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 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:
russtcb wrote:

So here's something that's been bugging me all afternoon. How can someone who professes to be so smart (MSL) have to throw a fit, take his keyboard and run every time a bunch of loser idiots (Guns N' Roses fans) throw legitimate questions at him?

It could be the eletist sandbox, lue links, end of the internet vibe here some times.....just sayin


Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

ppp wrote:
russtcb wrote:

So here's something that's been bugging me all afternoon. How can someone who professes to be so smart (MSL) have to throw a fit, take his keyboard and run every time a bunch of loser idiots (Guns N' Roses fans) throw legitimate questions at him?

Because he doesn't have what he has claimed to have and he's angry that he keeps having to make excuses not to release it. He just wants people to blindly believe him and give him attention.


Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

ppp wrote:
faldor wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

If it wasn't for dark, MSL, and skwerl, you'd still be speculating on what Sorry and This I Love sound like and praying that "this is the year!!! CD starts now!!"

Maybe, but at what price?  I mean, we got the music, which I'm grateful for.  But it took over a year for them to tour in support of the album, we got no promo or interviews from the band.  It seems to me that Axl didn't feel it was time to release CD and his hand was forced by the leaks.  So we got the music on OUR terms, not his.  And thus, we got what followed, which was next to nothing.  I know some believe that the leaks helped speed up the process, but I couldn't disagree more.  Just like this shit that MSL is trying to pull now is slowing down what is an already extremely slow moving band.  All this shit pulled by the glorified hackers, leakers, and such do much more harm than good.

I was all for the leaks the first time around because it wasn't clear if we'd ever get music at that time.  But looking back, I can see how wrong it was.  And here we go again, repeating the same process but on an even grander scale.  The madness has to stop.  Let things develop as they may.  We might be surprised at how things turn out if people who have no business doing so don't feel the need to interject.

I thought Kevin Skwerl was the one who actually leaked the songs, hence the reason he was the only one arrested? Why do these other people get credit for it?

 Rep: 287 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Aussie wrote:

There were leaks coming out long before skwerl's stupidty of hosting the latest batch on his website.  Dark and MSL were involved in getting everyone leaked tracks well before Skewerl's action.  Skewerl's leaks were mainly reworked mixes of tracks that had already been leaked before.

I believe MSL has most of what he says (except for more songs outside the Better remix).  But unless people are going to actually see the stuff then the mere fact of telling everyone what he has is pointless.  Maybe not for MSL and his agenda but for the rest of the GNR community it's irrelevant.

So the longer this goes on and nothing happens, I don't understand how he can be surprised at the negative reaction and derision he has experienced.

 Rep: 281 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

faldor wrote:
slashsfro wrote:
ppp wrote:

It is despicable and the only people praising it are the ones who didn't like Axl to begin with. Had this been Slash instead, his haters would be acting the same way. It's kind of sad that people are so petty.

You don't see anyone here actually praising this.  Wanting to read this stuff if it leaks is one thing, but I don't think anyone here supports the blackmail/extortion angle here at all and the drama that has gone with it.

I could see Doc being the mole but doesn't some of this stuff predate him?  Stuff from prior to his arrival is on there but a whole bunch of these documents could be bs.  Anyway Doc has a sketchy past too (see Motley Crue).

I've heard some people say Axl is getting what he deserves and he brought this on himself.  So yes, MSL does have some supporters.  As sick a notion as that may be.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
ppp wrote:
faldor wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

If it wasn't for dark, MSL, and skwerl, you'd still be speculating on what Sorry and This I Love sound like and praying that "this is the year!!! CD starts now!!"

Maybe, but at what price?  I mean, we got the music, which I'm grateful for.  But it took over a year for them to tour in support of the album, we got no promo or interviews from the band.  It seems to me that Axl didn't feel it was time to release CD and his hand was forced by the leaks.  So we got the music on OUR terms, not his.  And thus, we got what followed, which was next to nothing.  I know some believe that the leaks helped speed up the process, but I couldn't disagree more.  Just like this shit that MSL is trying to pull now is slowing down what is an already extremely slow moving band.  All this shit pulled by the glorified hackers, leakers, and such do much more harm than good.

