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 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

^ Agree, at least it's something mildly entertaining rather than coming to the forum and reading "The search for a new VR singer is still going" or "XYZ from Guns N' Roses is playing here or promoting there".

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:

I understood more people getting frustrated years ago when there was silence, but these days the band are on twitter etc, there were a ton of shows in the last year, and we all (well maybe not Buz)  own Chinese i don't really get the problem.

I mean we'd all love a follow up album, but Metallica released death magnetic in 2008, and they just completed the world tour for that and I don't see people trying to leak a new album yet. A several year album cycle is pretty normal with big bands like these.

The wait from 95-2008 was insane....but for Axl to be running off CD from 2008-2011 isn't really that unusual.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

He has been running off Chinese since 2001.....big difference.

As for Axl shooting down MSL, DO YOU GUYS SEE THIS AS GOOD NEWS? We are getting NOTHING. ZILCH. ZERO. I don't see losing a manager, not our in sight, and no album in sight as good news.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:

To me it's good news that the band responds to speculation from fans and so on - i think the major problem with the CD era overall was the years of silence and guess work.

To me its now around time to move on. Like they've released the album that bogged them down for so long, and they've done a world tour for it.

Next logical step would either be a USA tour, or just calling it a day and hitting the studio to finalise the follow up.

But then i'm sure there's more to how things progress (or not) than it sounds just writing that here. But all i mean is its basicly the earliest we could have got a follow up from CD about now. As it would be normal to have expected a tour and so on. So like if nothing happens for another 2 or 3 years then I support the angst...(although as I'm sure Axl would say if he reads this..we can't really demand anything)..but I get it if there's silence for more years...i'm just saying it seems like an active period to they just did a tour...the bands been talking about wanting to record...seemed an odd time for MSL to start messing with them.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

shouldn't tour the US without new product and some effort to promote...simple as that.....However, if they want to do a 2000 to 5000 seat theatre tour then they could continue to suck Chinese and AFD dry.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Saying there were never concrete plans is meaningless - if they were concrete plans, they couldn't be cancelled or incomplete. Doesn't mean that a re-release/tour wasn't their intention, although it's cool to see he shot down the rumor about Tommy being fired directly.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

MSL Video removed by user !

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