I know you're a Finck fanboy, but you had to love GN'R before Finck for a reason.

Favorite song... hey that's your entitlement... Better IS a strong song on CD, but not without it's problems. Intro and outro blow, Pitman's work on it is mixed (some parts add to the song, others are unnecessary), and the whole thing needs more Bucket.

There are stronger songs on the album. Better is probably the best rocker tho.

-D- wrote:

Im not a giant "Better" fan. loved it for a couple months when we got first leak, can't listen to the album version now.

intro is finger nails on chalkboard bad and the amazing kick ass guitar breakdown before the "I never wanted u to be so full of anger" section has been neutered and synthesized.

I get the Better-love, but I was never on that ship either. In fairness, I never got the hype around Sweet Child O' Mine either, although I understand why it was GNR's biggest hit. I thought Don't Cry & November Rain were both better.

I also felt the intro/outro were it's weakest points. When I remixed it, intro is nothing but guitar, and outro is nothing but Pitman. No vocals, no convolution.

madagas wrote:

a re-release is INSANE at this point...the entire universe has moved on. It's time to put out a new album or end the "new" Gnr.

Ab-so-lutely. Right on. They might've just gotten off the road a couple months ago, but one thing happened when they did that... they finally blew CD's final load. There's nothing left.

So they're at a crossroads. The future has to have an album or reunion on tap. Another 2002 "hits" tour, or another 2006 "CD" tour for NA will be a disaster.

Olorin wrote:

I agree, I've completely worn out that cd, surely the next release has got to be new songs. If the songs in the vault are not good enough to release then get the band into the feckin studio.

That's something I just don't get, unless Axl's been trying his damndest to bring back Buckethead and maybe Brain to the fold for the future. He obviously has his heart & mind set on DJ, and Axl HAS to have some hope for the GN'R vault, because he wouldn't behold Bucket the way he does, considering the fact Bucket's been gone for SEVEN YEARS.

With all that faith in the vault, just release it. I don't understand the hold up, unless Axl's sitting on 80 instrumentals that he's yet to write lyrics & melodies for.

And if they aren't complete, still... let's get a fuckin' move on. Bring in the 2009-11 band, have them write some lyrics and/or music, or just outsource it. Axl's been outsourcing GN'R since 1998.

I don't see at all what's holding things happen on, not just one album, but several albums. Unless Mr. Perfectionist thinks it all sucks.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

I've defended msl for YEARS. But the surprising thing in all of this, if he really has all that he says he has, is that he doesn't see how incredibly wrong and shitty and scummy it is to reveal private, STOLEN information. Again, this isn't like the leaks, this is private stuff here. And even more shitty is that he's trying to sell it, or at the least make money off of it. How he doesn't see how this is wrong is mind boggling. Yet according to him, he's somehow the victim in all of this.

I think he's a smart guy, and its wrong for people to take this to such a personal level with he and his girlfriend, but I don't think he fully considered what he was getting into.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:


That's exactly right. He was eaten by his own ego.

This time he's in over his head. Get out while you can.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID -

I've worked as a newspaper reporter for many years and it is not uncommon to anonymously receive information that may have been obtained under less than ethical conditions. However, the truth is the truth regardless of how the truth ended up finding the light of day. I do not and never have felt that it is wrong to report private information that is legitimately newsworthy. If you disagree, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Most of my previous work writing for newspapers, magazines and websites has been covering various combat sports events. I do not have a platform of my own to effectively publicize the very compelling and historically significant pieces of rock n' roll history I have access to. The logical thing to do would be to find another media outlet that would like to work with me.

If this information I have could potentially generate large profits for the organization I choose to work with, I do feel I should be compensated for providing access to the information, assuming after proper research it is determined that it would be legal for me to do so.

If you believe it is wrong for people to profit from private information, you are entitled to your opinion and I certainly believe that opinion is valid. However, I would hope in fairness you would have the same problem with any publication or broadcast that generates a profit from private information, which would cover a large percentage of all worldwide media.

You are right. I am a smart guy. I also have plenty of faults like everyone else. I have serious mental illnesses I battle every day. I am a self-important asshole. I accept that.

I am not a victim in any of this, but I should not be blamed for not wanting to share anymore info with people who are very unappreciative. I should not be blamed if I choose to put my own interest before others, something I have not done in the past. I could have made close to six figures selling unreleased tracks very easily. Instead, I shared everything with everyone. I feel it would be wrong to sell songs. It would also be illegal.

I do not think it would be wrong for me to partner with a media outlet and be fairly compensated. It's also not illegal. If you feel it's wrong, I respect your opinion.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Naltav wrote:
mister saint laurent wrote:

misterID -

I've worked as a newspaper reporter for many years and it is not uncommon to anonymously receive information that may have been obtained under less than ethical conditions. However, the truth is the truth regardless of how the truth ended up finding the light of day. I do not and never have felt that it is wrong to report private information that is legitimately newsworthy. If you disagree, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Most of my previous work writing for newspapers, magazines and websites has been covering various combat sports events. I do not have a platform of my own to effectively publicize the very compelling and historically significant pieces of rock n' roll history I have access to. The logical thing to do would be to find another media outlet that would like to work with me.

