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 Rep: 53 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slashsfro wrote:

I think this one's a little different than just having maybe some unreleased tracks.  He pretty much claimed that he had some documents that was damaging to the band in one sense or another.

And that thing generated a 130+ page thread on one of the Axl controlled boards.  He almost has to respond at that point.  If only to squash the Duff is returning and inevitable reunion rumors.

And I agree with axlin08, the car wreck analogy is apt.  If you cheer for a bad sports team and they have a whole bunch of off field shit that is FAR more interesting than the actual play, of course you're going to keep on watching just to see what else happens.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

You know, the best thing about Axl's tweet is that it looks like he's moving on from CD. No relaunch. That's good news, imo. Restart with a new album.


 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … nt=Twitter
AXL ROSE Shoots Down Rumors Of GUNS N' ROSES Tour, Album Relaunch - Feb. 4, 2011
GUNS N' ROSES mainman Axl Rose has released a brand new statement on, a related Twitter site where one can post messages longer than 140 characters, in response to recent rumors of a tour and "Chinese Democracy" album relaunch that that were apparently started by independent wrestler — and self-proclaimed GN'R insider — Mister Saint Laurent.

Wrote Axl: "Contrary to anyone's claims, there are no concrete plans nor were there ever for a tour, a relaunch or sponsors (n' certainly not to replace anyone in the band) beyond a collection of random ideas thrown out by various individuals [without] any real foundation or negotiations in place other than our prior involvements (which wouldn't take a rocket scientist to put together). And [for] the record, [famed manager] Doc McGhee is no longer involved [with] either myself or GN'R."

Rose gave a rare interview — his first in-person one in 14 years — in December with the United Arab Emirates outlet Gulf News. Rose granted the interview prior to the band's December 16 gig in Abu Dhabi. Asked about the current version of the group, Rose said, "For me, one of the really cool things is I don't have to get on at everybody in the band. Hey do this, do that, you know. Because they're excited. Everybody takes a certain amount of pride in what they do."

Rose compared playing concerts to "going to the gym," and in perhaps an indirect reference to his notorious late arrivals onstage, he added, "It's just hard to get in the gym."

On the pressure the current incarnation of the group has to live up to its past, Rose commented, "I think it's a lot to do with the material from the past and a hell of a lot to do with the heart that was put into it then. But if we weren't putting the heart into it now . . . the fans, they're not gonna let me get away with it. We have to live up to something, have to work a bit harder because you're living up to the legend or a myth or whatever."

The Gulf News reporter was allegedly told not to ask about certain topics, including Rose's relationship with former members of GUNS.

Rose did little publicity for the band's 2008 album, "Chinese Democracy", consenting to only two online interviews despite the fact that it had been 17 years since the last GUNS record came out.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:

I think all of us find the drama facinating, but at the same time, I'm sure we'd all be happy if things went problem free too.

You know, like I read any VR interview, but I'd prefer they just found a new singer and went back to the studio already, than the endless speculation.

I enjoy the drama of Adler on some kind of rehab show, but I'm happier when he's healthy and putting out new music on itunes and meeting with fans and stuff.

Same with GNR, a good conspiracy is fun in it's own way, but realisticly what I enjoyed most the last few years was being able to buy CD and listen to the hell out of it, and going to see the band live.

Without wanting to get into the "Axl doesn't work for us" territory - what I'd love as a fan is just to see the band keeping doing well for a while - the last year or so went pretty smooth.

There's always going to be hicups with GNR, like leeds, and the strange way CD was released...but in the bigger my opinon the album came out great, the tour has been great overall, and the new line up sounds really good. There's a lot of positive to go with the negative, and without wanting to sound like we're telling Axl what to do, I'd just love to see that continue, release more new music, new shows, and generally sharing their musical gifts with the world.

The drama I could take or leave, i find it interesting in the absense of anything else, but at the end of the day, we won't need more leaks and more rumours, when a CD2 eventually comes out and so on.

Say the IRS leak - i was beyond excited about that at the time, but now that we have the full verison on CD - i couldn't careless about the leak - i prefer the final version. And it will continue that way...real band activity trumps our fan-based finds. I think if we're patient we'll hear the songs MSL talks about, and we wont need all this drama for it to happen - they'll just be out on a CD at the store.

Axl responding to all this on twitter was great I think, its a positive step forward to end needless speculation.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

faldor wrote:

The best part of that article is how they introduce MSL as a "self proclaimed GNR insider", because that's exactly what he is, despite what he believes or may lead others to believe.  He's also the self proclaimed "Chinese Democracy guy".  I can honestly say I had never heard him referred to that title before he himself said it in that video.  He thinks a lot of himself.  Good for him.  Confidence is a very important trait.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Naltav wrote:

Nice to finally get a comment!

Would have been nicer if we had it shot down earlier! But hey! He's late for everything!

 Rep: 10 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

JIP wrote:

nice to hear from axl again...msl was right though about McGhee

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

metallex78 wrote:

Note to Axl: if you're gonna bother responding to rumours that are false, why don't you actually tell us what you DO have planned this year as well. Is it that hard to do, really?

 Rep: 231 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

-D- wrote:

well there definitely is more than just music, that causes me to spend so much time over the years on GNR forums. I love other bands/artists the same as GNR but I don't spend one second on their message forums.

so yeah, the car crash aspect is a huge draw for me with GNR and the possibility of a reunion one day

 Rep: 207 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

DCK wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Pretty cool to see Axl jumping into this just to call MSL's bluff. We're definitely dealing with a different Axl in 2011 than we had even five years ago.

DCK wrote:
madagas wrote:

I still think he is a deranged fan, but I kinda believe him....

I'm open for it, but I'm not ruling anything out, AND I don't like the drama involved. Not with him, not with darknemus, not with Axlin or any of the posters here. You're into I see, but I simply can't make myself be all soap-opera about this.

Just let him fuck off with his shit. It's not worth it. Especially when what he got has some serious moral issues involved, no matter what bullshit excuse he can come up with. Just because "others do it also" doesn't make it any more right.

You're full of shit, with all due respect.

If you weren't into the drama, you wouldn't be following NEW Guns N' Roses.

I fucking dare you to say that on the street without someone instantly knowing you're a fanboy.

You're into the drama. A glutton for self-punishment. A desire to see just how bad the trainwreck will be. Just admit it.

Because all of the REAL Guns N' Roses fans, stopped caring after 1996.

Of course I'm into the drama, I just don't think THIS drama is very interesting or worth my time. Anyone who is into anything of entertainment value is into the drama. That's why sports exist. People like the drama.

The rest doesn't deserve a reply.

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