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Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:
WARose wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

If a few documents in the possession of a guy who wrestles in the AWA is going to decide the fate of GNR in the 21st century, then just go ahead and call it a day whether or not the documents ever see the light of day.

Anything on that much shaky ground shouldn't exist in the first place. The CD era has always been a complete fiasco, even the blind nutswingers are finally figuring it out, there was never, EVER any real plan in sight, so what do we really lose if this "flash drive" gets out? A band that cant record any new music? A band that tours the hits every few years overseas?

Let it implode. Maybe Axl can come back to the plate in a few years with something substantial and the hired guns can go back to doing what we didn't give a shit about until they got to milk the GNR name dry for a few bucks.

Go solo or do a reunion. Fuck all this other nonsense. If you do go solo, concentrate on the word solo and leave the yes men/women at home where they belong.

nothing else left to be said james. after buckethead, robin and brain left his "band" axl should have called it quits...

Axl should have called it quits when Slash left...

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

If a few documents in the possession of a guy who wrestles in the AWA is going to decide the fate of GNR in the 21st century, then just go ahead and call it a day whether or not the documents ever see the light of day.

Anything on that much shaky ground shouldn't exist in the first place. The CD era has always been a complete fiasco, even the blind nutswingers are finally figuring it out, there was never, EVER any real plan in sight, so what do we really lose if this "flash drive" gets out? A band that cant record any new music? A band that tours the hits every few years overseas?

Let it implode. Maybe Axl can come back to the plate in a few years with something substantial and the hired guns can go back to doing what we didn't give a shit about until they got to milk the GNR name dry for a few bucks.

Go solo or do a reunion. Fuck all this other nonsense. If you do go solo, concentrate on the word solo and leave the yes men/women at home where they belong.

I don't know who's attracted by this line-up. Yeah, madagas likes Tommy, but... they are very irreplacable. Axl could hire Adler's cover band tomorrow and hardly anyone would notice the difference. They are skilled middle-aged musicians with no fame and no 'star factor'. I don't even know what Axl's plans are if there is any for the future, and how he'll change them every hour.
I don't know if this list is legit - if not, then the best fraud in the history of the GN'R saga. If true...well, then I don't want no reunion, cause that'd be even worse. Slash, Duff and Izzy wouldn't tolerate this treatment. Then a good cover band, playing AFD, CD or (well...) CDII songs is the best possible option. I wish Axl would find more peace, since he seems to be really troubled and bitter. Fuck it man, you're one of the greatest singers of all time! Fire everybody, get a piano, write an album alone in 6 months and tour. That'd be the best.

At this point, my loyalty to Tommy doesn't override my frustration with no new music. If they aren't going to release a new album anytime soon, call it a day and move on to an eventual reunion which obviously Axl thinks about. Axl should dump the remaining Chinese tracks in a boxset for hardcores and look to a reunion in 2012 for the 25th anniversary of AFD.

and for the record, those emails would be UNBELIEVABLE to read....diary of a true madman! 18

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
johndivney wrote:

i think it's only fair to call into question the legitimacy of the band & axl's rule of GnRland when 'evidence' such as this comes to light. it defo is cause for re-evaluating the band & whatever output they manage.

Well, i've never met the guy, but if we were to make an analysis of his personality and character from the public information, accounts of others who've worked with him, and pubic events, then he's been that way since the 1980s at least.

Some people say he's a wonderful guy, others think he's a complete prick. You can find examples of him seeming like a relaxed, intelligent, funny and friendly guy (eg 2006 eddie trunk interview) or examples of him seeming emotional and violent (eg photographer incident). Is he either of those things, none of those things, or both of those things? I can't say - but they've always been associated with him.

For me I love the music and I choose to support him despite it. Everyone has good and bad sides. Axl has amazing musical gifts, and, if what we hear is true, he has some flaws too - like his anger or whatever. That doesn't mean i think everything he's ever done is right, but it means that i know it's the price of admission to his musical genius party if you will. To be honest when following GNR, I expect them to come late, I expect some products not eventuate, and I expect fights between bandmembers every so often. It's just how it's always been. In an ideal world, maybe those things wouldn't happen. But they do, and for me I love the songs enough that the rest of it doesn't bother me.

This whole thing makes me think two things though.

Number one: because i'm interested in the band, in their thoughts and in the workings of the music industry, i'd dearly love to read all this.

Number two: I realise that despite that desite, I have zero right to see any of this and none of us do. And i think its really FUCKED of msl to have done this. I mean the guy is ment to enjoy the band. He's releasing info that damages their reputation, may damage relationships within the band, harms their financial interests and future plans, and potentially interfers with Axl's relationship which seems to have been his one solace since his romantic problems of the past. I can't see how anyone can in good concience do that, and I can't support it being done. Even if he's the biggest Asshole in the world (which i dont think he is) , at this moment I actually feel sorry for Axl and what must go through his mind. I think it's completely unacceptable for MSL to have done this. So as much as this absolutely interests me, i'm also finding the whole saga sort of disgusting in that fans of the band can seriously fuck them over like this.

If this was to cause Axl to retire, what then, would msl be proud?

 Rep: 33 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

skippy wrote:

Just wanted to add..sometimes people who only know chaos, once they "rid" themselves of what they deemed to be chaotic, re-create the chaos for themselves.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

misterID wrote:

How did a hacker know to hack 4-5 different computers to get that specific information, put it on a flashdrive and then just give it over to, really, some guy and not just turn it over to Rolling Stone? Just doesn't make any sense.

