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Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

and, darknemus, if your browsing, do you have any pics from Monday at Hammerstein in May 2006? You took them with a big group of us and never put them up....they were pretty sweet.

 Rep: 664 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

James wrote:
downliner wrote:

Izzy specifically said that "Box" was written with Timo Kaltia in the Summer of '06 whilst on tour with GNR.

"Down By The Ocean" dates back to 1995.

I think they're two completely seperate songs. I also doubt "Down By The Ocean" will ever see an official release sad "Box" is a cool song tho

Valid point obviously but the song idea could have originated in 95 and Izzy and Timo could have finished it in 06. If Izzy was the sole songwriter for the track, nothing stopping him from taking it from a GNR session and making it his own.

Not the exact same thing, but Keith Richards had a song on his solo album in 92 titled Wicked As It Seems.

The Stones and their producer liked the song so it was brought into the Voodoo Lounge sessions and morphed into this:

Could have been a similar situation. Izzy liked it and wanted to do something else with it.

 Rep: 664 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

Screw the big forums filled with thousands of idiots and asslickers who want to get in good with the powers that be.

I consider the "big 3" forums to be virtually unreadable. I don't even bother because I lose IQ points if I click on any of them. I know that anything that even has a small nugget of substance will be here so why bother with that shit?

 Rep: 53 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slashsfro wrote:

I stopped reading HTTGH when it became so obviously pro Axl.  Mygnr is unbearable now because there are just so many stupid posts there that I can't really leaf through 10 pages or so just to find one decent well written post.

I never got the entire asslicker mentality.  I mean just because you write a bunch of posts praising the band (or certain band members) doesn't mean that you'll get something in return.  It just seems strange if you're going to post an individual opinion why on earth would you want to shape it with a certain slant or bent.

I occasionally lurk at this imdb page for a tv show.  There's this one poster who no matter what the show does will automatically defend it and shape her argument towards that even if the episode in question is a steaming turd or the writing just stinks.

 Rep: 10 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

JIP wrote:
Scabbie wrote:
downliner wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Only thing interesting regarding Izzy I wouldn't mind seeing is the actual truth on Down By the Ocean. Some Izzy nutswingers think its already been released by Izzy(I'm in that category), while others think its languishing in Axl's vault.

^Thats the song everyone thinks is "Down By The Ocean".

Izzy specifically said that "Box" was written with Timo Kaltia in the Summer of '06 whilst on tour with GNR.

"Down By The Ocean" dates back to 1995.

I think they're two completely seperate songs. I also doubt "Down By The Ocean" will ever see an official release sad "Box" is a cool song tho

Cool song. Hearing that makes me want a reunion.

This song has the same verse melody with Sweet Home Alabama :-))

 Rep: 227 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Will wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Valid point obviously but the song idea could have originated in 95 and Izzy and Timo could have finished it in 06. If Izzy was the sole songwriter for the track, nothing stopping him from taking it from a GNR session and making it his own.

[ ... ]

Could have been a similar situation. Izzy liked it and wanted to do something else with it.

Very true, and it wouldn't be the first time Izzys done this.

Izzy Stradlin wrote:

There's also a song which I had already worked on in 1992 with Ju Ju Hounds. I had to record it at least five times, there's even a version where Slash does the lead guitar. It was a good song, but there was something which didn't stick. I changed [some] things and I also changed the lyrics, it finally became the reggae [song] which is reproduced on River.

River was released in 2001 so thats a 9 year window from the original recording and actual release.

Someone should have asked Axl about "Down by the Ocean" instead of all the shitty questions he had to answer. "Box" could very well be a reworked Chinese Democracy demo 17

 Rep: 281 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

faldor wrote:
emcitymisfit wrote:
faldor wrote:

This is too ridiculous to even debate for me at this point.  I honestly could care less about any of this stuff, real or not.  Nothing to see here.  Somebody wake me when we get something interesting.

I think the Better video stuff is pretty interesting.

I can understand that, but it really doesn't get me too excited reading video treatments that never saw or will see the light of day.  I'd be much more interested in reading WHY the videos never came to light.  Obviously it was part of the plan at one point when Axl mentioned it in the chats.  And what was with Fernando saying they needed Lars to sign off on it?  And then Lars giving his OK, and nothing ever happening?  Those things I'd find more interesting than READING about a proposed music video.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

johndivney wrote:
faldor wrote:
emcitymisfit wrote:
faldor wrote:

This is too ridiculous to even debate for me at this point.  I honestly could care less about any of this stuff, real or not.  Nothing to see here.  Somebody wake me when we get something interesting.

I think the Better video stuff is pretty interesting.

I can understand that, but it really doesn't get me too excited reading video treatments that never saw or will see the light of day. I'd be much more interested in reading WHY the videos never came to light.  Obviously it was part of the plan at one point when Axl mentioned it in the chats.  And what was with Fernando saying they needed Lars to sign off on it?  And then Lars giving his OK, and nothing ever happening? Those things I'd find more interesting than READING about a proposed music video.

Yes yes yes yes yes

but msl won't leak the documents, ever.. & if he gets 'em sold we'll never get our hands on 'em & the truth'll be obscured & things overlooked.. so we'll never really know 4 sure ourselves exactly how peculiar all these little clusterfucks were, in the great gnr clusterfuck.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

MSL will not Budge even tho users ask great questions!
Seems we will only get info when he needs more hits on his forum or he gets upset with GnR 'over time". … thread=511
    GNR - Memory stick
« Thread Started Today at 12:00pm »

random user wrote:

What's the real situation with drummer Brain / Brian ?

Is he in or is he out of GN'R ?
Does the Memory stick shed any light on the situation ? from what was reported, all was fine until Brain's / Brian's other half had a baby. Before you know it, drummer Frank showed up and Brain / Brian was having time off, and showed up ever again ?

MSL wrote:

no requests. i will talk about gnr stuff as time goes on. meanwhile, if GNR discussion completely dominates this board in multiple threads to the point where non-GNR fans become quiet, i'll lose interest quickly. there are other things to talk about. any gnr stuff plz post in an existing thread. thanks.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

my board is hosted by proboards. i do not receive any of the ad revenue. hits on my forum are of no consequence to me. if anything, all the GNR chatter has scared away my regular users.

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