If this information I have could potentially generate large profits for the organization I choose to work with, I do feel I should be compensated for providing access to the information, assuming after proper research it is determined that it would be legal for me to do so.

If you believe it is wrong for people to profit from private information, you are entitled to your opinion and I certainly believe that opinion is valid. However, I would hope in fairness you would have the same problem with any publication or broadcast that generates a profit from private information, which would cover a large percentage of all worldwide media.

You are right. I am a smart guy. I also have plenty of faults like everyone else. I have serious mental illnesses I battle every day. I am a self-important asshole. I accept that.

I am not a victim in any of this, but I should not be blamed for not wanting to share anymore info with people who are very unappreciative. I should not be blamed if I choose to put my own interest before others, something I have not done in the past. I could have made close to six figures selling unreleased tracks very easily. Instead, I shared everything with everyone. I feel it would be wrong to sell songs. It would also be illegal.

I do not think it would be wrong for me to partner with a media outlet and be fairly compensated. It's also not illegal. If you feel it's wrong, I respect your opinion.

You're messing with something that means a great deal to A LOT of people. And when expecting the fans to just "take you're word for it", you can't possibly be surprised by the negative feedback!

Step back and look at this situation from the outside. This stuff would not fly with the fanbase of ANY band out there!
Imagine a guy showing up at a Metallica-forum and says he has obtained personal e-mails between bandmembers and ex-bandmembers etc etc that would not look good for the band if released! Possibly wrecking future relations with partners, managers and so on... And possibly ruining the chance of future releases from the band.

Doesen't matter one bit what you've done in the past! Period!

And now it seems like you're gonna sell this info to magazines to profit for yourself or maybe just backing out of everything!

Even you gotta admit, that objectively, this whole mess stinks of negative shit to high heaven. But you're surprised!?? Really???

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

I am surprised that so many people have not even considered the possibility that I'm telling the truth. I'm surprised because in the lead up to the release of CD1, I was consistantly and almost daily breaking accurate stories about the album.

And back then I was very honest about how I was getting the info. Azoff was controlling what Rolling Stone was reporting about GNR, so someone at Rolling Stone was feeding me info that their boss was not letting them report.

Just like now, when I've been honest about getting info from confidential emails that were anonymously sent to me. I could have acted like I was some sort of insider. But I never have. I've always been a lying sack of shit behind the scenes to get my hands on stuff and then completely honest with the fanbase afterwards.

So yes, it is surprising that so few have even taken the position that it's POSSIBLE that I'm telling the truth.

OBVIOUSLY I intended for evidence to surface at some point. But in the meantime, while the legalities of everything were being sorted out, I wanted to KEEP MY WORD and on Feb 2, fill you guys in on what has been going on lately in the GNR world.

Yes, anybody could just make up a bunch of shit in a blog post.


And if you don't believe me, that's fine. But I do feel my past actions should be worth at least reserving judgement instead of automatically assuming that I'm definitely lying. That seems kind of rude when I've been so honest and forthcoming in the past.

 Rep: 10 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

JIP wrote:

the point is people care about new music msl...simple as that...
i think we are all tired of this documents leaking process...most of us care about music and not axl's email account

 Rep: 70 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Naltav wrote:
mister saint laurent wrote:

I am surprised that so many people have not even considered the possibility that I'm telling the truth. I'm surprised because in the lead up to the release of CD1, I was consistantly and almost daily breaking accurate stories about the album.

And back then I was very honest about how I was getting the info. Azoff was controlling what Rolling Stone was reporting about GNR, so someone at Rolling Stone was feeding me info that their boss was not letting them report.

Just like now, when I've been honest about getting info from confidential emails that were anonymously sent to me. I could have acted like I was some sort of insider. But I never have. I've always been a lying sack of shit behind the scenes to get my hands on stuff and then completely honest with the fanbase afterwards.

So yes, it is surprising that so few have even taken the position that it's POSSIBLE that I'm telling the truth.

OBVIOUSLY I intended for evidence to surface at some point. But in the meantime, while the legalities of everything were being sorted out, I wanted to KEEP MY WORD and on Feb 2, fill you guys in on what has been going on lately in the GNR world.

Yes, anybody could just make up a bunch of shit in a blog post.


And if you don't believe me, that's fine. But I do feel my past actions should be worth at least reserving judgement instead of automatically assuming that I'm definitely lying. That seems kind of rude when I've been so honest and forthcoming in the past.

From your point of view, if you actually have this info, I can understand you being "hurt" by some of the comments on the boards.

But the fact is very simple. We, the fans, don't know that! We just don't know if you have ANYTHING!

And if it turns out you actually do have someting, it seems that it will be something that would hurt the band! And the only ones benefitting from that would be you and certain "fans" that would want harm upon the current incarnation of the band!

There seems to be no positive outcome for the diehard fans to this, whether you got anything or not!

You must see that! C'mon....

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

That's true, you don't know for sure whether I'm telling the truth. I just think my history should be enough for people to not automatically assume I'm definitely lying. If you disagree, that's fine.

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