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 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:

So not only is he delusional, he's also highly emotional. Pretty funny to read his comments. MSL, you are full of shit and you would be better off not commenting on this matter ever again.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

maybe he will have a real meltdown and leak everything he has.....he's got something.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … 474&page=2

You are a millionaire?

"no. when you make a million dollars, after taxes it's much closer to half a million dollars. when you spend many years living off said half million while pursuing passion projects, it doesn't leave you with much. i have some investments to show for it and a ton of cool shit, but my monthly budget at this point is pretty reasonable. "

How did you make your first million, if you don't mind me asking?

"the algorithm i wrote. when i was younger i had a much better attn span and could do SOME normal people type stuff. i had a math background once upon a time  "

 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:

Good grief...

This guy is a tit.

He thinks he's "Mr Chinese Democracy", a title he has given himself and only he has ever referred to himself as that.
He thinks that he is the guy who deserves the praises for those songs he leaked, bollocks to that, its the musicians who created them who deserve soul credit and praise for those songs, not the guy who went out his way to steal their thunder.
He thinks he a hero, he's nothing and he never was, he got played by dorks on the internet who used him to get what they wanted, just like he played his way to those songs.
He is clinging on to this fantasy that he has some kind of importance in the world of Guns N Roses, when the fact is he's not even a footnote in the history of GNR.

I seriously wish he'd just fuck off once and for all and for people to stop giving the big headed twat any more attention.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
jamester062001 wrote: … 474&page=2

You are a millionaire?

"no. when you make a million dollars, after taxes it's much closer to half a million dollars. when you spend many years living off said half million while pursuing passion projects, it doesn't leave you with much. i have some investments to show for it and a ton of cool shit, but my monthly budget at this point is pretty reasonable. "

How did you make your first million, if you don't mind me asking?

"the algorithm i wrote. when i was younger i had a much better attn span and could do SOME normal people type stuff. i had a math background once upon a time  "

Further and further down the rabbit hole of delusion. Someone has been on too many acid trips. 14

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 217 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Mikkamakka wrote:

I reall appreciate what MSL did for the GN'R fans a few years ago, but his posts are getting scary. 18

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:
russtcb wrote:
madagas wrote:

maybe he will have a real meltdown and leak everything he has.....he's got something.

I'm leaning more and more toward him having absolutely nothing. I mean, trying to claim that the terrible fan made TWaT remix he "leaked" was totally legit seems to be grasping at straws for cred.

I don't think he has any music.....just think he has some "priviliged/confidential" Gnr information....

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
msl wrote:

people loved me so much. i was so proud. it was my biggest accomplishment ever. nothing will ever compare. everything is a failure by comparison.

I can understand that feeling, and it's probably how guys in GNR and bands feel too. I mean, for example,  after you write AFD and November Rain, how do you go about writing new music? I think the solution is to do things for your own reasons and not to recapture a moment with others. For GNR it means Axl writes songs like the chinese era songs, with varying styles mid song, and his new bandmates. For you it will be something else. Bottom line is you shouldn't be trying to get approval from GNR fans, dude i'm sure lots of people in the fan base would like you just because you share thier passion for GNR, or for something else about your personality. But trying to endlessly one up your past deeds is a fools errand. What happens if you leaked this stuff and people loved it? How long does that last? What do you have to do in 2 years time to be even more kickass than being the twat guy, and the axl-novel guy. Eventually it reaches critical mass and  it's impossible to top stuff, or the self sacrifices required to do so are insane. You had a moment it was cool, remember it for what it was, but don't let it dictate your current actions man.

msl wrote:

axl's lawyer said the book is worth at least $1.5 million. i really thought they'd offer me like 3-4% of that and this would all just be over.

From an outsiders point of view, it's often looked to me from Axl's comments and stuff over the years, that he doesn't like what he sees as people taking advantage of his situation, leaching for money, or others manipulatuing the situation for their own purposes. I don't have anything at hand, but I'm sure over the years he's used comments of that kind to describe music industry professionals, ex bandmembers, journalists and so on.

I've never met Axl, but to be honest I wouldn't be surprised if he'd do anything but pay you to go away. Who knows if the guy is right or wrong in the history of GNR matters - but one thing - he always seems to do what he thinks is right - he's quite principled - even in situations like some of the law suits - that will create more problems than they solve maybe - but he's not going to let it slide.

That's the way I see him, as a dude who will call a bluff, who will have a go at that bigger guy on the street who says something crap as he walks by.

