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Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

ppp wrote:

I don't remember the exact quotes (since he has said so much crap) but he said Ron was jealous of DJ. That was one of the first things that came out, because someone at mygnr made a sig about it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:

The only thing i'd love to get my hands on is all of the dirt on the old Guns, potential reunions, what did or didn't happen, and how things fell apart...

I bet that stuff is a juicy as a Texas Prime Rib.

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

I bet it's very juicy too!

Yeah morally and ethically they have a right to their privacy and information gotten by ill means should probably remain out of the public domain.

But at the same time my curiosity gets the better of me and it's hard to think like that particularly when this potential info is like the season finale of the GNR soap opera and I wanna know what happens!!!  I didn't watch it for all these years only to miss the cliff hanger episode, particularly after seeing the teaser of what's in store!

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:

In alot of ways, an "Axl book" would be the SERIES finale for Guns N' Roses, at least how it was.

It'd probably be the final closure on the subject seeing how Slash, Steven, and upcoming - Duff - have already spoken about it.

The difference between those guys and Axl, is that they came right out and said what they said. Then later, compiled it into a book.

Axl's had time to stew about it. And think about it. And think about it. Over and over.

His work would be so intricate and detailed, that I bet that guy could remember that Slash had a Double Bacon Cheeseburger, Potato Wedges and a glass of Bourbon on July 27th, 1991, when he said he loved him.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … 528&page=7

jamester wrote:

I was of the impression you were the anti MSL as soon as you went public with what you say you have, then promoted it to get leaks, and came up with this list to get leakedthat you "shopped around" to sell.

Im not anti-msl nor do I hate you. Im slightly interested to see how this plays out. Im not shure I believe you yet.

As far as my avatar: public opinion will vary on your public image people will see you many ways. Alot of people in the public eye know this. Some use it to there advantage tosell merch. Its just that i looked at your shirts i would not buy just your plain logo. but i would buy your logo with the slash thru it. At least at this point in the game.

At the least your entertaining and give GnR fans something to Talk about till whatever happens next. And I salute you for that.

MSL wrote:

well, for those that don't believe me, it's probably because they aren't one of the people i was trying to convince.

jamester wrote:

i c that is interesting. May i ask you if you have accomplished any of your goals?

MSL wrote:

when this all started, i didn't have any goals. i just wanted to see what would happen. then later my goal was to make a deal with a magazine so someone could take the time to organize the info and release the most interesting stuff in a way people would find to be credible and believable.

then it seemed a book deal would be more lucrative and i was spending a lot of time with someone who was struggling financially and it made me more concerned about finances as she'd been helping me and i wanted to be able to help her.

then everyone shit on me and suddenly it wasn't as important to me that people get to see the stuff. i was approached by GNR and i did consider what they had to say.

then axl made that tweet and the MSL hate was only like 60% instead of 99%, and suddenly i wasn't as interested in cooperating.

then i had to leave for NY and put all this stuff on hold.

then the person i wanted the $ for wasn't in my life anymore and i didn't give a fuck about the $ anymore.

then i came back to FL and the list i'd sent to smoking gun & classic rock ended up on sludge and i woke up to find more offers than ever.

and now, i still don't know what my goals are. don't really need $. don't really want to go to jail. i did really well in NY and hopefully will be working on more tv shows and stuff soon. i do find this gnr stuff to be interesting and entertaining, but like the top thing on my mind right now is writing new songs and playing them with arby's dude, the second thing is how fucking heartbroken i still am, the third thing is excitement about a new possible career, and then the fourth thing is the GNR stuff. so it's not a big enough priority right now to put in the time to figure out how i should handle everything.

jamester wrote:

Wow thanks for the reply. This adds depth to your character.

Good luck with the rest! The chick thing will pass eventually Till then it will suck for you.....
BTW stop by and chat with us at GnR evo sometime!

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:

MSL seems about as emotionally unstable as Axl. Changes his mind at the drop of a hat.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Axlin16 wrote:

Depends on what angle he's working...

He's a wrassler after all.


Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

ppp wrote:

This guy is so full of shit. More offers now after the info has leaked? Now that the media knows it's not exclusive and others  have seen it? And he so leaked that to metal sludge. What would the media outlets he sent it to gain by leaking it? What an attention whore.

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … 528&page=8

on legality of what he may have....

MSL wrote:

i would consider his book & pre-release audio to be IP, which even still is treated very different by the law from actual property.

but bringing up stolen property laws and trying to apply them to leaked emails sent without solicitation to a journalist is just silly.

i risk violating copyright law if i post music or the book. it may not be legal for me to sell the emails & files, but i'm not sure. a lot of stuff has to be figured out.

and i just haven't been in the mood to figure it out yet. maybe one day i'll wake up and the gnr stuff will be the most important thing in my life and i'll take the time to sort through the mess.

but until then, i have a recall notice on my beetle, i need to camp out for the all star lebron 8, this weekend is nba all star weekend so there is a ton of stuff to watch, i have to continue my quest to get more old members to return to the MSLU, i have to start rehearsals with arby's dude, i have a date with a nice & proper young lady this weekend (which i'm nervous about because i don't typically date nice & proper people), and i need to get my donkey kong machine fixed.

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:
jamester062001 wrote: … 528&page=8
but until then, i have a recall notice on my beetle, i need to camp out for the all star lebron 8, this weekend is nba all star weekend so there is a ton of stuff to watch, i have to continue my quest to get more old members to return to the MSLU, i have to start rehearsals with arby's dude, i have a date with a nice & proper young lady this weekend (which i'm nervous about because i don't typically date nice & proper people), and i need to get my donkey kong machine fixed.

Faaarrk only in whacky zany GNR land does this shit exist.

Our hope for new GNR info is on hold because the one dude that will talk to us is too busy, he has a date and has gotta get his donkey kong machine fixed.  16

Oh well at least he has a date, the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

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