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 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:
faldor wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Also funny how no music is mentioned outside of a couple Better mixes...

099. January 2008 Axl email about which songs should be on second album

And there you have the list of songs that MSL quoted as having received.  I'm sure he never got any songs other than the Better mix that was on that email list.

He probably threw that out there as bait to see what he could get.

Shame 3 years on there is no second album sad

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:
MSL wrote:


that list was sent to a few organizations that had expressed interest in working out an arrangement with me and wanted to know more about what i had. kind of a funny situation if you think about it that somebody must have leaked the list and there's really no way for me to find out who.

how appropriate i guess. … 528&page=1

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:
downliner wrote:

Metal Sludge has compiled (received) a list (thru sources) of everything that is alleged to be on the 'memory stick' that Mister Saint Laurent has claimed to be in possesion of.

For now, we don't have these alleged documents, but our source seems to be spot on with other leaks.

So their source is MSL?

You know MSL could easily and unknowingly take the fall here for somebody elses dirty work.

Lets say that someone gave MSL all those files.  Well whats to stop that same person giving copies to multiple people or simply leaking the stuff anonomously themself.

If the motherload of this stuff comes out I'm sure the GNR camp would set the FBI straight only MSL's ass and he would have a devil of a time trying to convince them it wasn't him.  After all he is the only guy that's gone on the net telling everyone what he has and what he is going to do with it.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … 528&page=1

MSL wrote:

well i've certainly realized since the beginning of this that if i leaked everything, it would certainly destroy the band.

for those that criticize how slowly i've approached things, i'd like for them to imagine for one second knowing that if they weren't careful, they could cause one of their favorite bands to break up. it's a lot of pressure. … rd=general

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Smoking Guns wrote:

Where are you fellas getting the MSL quotes?  from another board?  Anyway, Axl is so fucked if this comes out...  A reunion may be his only option since all these current guys will flip their shit when they see how bad Axl has been behind their backs.  He goes after Tommy, Ron, Robin, DJ... Looks like Fortus is safe!

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … 528&page=2

no, i have not made a deal with anyone yet. however, there are a few publications that i sent a list to of what i have. that list is now apparantly on metal sludge.

 Rep: 149 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slcpunk wrote:
Aussie wrote:

If the motherload of this stuff comes out I'm sure the GNR camp would set the FBI straight only MSL's ass and he would have a devil of a time trying to convince them it wasn't him.  After all he is the only guy that's gone on the net telling everyone what he has and what he is going to do with it.

Assuming he had anything to begin with, which I doubt, that would be poetic justice wouldn't it?

 Rep: 149 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slcpunk wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Where are you fellas getting the MSL quotes?  from another board?  Anyway, Axl is so fucked if this comes out...  A reunion may be his only option since all these current guys will flip their shit when they see how bad Axl has been behind their backs.  He goes after Tommy, Ron, Robin, DJ... Looks like Fortus is safe!

If this is true, Axl really is the biggest douche of them all.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

random user wrote:

MSL did you leak the lists, so more news publications will be interested in the files you have, and offer you BIIIIIIG dollars for it?

kinda teasing them with the entree before you bring out the mother of main courses?

MSL wrote:

no, i typed up the list because legitimate news publications asked to know exactly what it was that i had. while someone may have leaked the list to metal sludge, i have not sent ANYONE the files and i don't feel like i am in a rush as i don't believe anyone else has these files.

jamester wrote:

"apparantly on metal sludge." … &Itemid=42

This list adds a whole new interest. Fans have had questions about almost all of this stuff for years. The band until last tour have been almost silent. IMO people will dig to the bottom of this. As will the GnR camp.

MSL you said somone Anoumously gave u this hard drive. somone else does have it and if they will GIVE it to you they will GIVE it to others

MSL wrote:

hmmmm maybe. at least i dont have 1,000 people calling me a fat liar every day anymore.

 Rep: 14 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Dadud wrote:

075 - 081 would be really interesting to read.

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