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 Rep: 281 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

faldor wrote:
mister saint laurent wrote:

You are right. I am a smart guy. I also have plenty of faults like everyone else. I have serious mental illnesses I battle every day. I am a self-important asshole. I accept that.

I am not a victim in any of this, but I should not be blamed for not wanting to share anymore info with people who are very unappreciative. I should not be blamed if I choose to put my own interest before others, something I have not done in the past. I could have made close to six figures selling unreleased tracks very easily. Instead, I shared everything with everyone. I feel it would be wrong to sell songs. It would also be illegal.

This sounds likes something Axl himself would say.  Maybe MSL, and others, have a better understanding of what Axl has to deal with when people are tearing him apart on a consistent basis whether you feel it's warranted or not.

 Rep: 130 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

mitchejw wrote:
Naltav wrote:
mister saint laurent wrote:

misterID -

I've worked as a newspaper reporter for many years and it is not uncommon to anonymously receive information that may have been obtained under less than ethical conditions. However, the truth is the truth regardless of how the truth ended up finding the light of day. I do not and never have felt that it is wrong to report private information that is legitimately newsworthy. If you disagree, you are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Most of my previous work writing for newspapers, magazines and websites has been covering various combat sports events. I do not have a platform of my own to effectively publicize the very compelling and historically significant pieces of rock n' roll history I have access to. The logical thing to do would be to find another media outlet that would like to work with me.

If this information I have could potentially generate large profits for the organization I choose to work with, I do feel I should be compensated for providing access to the information, assuming after proper research it is determined that it would be legal for me to do so.

If you believe it is wrong for people to profit from private information, you are entitled to your opinion and I certainly believe that opinion is valid. However, I would hope in fairness you would have the same problem with any publication or broadcast that generates a profit from private information, which would cover a large percentage of all worldwide media.

You are right. I am a smart guy. I also have plenty of faults like everyone else. I have serious mental illnesses I battle every day. I am a self-important asshole. I accept that.

I am not a victim in any of this, but I should not be blamed for not wanting to share anymore info with people who are very unappreciative. I should not be blamed if I choose to put my own interest before others, something I have not done in the past. I could have made close to six figures selling unreleased tracks very easily. Instead, I shared everything with everyone. I feel it would be wrong to sell songs. It would also be illegal.

I do not think it would be wrong for me to partner with a media outlet and be fairly compensated. It's also not illegal. If you feel it's wrong, I respect your opinion.

You're messing with something that means a great deal to A LOT of people. And when expecting the fans to just "take you're word for it", you can't possibly be surprised by the negative feedback!

Step back and look at this situation from the outside. This stuff would not fly with the fanbase of ANY band out there!
Imagine a guy showing up at a Metallica-forum and says he has obtained personal e-mails between bandmembers and ex-bandmembers etc etc that would not look good for the band if released! Possibly wrecking future relations with partners, managers and so on... And possibly ruining the chance of future releases from the band.

Doesen't matter one bit what you've done in the past! Period!

And now it seems like you're gonna sell this info to magazines to profit for yourself or maybe just backing out of everything!

Even you gotta admit, that objectively, this whole mess stinks of negative shit to high heaven. But you're surprised!?? Really???

You know what...I'm most sick and tired of the morality police regarding this whole situation. I really don't understand it, and I realy don't get it. I understand all the legal and ethical remifications of what is happening here, but in the end, who gives a shit?

Future music was never promised to us...and who knows if it will ever come? Who knows if Axl will ever tour in the US again? Chinese Democracy was a rushed product (how can that be after over a decade?) with major flaws in production and mixing.

Part of me is regretting ever stumbling upon Appetite as a struggling teen in high school. How could I ever know that 12 years later, I'd be doing this shit? Why do things have to be so dysfunctional? We are Axl's fans, but also his ennemies. We are bitter because Axl treats us as such. When he dangles new music in front of our faces, we all come running back.

