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 Rep: 53 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slashsfro wrote:

Random thoughts about this:

Beta still uses aol email?  That was so 90s.  Item #52  December 2006 letter threatening to sue Zakk Wylde.  What is that about?  Anybody want to guess about that.

Anyway, I'm not really shocked that Axl is low on funds.  Didn't Mick Wall say he was running low on money 3 years ago.  I know Wall is a suspect source but still he said this when CD was first released.  I don't get guys are defending Axl.  He is always will be the root of GNR problems with his personality.  I wish he would just hire someone competent to deal with his affairs.  It doesn't look like the Malibu Mafia is helping him.  I find it sad that when a long time band member like Dizzy has to beg for an update (item 85 Aug 2009) from Beta and can't communicate with Axl himself.

This does seem like fan fiction though.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
ppp wrote:

Doesn't matter if it was from Beta's. In fact, that makes it more odd. I'd think if someone were to hack into Beta's email right now, they'd find letters to family, bills, spam, etc like you'd find on anyone's. Not 3-7 year old emails containing Axl's thoughts on everything we ever wanted to know and stuff that could destroy the band. It's like a bad fan fiction story.

If you have high capacity email, you can easily accumulate a shitload of emails over the years. All a hacker would need to do is search for keywords and they would find a treasure trove. Remember that Beta is Axl's adopted mom, so the "letters to family" thing is very relevant in this case.

 Rep: 33 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

skippy wrote:

Interestingly, what is missing here is anything related to Bucket.

 Rep: 53 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slashsfro wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
ppp wrote:

Doesn't matter if it was from Beta's. In fact, that makes it more odd. I'd think if someone were to hack into Beta's email right now, they'd find letters to family, bills, spam, etc like you'd find on anyone's. Not 3-7 year old emails containing Axl's thoughts on everything we ever wanted to know and stuff that could destroy the band. It's like a bad fan fiction story.

If you have high capacity email, you can easily accumulate a shitload of emails over the years. All a hacker would need to do is search for keywords and they would find a treasure trove. Remember that Beta is Axl's adopted mom, so the "letters to family" thing is very relevant in this case.

Which leads to another question?  Why would she keep a 7 year old email in her account?  Couldn't she just copy it off onto a memory stick/storage device and delete it afterwards?  Sounds kinda fishy why she would just leave that stuff in the account after reading and responding to it.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

monkeychow wrote:
madagas wrote:

Not to be all Negative Nancy, but the release of these documents will destroy the new band....possibly sending Axl in to hiding forever. This is quite a potential disaster.

That's my fear as well.

Not that Axl hasn't survived worse problems, such as the loss of Slash and Duff and the lawsuits, so i'm sure he has the guts to rally and move on, but the risk is that he simply might just be over it and view fans as ungrateful of his efforts.

Think of it this way: IF any of this is true, it shows you how much emotion and drama exists for the band in a successful period - such as the world tour. So if you think Axl is that tempremental when things are going good, do you think this type of invasion of privacy, and blatent fucking with the business interests of the band will have no effect on him? Imagine how upset he could be about this. Hell, if it was my band i'd be PISSED and to learn that it came from fans would make me feel HURT and I'd be sorely tempted to throw in the towel. Hopefully Axl has more stones than me (to quote my magic 8 ball - signs point to yes) but even have to wonder how this delays things.

At a minimum i'd expect this bullshit to fuck with his thinking, and distract, so if the band was using the last tour to finance a follow up album, and if a tour of the usa was planned, and whatever else, I'd say this kind of drama will delay and of that shit massively. I mean what now, business plans are shot, in fighting between the band will be extended, security and paranoia will need to be increased, who knows how this effects his personal relations like with beta etc. Does anyone think that kind of thinking is going to Aid in making him rush and put out Chinese 2?

And that's the irony. The justification we get for this mess is that Axl "does nothing, says nothing and doesn't release music". Firstly, that's wrong these days, the band was lots more communicative over the last year, just toured many countries for a year and put out an album only a couple of years back. Secondly, even if it were true, creating this scandal for the band will have COMPLETELY the reverse effect and in my opinion is a distraction from eveything good about the band, and everything that fans actually want to happen.

So if MSL thinks he did this for the fanbase he's deluded, he'll get his recgonition within the fan base, but I also think if there's delays and worse, we he can think of him as the guy who caused it.

Think about all the silent periods in the past. Was Axl doing nothing? No. He's fighting with people, getting into law suits, making plans that don't work out, sorting out messes. All that shit stops him actually doing musical stuff. So thanks MSL for making another massive mess to fuck with the band.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
slashsfro wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
ppp wrote:

Doesn't matter if it was from Beta's. In fact, that makes it more odd. I'd think if someone were to hack into Beta's email right now, they'd find letters to family, bills, spam, etc like you'd find on anyone's. Not 3-7 year old emails containing Axl's thoughts on everything we ever wanted to know and stuff that could destroy the band. It's like a bad fan fiction story.

If you have high capacity email, you can easily accumulate a shitload of emails over the years. All a hacker would need to do is search for keywords and they would find a treasure trove. Remember that Beta is Axl's adopted mom, so the "letters to family" thing is very relevant in this case.

Which leads to another question?  Why would she keep a 7 year old email in her account?  Couldn't she just copy it off onto a memory stick/storage device and delete it afterwards?  Sounds kinda fishy why she would just leave that stuff in the account after reading and responding to it.

Do you have Gmail or something similar? If you have a high enough capacity, there is no reason to delete it. I started using Gmail back in August 2005 and haven't deleted anything that wasn't spam.

 Rep: 53 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

slashsfro wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
slashsfro wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

If you have high capacity email, you can easily accumulate a shitload of emails over the years. All a hacker would need to do is search for keywords and they would find a treasure trove. Remember that Beta is Axl's adopted mom, so the "letters to family" thing is very relevant in this case.

Which leads to another question?  Why would she keep a 7 year old email in her account?  Couldn't she just copy it off onto a memory stick/storage device and delete it afterwards?  Sounds kinda fishy why she would just leave that stuff in the account after reading and responding to it.

Do you have Gmail or something similar? If you have a high enough capacity, there is no reason to delete it. I started using Gmail back in August 2005 and haven't deleted anything that wasn't spam.

Yeah, I got gmail, yahoo and hotmail accounts.  They almost all never run out of space.  I just find this entire spectacle kinda fascinating in a train wreck style of fashion.  I guess with this band the more ridiculous something sounds the more likely it will be true.  I agree with nugafed or whoever said it this is like a soap opera for men.  This is almost as good as the soap opera I had to sit through called the Titans 2010 second half.

 Rep: 268 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Olorin wrote:

They cant all have come from Betas email account, there are things in there that would be very strange to find in her or anyones email. Its more like someones accessed a computer.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
Olorin wrote:

They cant all have come from Betas email account, there are things in there that would be very strange to find in her or anyones email. Its more like someones accessed a computer.

Nemus said it was hacked from numerous email accounts. Beta's was just one of them.

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