 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:

The Revenge of Irving?

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
misterID wrote:

How did a hacker know to hack 4-5 different computers to get that specific information, put it on a flashdrive and then just give it over to, really, some guy and not just turn it over to Rolling Stone? Just doesn't make any sense.

Why is it 5 computers, am i missing something, looks to me like all of that information would go through beta's computer wouldnt it? Assuming Axl shared stuff like his book with her.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

johndivney wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Some people say he's a wonderful guy, others think he's a complete prick. You can find examples of him seeming like a relaxed, intelligent, funny and friendly guy (eg 2006 eddie trunk interview) or examples of him seeming emotional and violent (eg photographer incident). Is he either of those things, none of those things, or both of those things? I can't say - but they've always been associated with him.
Everyone has good and bad sides. Axl has amazing musical gifts, and, if what we hear is true, he has some flaws too - like his anger or whatever. That doesn't mean i think everything he's ever done is right, but it means that i know it's the price of admission to his musical genius party if you will.It's just how it's always been. In an ideal world, maybe those things wouldn't happen.

I mean the guy is ment to enjoy the band. He's releasing info that damages their reputation, may damage relationships within the band, harms their financial interests and future plans, and potentially interfers with Axl's relationship which seems to have been his one solace since his romantic problems of the past.
So as much as this absolutely interests me, i'm also finding the whole saga sort of disgusting in that fans of the band can seriously fuck them over like this.

If this was to cause Axl to retire, what then, would msl be proud?

it's defo an unfair judgement from where i'm sitting, but his volatile nature has wrecked more havoc and badness than his artistic output has been able to balance!

my prob is the price of admission does or shouldn't have to be so high, especially not these days.. it's 2011, for all his intelligence & money he is still the little kid from 1992.

it is sad that fans can do this to a band they love, but a lot of fans are fans of a GnR that doesn't exist anymore. what this GnR is is a different GnR from what they had. & given Axl's lies & deception towards the fans it's quite understandable something like this would occur.

skippy wrote:

Just wanted to add..sometimes people who only know chaos, once they "rid" themselves of what they deemed to be chaotic, re-create the chaos for themselves.

very true.

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

It's a shame that despite running everything his way since about 1993 he still seems so troubled and angry.  You would have hoped he might have found some inner peace as he's got older and done things his way.

The whole animosity thing towards Slash, the regular quitting on a whim, the firing/revolving door of business people and musicians.  Seems he really is struggling to find whatever it is he is looking for.

I have to say though I really have wondered if he has surrounded himself with people that actually help him or whether they simply drive and feed his paranoia.  I say this because I would have thought we might have seen some sort of personal development with him over the years, yet he still appears to be that same angry and messed up kid that just hopped off the greyhound bus.

He is a fantastic artist and I would love to see him succeed and function going forward.  Whether that be NuGNR, Original GNR or as a solo artist.  But unfortunately I can't see what is going to change and therefore make the current situation and modus operandi any different going forward.

Maybe if shit like this does leak it's the chance to clean out the closet once and for all and start with a clean slate.  I mean what could be so bad, We know he threatens to throw in the towel quite often (he's always done this), he doesn't like or he wants to sue or sack band members from time to time (nothing new there).  He thinks everyone from industry people to old friends are against him or wanna see him fail (everybody is Out Ta Get Me). He thinks Slash is a cancer and Duff is spineless, again no great revelations there. 

He's human, he has his failings just like all of us.  Maybe if this shit gets out in the open it might help him deal with it and then finally put a whole lot of it to rest so he can move forward in a more positive manner.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
johndivney wrote:

my prob is the price of admission does or shouldn't have to be so high, especially not these days.. it's 2011, for all his intelligence & money he is still the little kid from 1992.

Well he is who he is I guess. He's one of the best frontmen in rock, but he's also rumoured to be an emotional and unstable guy. That's just his personality. (if what we are told is true).  If you think about how smart he also seems to be in interviews, and how things often go wrong in GNR, it makes a lot of sense...he doesn't choose to have these things happen, they just go that way because he's hardwired to think that way. He's talked in the past of seeking thearpy and trying to heal issues from his upbringing and so on. And although drama persists with the band, i see subtle progress, like he seems like he tries to control his anger more on stage these days. Walk out type incidents seem to happen less than they once did. So i think he trys to avoid it. And I also think much of the way the band family acts is designed to insulate problems and avoid issues before they happen.

But you can't really change who you are. And I think as fans we either accept him as he is or don't. Axl isn't a cookie cutter disney hero with no flaws. I just accept that. I don't need him to be a model citizen and roll model to my future kids, I just enjoy his music as is. Sometimes annoying things happen (tours cancelled etc)...but that's just how life is with this band - asking him to be someone he isn't is impossible - and GNR wouldn't be the same muscially IMO if he was a more 'balanced' guy or whatever.

johndivney wrote:

given Axl's lies & deception towards the fans it's quite understandable something like this would occur.

It's my opinion that Axl doesn't lie to us.

I think he says what he believes to be the truth.

Some of these things are future predictions that don't come to pass....which doesn't mean they weren't truthful as to his plan and intent when orginally said. And that's stuff like missed release dates etc.

And some of them are his opinion and interpretation of events (his view of the old band etc) which reflect his own way of looking at things. Which is as valid as anyone elses as ObiWan would say "from a certain point of view".

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