I was all for the leaks the first time around because it wasn't clear if we'd ever get music at that time.  But looking back, I can see how wrong it was.  And here we go again, repeating the same process but on an even grander scale.  The madness has to stop.  Let things develop as they may.  We might be surprised at how things turn out if people who have no business doing so don't feel the need to interject.

I thought Kevin Skwerl was the one who actually leaked the songs, hence the reason he was the only one arrested? Why do these other people get credit for it?

As Aussie said, Skwerl didn't leak anything that hadn't already been floating around out there. He simply leaked new mixes of previously leaked songs. He was an idiot to get into legal trouble for leaking shit that was already out there to begin with. 16

 Rep: 281 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

faldor wrote:

Skwerl did leak "Prostitute", "If The World", and "Rhiad and the Bedoiuns", didn't he?  As in, they hadn't been leaked before.  Rhiad was obviously played live, but I thought those 3 were new editions, if you will.

 Rep: 194 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

tejastech08 wrote:
faldor wrote:

Skwerl did leak "Prostitute", "If The World", and "Rhiad and the Bedoiuns", didn't he?  As in, they hadn't been leaked before.  Rhiad was obviously played live, but I thought those 3 were new editions, if you will.

Ah yes, that is correct. Good old "Song #2." 16

 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … thread=550
Re: Did the new Radiohead Leak Today??
« Reply #3 Today at 7:48pm »

randomuser wrote:

« Reply #2 Today at 7:44pm »I already payed $9.00 for the MP3 version,available Saturday.

I just don't have any patience for these things.Even an official tracklisting would suffice.MSL - I thought you were the master of all unreleased material/leaks (especially those only a few days away)

P.S. Why isn't "Blood In The Water" listed on the 101 documents Metal Sludge posted?

P.S.S. I don't blame you for not giving the forums any sample lyrics,but whats the harm in saying "track #4 is mediocre,track #9 is epic,etc"

MSL wrote:

i'd hate for my first experience of the album to be MP3s, so i'll wait.

i used to be the master of unreleased GNR material/leaks, but my views on leaks have changed a lot over the years. i personally don't want to spoil the next GNR album for myself, i'd rather wait to buy the CD & LP in a store.

blood in the water is talked about in one of the caram emails.

the harm in talking about the songs is that i don't want to listen to the songs.

 Rep: 41 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Ali wrote:
jamester062001 wrote: … thread=550
Re: Did the new Radiohead Leak Today??
« Reply #3 Today at 7:48pm »

randomuser wrote:

« Reply #2 Today at 7:44pm »I already payed $9.00 for the MP3 version,available Saturday.

I just don't have any patience for these things.Even an official tracklisting would suffice.MSL - I thought you were the master of all unreleased material/leaks (especially those only a few days away)

P.S. Why isn't "Blood In The Water" listed on the 101 documents Metal Sludge posted?

P.S.S. I don't blame you for not giving the forums any sample lyrics,but whats the harm in saying "track #4 is mediocre,track #9 is epic,etc"

MSL wrote:

i'd hate for my first experience of the album to be MP3s, so i'll wait.

i used to be the master of unreleased GNR material/leaks, but my views on leaks have changed a lot over the years. i personally don't want to spoil the next GNR album for myself, i'd rather wait to buy the CD & LP in a store.

blood in the water is talked about in one of the caram emails.

the harm in talking about the songs is that i don't want to listen to the songs.

He doesn't want to spoil the album for himself by listening to leaks, but he'll threaten to release them if GN'R messes with him?

Another interesting thing is that he said he doesn't respond well to threats (on MyGNR), yet that is exactly what he did to GN'R - threaten them.:headbang:


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