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 Rep: 43 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

sp1at wrote:
Bright Eyes 2005 wrote:
JIP wrote:

nice to hear from axl again...msl was right though about McGhee

Actually, funny it wasn't reported on any GN'R related message-boards, but news articles had surfaced in the last month, that GN'R and Doc had amicably parted ways (not a permanent deal ever--he helped with last tour) and GN'R are working with Jeff Kwatinetz (The Firm).  MSL likely had a Google news alert going, and saw that posted a few places last month and then threw it into his story to try and make his write-up more believable.

I can absolutely back that up.

For MSL to take any credit for this gossip is ludicrous.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Smoking Guns wrote:

He kind of gave props to the old band.  Called them a Myth, Legend, but most of all I like when he noted the Heart that went into the past work.  The Reunion starts now!!!!

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:
DCK wrote:

So they feel they are owed something, so they would like more of these nonsense tentative plans Axl or others have put up in the past, only for the fans to get annoyed and disappointed when it doesn't happen?


Precisely. We were just talking about it in the other thread. Drama. Without that kind of setup, then let down, the fan base has absolutely NOTHING to talk about. NOTHING to bitch up.

The GN'R fan world may be overtly negative, but negative is STILL drama.

And the cycle since 2001 continues. And continues.

The GN'R fans SAY they hate it that way, but they really love it. Otherwise they'd have nothing to talk about.

The day everything goes smoothly in GN'R is the day the myth dies.

That's what I meant by - if GN'R released a new album every other year - NONE of this drama would even exist. Non-existant.

All we'd be talking about is which track is better than which and is Guns N' Roses new self-titled album better than Use Your Illusion II, etc.

Mikkamakka wrote:

My two cents.

I think MSL had info. Some. But exaggerated it. To get songs or to get money or to get fame, is irrelevant. I think Axl's tweet didn't really shot down MSL's stuff, but showed that he doesn't have much to prove his infos. Which were more infos, then documents or anything. Now it's MSL's turn to get everything he has online, if he has any.
I think Axl lost his faith in this line-up. This was my first reaction to that December interview.

On the pressure the current incarnation of the group has to live up to its past, Rose commented, "I think it's a lot to do with the material from the past and a hell of a lot to do with the heart that was put into it then. But if we weren't putting the heart into it now . . . the fans, they're not gonna let me get away with it. We have to live up to something, have to work a bit harder because you're living up to the legend or a myth or whatever."

It's the same 2002 VMA bullshit. If 15 years weren't enough to believe in his (ever-changing) band, then no time will be. He's still battling with his past, feeling that something amazing happened back then, he cannot recreate. That's why he's been playing AFD for a decade again. That's why he rerecorded that album with the '99 line-up. Axl wants to find that band that functioned and inspired him, when they were 'climbing up' and what was lost by the UYIs. He missed it, so ruined the (old) band and tried to rebuild it. Now, after multiple failed rebuilds, he has to face that he'll never get the same experience again. I think his fear is that he wouldn't have it again, even if he got the old guys together again. As it more likely wouldn't happen, cause they are rich and middle-aged now. But hey, maybe they could make a great album, and then - when everything falls apart as expected - they van hate each other again with passion. But the love/hate relationship between the old guys, we witnessed in the past 15-20 years, could be really inspiring.

For the record. I don't think a reunion would happen and I don't expect or wait for it. But as it seems, Axl will never release jack shit in the next years with whatever band he actually has. Cause he has no faith in the guys, other than Slash, Duff and Izzy.

Ab-so-lutely. Says it all. Perfect summary.

The ONLY guy Axl had faith in outside of the old band was Buckethead. Thus the reason Axl tried to woo him back continously since 2004, no different than Izzy up to 2001, and eventually some guest appearences in 2006.

I don't believe MSL's "Duff in new Guns" thing, but I wouldn't be shocked by it either. The biggest key difference in that 'rumor' versus Izzy & Bucket, is that Izzy & Bucket were actually insanely talented and irreplacable. Axl actually did a good thing by bringing Bucket in in 2001 as Slash's replacement, and he knew it. Something i'm sure Robin Finck wasn't told in 1998, or whenever he signed up. Axl had a real chance with a Slash-less GN'R, at least on an artistic-level, maybe not image.

Same thing with Izzy. He STILL hasn't been replaced since 1991, and Axl knows that.

Problem with the Duff story is Tommy. That's the reason I thought it was BS. Tommy is arguably a better bassist, got the same 'underground' street cred like a Bucket, and Axl knows he has a great replacement for Duff. Unlike the others.

With all of that said, not to just restate what you already said Mikka, but it's clearly obvious Axl has NO confidence in the current band, including DJ.