So if you look at the situation from their perspective, you have obtained (possibily illegally I wouldn't know) information that they consider private and confidential, and now you're expecting that they'll pay you money to keep it quiet?

Many people would do that, as the desire to keep it quiet would outway the haslte of loosing the cash. But to someone extremely principled, they might prefer to let any old info out, even if it damages them, than pay someone who they consider undeserving. Hell it wouldn't surprise me if Axl leaked the same documents you have himself just to piss you off at this point. Again...I don't know Axl personally, so i might be right off base with that, but I'm just saying you shouldn't assume either what they're going to do.

And, my personal opinion is that it's kinda low for fans of the band, which I assume you are or were at some point, to be blackmailing the band either for money, or just to obtain street cred from the fanbase.

I personally don't want to be "mean" to you, I'm just saying I think you over steped some ethical boundries with this activity. Maybe you did it for good reasons underneath, or maybe you've just severly miscalculated how the fan base or the gnr camp would respond.

Who knows...but at this point I think the best thing to do is move on. You could leak whatever you have to clear your name, but you could wind up in jail. And even then who knows if people would be satisified. And you'd probably damage the band you like. At this point it's very hard to win the kind of approval you seek. You would be much better served to allow your pride to simply look at this situation for what it is - smart guy or not - you're falliable - and you've fucked this one up man. Things didn't go as you expected, and what you did wasn't the best idea in the situation. Happens to everyone.

I'd recommend going back to being a normal fan. Don't try and get involved in the inner workings of the band, don't threaten them with shit. Just sit back and enjoy stuff when and if it happens on Axl's own timeline.

Step away from this situation. MSL can be anything you make him, wrestler, journalist or whatever, life aint over yet brother, but you've invested far too much in this, and it sounds like it's psychologically unheathy for you, i'm pretty sure it's not great for the band either, and lets face it, people online will find a reason to hate you just as many hate the band....time to find another way to get your rocks of man. Many of us appriciate that you ment well once upon a time, but that time has past and things are going bad to worse here.

msl wrote:

but now gnr is ignoring me and i'm getting angry.

i like to know what's going on. even if it's just to be told that you're busy or nothing is going on.

but if you ignore me that means i have to guess and my guess will always be the worst thing imaginable.

My guess is that Axl's statement called your hand. He basicly discounted your statements. I'd guess they're done with the matter unless you leak it - and then they'll agressively try and put you in jail. At the risk of repeating myself the absolute best thing you can do is forget all of this, find a new project to put the passion you put into this stuff into, and just enjoy the band as a regualr fan. You know - most of us don't get to talk to GNR either - that's how life is. You don't always have the right or the situation to talk to famous people. You need to accept that nickname of CD guy or not - you're not in the band, you're not in the managment, no offence but you have no place interjecting yourself into band business like you have. Forget getting angry, just accept this entire idea was a bad call and walk away.

msl wrote:

think axl is one of the smartest people in the world. and i think i'm smarter. by a lot.
the thing is that like there is no way to explain how fucking smart i am without seeming like a complete asshole. it's a problem i deal with a lot. "

I also think Axl is very smart, his lyrics and his comments over intereviews suggest a deep intelligence. Maybe you are smarter, maybe you arn't. But I'll tell you something, I don't know you - but you seem unduely focused on your own intelligence. Maybe it's only after people call you stupid...but you seem to post often about how smart you are. Best thing you could do is stop refering to it, stop thinking about it, and also, stop letting it be some kind of benchmark against which you have to prove something to someone.

If you are so smart, be grateful, many things in life will be easier for you, somethings will probablly be a lot harder than it would for someone not as switched on too. But who cares? You are who you are. Is it a reason to fuck with GNR? No. is it a reason to care what people online think? No. Is it a reason to do illegal things that could get you in jail? No.  You have no reason to consider your own intelligence or post about it again. I don't think it helps. It's like you look at your IQ then decide that means you should be smart enough to be able to pull of a situation - which if you think about it properly was always a bad idea - smart guy or not.

Well, I've probably made myself look like an asshole telling you what to do...but at the end of the day, your posts are starting to sound pretty irrational - and way too connected to this whole drama. And it's sounding unhealthy for you, for the band, and everyone.  I seriously think you should just enjoy the band and drop the goals for yourself for a while. Don't try and be the Chinese Democracy guy...just be a dude like us that watches the band from the sidelines. Forget this whole mess before it actually goes too far and fucks up your life.

 Rep: 423 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

buzzsaw wrote:

I can confirm the difficulties of being smarter than everybody else. It is quite the burden.  big_smile

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