This things is so broke, it's ridiculous.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

johndivney wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Future music was never promised to us...and who knows if it will ever come? Who knows if Axl will ever tour in the US again? Chinese Democracy was a rushed product (how can that be after over a decade?) with major flaws in production and mixing.

Part of me is regretting ever stumbling upon Appetite as a struggling teen in high school. How could I ever know that 12 years later, I'd be doing this shit? Why do things have to be so dysfunctional? We are Axl's fans, but also his ennemies. We are bitter because Axl treats us as such. When he dangles new music in front of our faces, we all come running back.

This things is so broke, it's ridiculous.

u have a choice u know.....

 Rep: 130 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

mitchejw wrote:
johndivney wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Future music was never promised to us...and who knows if it will ever come? Who knows if Axl will ever tour in the US again? Chinese Democracy was a rushed product (how can that be after over a decade?) with major flaws in production and mixing.

Part of me is regretting ever stumbling upon Appetite as a struggling teen in high school. How could I ever know that 12 years later, I'd be doing this shit? Why do things have to be so dysfunctional? We are Axl's fans, but also his ennemies. We are bitter because Axl treats us as such. When he dangles new music in front of our faces, we all come running back.

This things is so broke, it's ridiculous.

u have a choice u know..... I? everything is clear...

I realize the post sounds a bit dramatic...but you get my point, I hope?!

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

I came onto the GNR forums in late 2005 with a very anti-Axl bias. I hadn't paid any attention to the new band, so I just went back and heard live versions of Madagascar, Chinese Democracy, The Blues (as it was then called), Silkworms, Riyadh, and the 02 VMA performance and my thoughts were 'What the fuck is this shit?'. I thought they were all pretty terrible, possibly except for The Blues, so my posts were pro-reunion and pro-VR. When the 06 leaks happened it was Better that made me a Guns N Roses fan again. I'm not thrilled with the album version, but that was the track that even in unpolished form totally flipped my opinion on the band. IRS was alright and I liked There Was a Time too, but if not for Better, I would've checked out again I bet. Then I wouldn't have gone to the Cleveland show in 06, and I would've missed out on one of the best rock shows I've ever been at. So Better will always hold a special place with me, and since I didn't get to experience the Slash-era band as it happened, I can understand how it could be someone's absolute favorite (although I don't know if russ was a fan in 87-93).

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

johndivney wrote:

ah. well i got the feelgood vibe from the HoB tracks, The Blues & CD (The Blues has never sounded better than '01) & then Maddy confirmed to me that Axl 'still had it' & as a result i kinda kept faith & as a result distanced myself from the leaks 'cause i knew i was gonna enjoy the [finished] album whenever it dropped..  but i can defo appreciate getting that happy feeling. like i said i've felt it towards Better this past wee while. classic track no doubt.

 Rep: 207 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

DCK wrote:

So here we are with one underwhelming piece of news and a lot of discussions. I'm happy I didn't waste my time discussing this, as nothing came out of it. MSL may have stuff, he may not have stuff, but what difference does it make. Nothing came out of which had any real interest.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

^^^^ Spot on

YOU want to stand on a shady past where you did not reveal your "hustle" till after the fact.

YOU come out like a bull in a china shop with what you have. Yet you produce NOTHING but a summary that could have been written based on past speculations.

YOU could have something but the good money is on the hustle.

YOUR feelings are hurt?  Why would you come out the way you did to forums that will not even let there heros win?

Drop something! Prove your point. Or not -your reply to several forums only stoke the fire.

$60k usd will be needed to pay lawyers and then some if you have anything. You are in a no win situation. Did you hope to get a writer job  with this information?

Having what you claim to have in this situation would be the same as being Rich but not able to spend it.  How does that sit with you ?

If YOU Did not mean to self promote or hustle you could have Leaked everything without a trace.

In the end ill say your a cock tease at best. Get on it or GTFO!

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:

MSL, you're full of shit. Now prove us wrong.

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