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 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:

I dont really see anything shocking here, all it is is a few titles. Nothing in there comes as much of a suprise.
I dont see how this makes Axl a bad guy either, if these are legit they are mere glimpses of a bigger picture, who knows the proper context. But they have been carefully selected to make him look bad, who knows what the other guys conversations about Tommy, or Ron or DJ have been. But I dare say if you were to evesdrop on one conversation in a period of stress, you could come away a distorted veiw of the relationships that have lasted years.

Axl wanted to fire DJ so it proves a bad guy? Is this the DJ who was trashing hotel rooms and blowing smoke in the face of hotel staff and telling them to go fuck themselves?
We dont know shit about the circumstances of some of these alleged communications, but noone will care if they come out, it'll just be Axl this and Axl that.

Only thing these might prove is just how emotional and unpredictable Axl is, but we knew that anyway. We knew the tour in early 2009 came to a halt in the rehearsal stage because Axl had a meltdown.
If these turn out to be genuine then it will probably reveal Axl really does have a condition or illness like manic depression, its pretty sad to me that hes been trying to cope with that and run an organisation like GNR, no wonder everything is so chaotic.
Its a miracle we even got one album out of such a messy, unfocused and erratic organisation.

 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:

How exactly would a "Beta/Dizzy conversation about everyone wanting Tommy out" work?

They chat about this stuff on their IMs? 16

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

nugdafied wrote:

Guns N' Roses is by far my favorite soap opera. It's like General Hospital for guys.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Only thing these might prove is just how emotional and unpredictable Axl is, but we knew that anyway. We knew the tour in early 2009 came to a halt in the rehearsal stage because Axl had a meltdown.
If these turn out to be genuine then it will probably reveal Axl really does have a condition or illness like manic depression, its pretty sad to me that hes been trying to cope with that and run an organisation like GNR, no wonder everything is so chaotic.
Its a miracle we even got one album out of such a messy, unfocused and erratic organisation.


Bottom line to me is 90% of the music buisiness side of things is out to fuck you as an artist, and then add in going as a young man from a rough upbringing and nothing to millions and superstardom and it's a massive pressure to have on anyone's life.

Then add in that he seems to have always had some kind of emotional problem, be it a diagnosable illness, or just a depth of emotion and thought not common to many people....and I'm sure it's been a struggle.

I'm genuenly grateful that we get what we've had. That we got Chinese Democracy, and that we get tours sometimes. Axl could easily have taken his millions and retired and vanished forever in 1995. I'm gald we got what we did, and I'd hope one day Axl can share more of his talent with us with another album. But things like releasing this shit to the media I think just make it less and less likely.

 Rep: 212 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Intercourse wrote:

Frank Sinatra was an absolute MONSTER to everybody who was near to him. He died angry, drunk and alone. His legacy as a singer is untouched.

You don't have to love the guy to love his music. People should stop doing the 'poor baby' routine for Ax and realise that in these docs we could possibly have final confirmation of what actually happened to this band.

Why defend Axl? He's big enough and rich enough to do that for himself both in court and in the press.

Do I think Axl is a prick more often than not? Hell yeah. Why? The trail of destruction behind him says it all.
That said, will I pay to watch and hear him sing?? Hell yeah!! He's the best.

Why did he force people to sign gagging orders? Becuase he knew he was going to do and say things as leader of GNR that he does not want the ordinary fan to know about.

That for me means he reached a premeditated decision that he was going to behave so oddly or pull stunts that were so bad that he could damage his standing with the fans if they found out.

If that includes not paying people with wives and families to feed for work they did fair and square while you trouser and blow MILLIONs on yourself....then bring on the downfall!!!

 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

Frank Sinatra was an absolute MONSTER to everybody who was near to him. He died angry, drunk and alone. His legacy as a singer is untouched.

You don't have to love the guy to love his music. People should stop doing the 'poor baby' routine for Ax and realise that in these docs we could possibly have final confirmation of what actually happened to this band.

Why defend Axl? He's big enough and rich enough to do that for himself both in court and in the press.

Do I think Axl is a prick more often than not? Hell yeah. Why? The trail of destruction behind him says it all.
That said, will I pay to watch and hear him sing?? Hell yeah!! He's the best.

Why did he force people to sign gagging orders? Becuase he knew he was going to do and say things as leader of GNR that he does not want the ordinary fan to know about.

That for me means he reached a premeditated decision that he was going to behave so oddly or pull stunts that were so bad that he could damage his standing with the fans if they found out.

If that includes not paying people with wives and families to feed for work they did fair and square while you trouser and blow MILLIONs on yourself....then bring on the downfall!!!

When did he do any of that?

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

johndivney wrote:

that what he has been doing these past 20 years lol!

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

Saw that Darknemus posted these comments at mygnr:

Unfortunately, for those wishing for IP addresses, MAC addresses, etc.. (which, of course, is a perfectly legitimate thing to think about).. it is my understanding that all of these emails are screenshots taken directly from Beta's email account (and possibly others - Beta's is the one that I directly know of) - since it was accessed via the web, you'll see the URL used to access it (AOL webmail in Beta's case - since as we know, her primary email is @ ) the receiving parties (Including CC's and BCC's), subject, and if its a forward / etc.

Now - I BELIEVE (but I am not sure) that the files (i.e. video treatments, Powerpoint, Better Remix) came from the online file repository and NOT attachments in email. Some might have been attachments sent to MSL separately - like I said, I never got total clarification on that front.

Them being screenshots explains why you'd have something in 2 / 3 parts that seems like it would be one contiguous email.

Whoever did take the screenshots when logged into Beta's email account and sent them to MSL is going to, eventually, be in a shitload of trouble. That IP access information is easily traced / trackable. My guess is that, eventually, MSL's email records will be subpoenaed which will show who sent it (at least the IP addresses) and who he's sent it to.

That's why when they imply that these came from 'Axl's laptop' its a bit of a misnomer. They came from Beta's (and possibly others) email account(s). Once MSL's records are subpoenaed - that will be easy enough for the Federal / State authorities to determine (or, whatever legal team if there is a civil case / discovery)

@gunns5 - depends, honestly. If it was just some fanboy who got a bit too nosy and had luck guessing a secret question answer right, I'm not too sure about that.

From what I know about the individual in question, they are now freaking out because MSL has gone so public with all of this stuff (according to MSL). I know MSL promises to protect his source 'no matter what' - and that's all well and good - but its a lot harder to hide your digital fingerprints and footprints than people think.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

He's human, he has his failings just like all of us.  Maybe if this shit gets out in the open it might help him deal with it and then finally put a whole lot of it to rest so he can move forward in a more positive manner.

Or maybe he'll hide in his mansion, never to be seen or heard from again. sad

 Rep: 23 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

darknemus wrote:

This is such a clusterfuck.. I've become very fond of that word in relation to this situation recently.

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