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 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Guns N' Roses   gunsnroses
Wishing all a Happy Valentine's day. about 5 hours ago via Facebook

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Tommy Stinson   tommy_stinson
Pretty shocked that a few people who deserved grammies got them. What a hideous display of mediocrity it all is. though yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Valentine's Day dinner............ waddya think, sushi or Thai??

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Bumblefoot   bumblefoot
Twitter votes sushi, Facebook votes Thai... hmmmmm.... Mrs. Foot will have the final decision..........

 Rep: 661 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

monkeychow wrote:
jamester062001. wrote:

When guns are illeagle only the military and criminals will have guns.

I would rather go to a gun fight with a gun .....have you ever thought of it that way monkey?

Yeah people say that and I can respect it makes some sense.

But to's not as clear cut.

The argument goes that even if illegal, criminals will still carry guns, so we might as well arm the population to give them a chance to defend themselves.

But unfortunately, life isn't as simple as good guys and bad guys. While there's certanly a lot of criminals and bad guys, there's thousands of gray area people - people who snap, develop a mental illness, or just can't cope with some particular circumstance.

I think the incident of trouble occuring when you arm those people, far outweighs the incidence of regular civilians using their guns to turn superhero and save the day.

Bottom line is - if you show up to a mall and go on a knife rampage, you get overpowered pretty quick, if you go on a gun rampage a lot more people die. One way to stop a gun rampage is to arm everyone and they cap you when you start. But how many of those people then accidently shoot someone, or have a kid play with the gun, or have a bad breakup and temporarily loose their mind - and the consequences are so much worse when that happens with a gun.The more guns around, the more common such a rampage becomes.

Criminals can have their guns, and I'll arm my police to deal with them. Overall violence will be lower if we arn't all packing. People might kill people, but lets not pretend a gun is designed to do anything other than kill. Anyway, i'm pretty sure it's a cultrual your results will vary no doubt.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Guns N' Roses   gunsnroses
Rise N Grind with a little post Valentine's classic #nowplaying - Used To Love Her - about 1 hour ago via Facebook

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Tommy Stinson   tommy_stinson
@htgth hey Jarmo!!! Thanks for the plug. Whats the latest with you. Where are you? Take care.

 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:
Tommy Stinson   wrote:

Tommy Stinson   tommy_stinson
@htgth hey Jarmo!!! Thanks for the plug. Whats the latest with you. Where are you? Take care.

/jarmo wrote:

@tommy_stinson No problem. :-) At home in cold Sweden. Awaiting the spring. Had enough of cold weather and snow for one winter by now. Haha.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

New ASHBA Swag shirt tags!! new store/site and swag coming soon!! 7 minutes ago via TweetDeck

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