He wants his 2002 band back, believe it or not, and he can't have that.

He's far too proud to ask for his 1985-91 band back, even though that's his 'backup'. He'd have to have a 5-gallon Culligan jug of water to wash down his foot.

 Rep: 231 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

-D- wrote:

Ill be this way till we get one more album. after that, i will no longer be. Axl has to prove we aren't going to have to wait 15 years between albums. So if a follow up comes out in a reasonable period of time. sometime before the end of 2012, I will then seize being the way i am over GNR.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:


That's reasonable, and I feel that same way.

Smoking Guns wrote:

He kind of gave props to the old band.  Called them a Myth, Legend, but most of all I like when he noted the Heart that went into the past work.  The Reunion starts now!!!!

He's probably still feeling all warm and fuzzy 'cause of Duff.

I know you're just funning around, but the 'heart' thing came from their appetite for success. Their hunger to beat all odds.

Axl doesn't have any heart right now with his manufactured 'free agent' New York Yankees-form Guns N' Roses.

Even if he had the reunion, AND they were gonna cut a new album, the heart would be gone. They'd simply be doing it because everyone wants them to, not because they want them to. I could see Slash, Izzy, Duff, Steven/Matt & Dizzy all 'wanting' it, but Axl might half-ass. If he could turn around and get that 1990 UYI-era attitude about doing something "big"... look out...

You might just get Appetite II

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Smoking Guns wrote:

Axlin08, we don't need to start a "reunion" thread, but I agree.  And I will say, Slash and Adler would work their fucking asses off for it and something tells me Duff would give it his all too.  So that leaves lazy Izzy and complicated Axl.  Would they pull their weight?  If was a mainly Slash, Adler, and Duff album with a half assed Axl and Izzy, it would still be badass.  Get them "All In", like my Auburn Tigers, and you have the perfect setting.  They have too much pride to put out shit.

 Rep: 231 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

-D- wrote:

was watching Celtics vs Mavs the other night and Jungle and PC were played and I know those songs are so worn out we kinda stop giving them props but hearing them on TV during that game, i thought to myself, HOLY FUCK these songs are some of the greatest rock songs ever. just rock n roll masterpieces. every element is legendary.

CD was a good album but compared to Appetite.. it really lacks in everything.

everyone says Axl is a perfectionist which is what took the album so long.. i still hold true to my belief that they just didn't have the material to please Axl. and thats why it took so long. simply cause Axl knew the material wasn't strong enough to house the GNR brandname.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:


Even if he had the reunion, AND they were gonna cut a new album, the heart would be gone.

I know what you mean about the heart and stuff......being street kids...on the run...the absolute fight for's hard to replicate that...but I also think it's easy to romanticise that stuff a bit.

What you loose in youthful agression you make up in life pain, and when your music is emotional like Axls, or blues dripping like Slash....I think it's a decent trade off.

I mean Slash's playing live recently is full on amazing, he's not running round like he did as a kid...but musically his chops are better and just last year he released an album with some killer riffs and licks and shit.

Then Axl - say what you want about chinese, but the most Axlish moments - like that scream in IRS....the heartfelt "I would do anything or you' in TWAT.....all politics aside the guy still has game.

I remember duff talking about velvet revolver once and he said something like "right about the time people tell us something is impossible is about the time we decide to go and go it".

Maybe the pressure of getting together in their 50s when told it's too old and they've sold out would be what made them make something truely special.

I don't think you could ever capture 1986 again - the missplaced youths on their way up - but you might capture something new in 2020 or Axl who's redeamed his broken heart...a Slash who's conquored his addiction who've grown over their battle with life...guys who should have died in 1991 showing us what they learn't in their life...just as the guys in 86 told us a real story of life in the LA underground.

They may never choose to do it, but those guys together...if they can agree on the details...musically...they bring something special and I have no doubt it could happen again.

 Rep: 231 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

-D- wrote:

I think they would make a fantastic album. Remember, they quit at their peak, so it isn't like they got burned out and made so many albums they got stale. so there would be enough creativity and juice flowing to pump out a legendary album.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
-D- wrote:

I think they would make a fantastic album. Remember, they quit at their peak, so it isn't like they got burned out and made so many albums they got stale. so there would be enough creativity and juice flowing to pump out a legendary album.

Not necessarily. That band thrived on a sense of desperation. There is absolutely nothing that will get them back into their 1985-1988 mindset. The lyrics were all based on living a trashy lifestyle and the riffs/solos were so great that none of the band members have been able to put out that level of material since. They ran out of gas after hitting it insanely big right off the bat. There's nothing wrong with that. The fans should just accept the fact that the past can't be recreated.

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