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 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 227 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Will wrote:
jamester062001 wrote:

Guns N' Roses   gunsnroses
Rise N Grind with a little post Valentine's classic #nowplaying - Used To Love Her - about 1 hour ago via Facebook

Nice 14

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Bumblefoot commented on Charline Ashb'Axl François's photo.
Bumblefoot NICE!! big_smile
2 hours ago

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:
jamester062001 wrote:

Bumblefoot   bumblefoot
Twitter votes sushi, Facebook votes Thai... hmmmmm.... Mrs. Foot will have the final decision..........

Bumblefoot Just got back from eating.............. SUSHI.

Hope you all had / are having a wonderful day smile
Yesterday at 6:35pm · LikeUnlike ·

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

guns don't kill people - people kill people.

That's right. But to me it's about the ease.

Lets say you fuck my sister and I get mad about it.

I decide to kill you.

I go grab my knife. If I come at you with it...there's a decent chance you could over power me cos i'm a pussy, or maybe you can run faster than me and get away cos I'm a lazy fuck who sits on Evo all day.

But now I dedcide to come get you with a handgun. You're pretty fucked - unless wild west style you beat me to the draw with your own gun - and so then we all have to be walking around armed to the teath 24/7.

Or let's say i'm having a depressive day. My personal view is it takes more comitment to drive a knife into my own gut than it would to pull a simple trigger. I'm also more likely to survive my attack on myself if I stab myself than if I cap myself.

People have argued this with me, but i still ask the question - would you rather be chased by someone with a knife or a gun? I think it's obvious.

As for DJ...well I guess as an Australian i didn't really understand why he thought the new gun was cool. I mean what is the purpose of him owning it? How can it be cool when it's only purpose is to take life? Unless he's also a sporting shooter or something. Although I can understand for guys like him there's more of a need for the 'protective' idea of a gun - cos you never know what kind of psychos follow famous people...but even so.

I don't think he's a bad guy for it. It's culture. And i must say when I see dudes firing guns at target ranges I can imagine in the right context - as target shooting like archery it could be kind of cool or fun...but i'm just saying as a non-usa citizen (but with a ton of respect for the usa) - we read that sort of post and go like "ahh american". It's like if i start posting about kangeroos or something. Sets off the stereotypes I guess.

I grew up as a Southern White Boy, and I say that, because I understand my race and culture the best, because it's my life experiences.

The criminals that fall under that human conditioning, of which there are TONS, are all gun users, abusers, and crime committers.

I know that if I am under color of authority, sworn in, and I go after "my people" so to speak because they broke the law, if I don't do it with a gun, i'm a fucking dead man. Because they are packing.

The cliche of "never bring a knife to a gun fight" falls into this.

That's why i'm a gun supporter. I do not, nor have I ever used "guns for fun", unlike some (DJ maybe, or even Axl). My weaponry experience is exclusive to hunting and self-protection.

I have family and friends that throughout are scattered with military and/or law enforcement backgrounds. My studies are centralized in the psychology/criminal justice field.

I hate guns, I hate that we even have to have them, but I understand, and maybe DCK is right, it's an American thing, but it's a TRUE thing where I come from.

A man in a bad world, whether by choice or force, better be able to handle what's thrown at him (gun fights), or he's gonna get dead REAL quick, and I say that just from being in the country with moonshiners, drug manufacturers, and illegal gun dealers, all of which are criminal and all of which are paranoid to death that "the man" is gonna take their liberty away.

THAT is NOT the personality of your average American. That is the personality of a group of Americans.

But that group is just as deadly as the next. You better be prepared.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Go to on February 16th at 9pm pacific time to see the world premiere of LIES OF THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE By Sixx:A.M. 8 minutes ago via TweetDeck

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Tommy Stinson
Don't forget to buy tix for my shows this weekend. I'm pretty sure they're gonna be fun!
It’s been too long since I updated this site. As of late I have been totally consumed with moving from Pennsylvania to New York state and rehearsing for upcoming shows in Arlington, Philly, New York, and Boston.
58 minutes ago

 Rep: 207 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

DCK wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

guns don't kill people - people kill people.

That's right. But to me it's about the ease.

Lets say you fuck my sister and I get mad about it.

I decide to kill you.

I go grab my knife. If I come at you with it...there's a decent chance you could over power me cos i'm a pussy, or maybe you can run faster than me and get away cos I'm a lazy fuck who sits on Evo all day.

But now I dedcide to come get you with a handgun. You're pretty fucked - unless wild west style you beat me to the draw with your own gun - and so then we all have to be walking around armed to the teath 24/7.

Or let's say i'm having a depressive day. My personal view is it takes more comitment to drive a knife into my own gut than it would to pull a simple trigger. I'm also more likely to survive my attack on myself if I stab myself than if I cap myself.

People have argued this with me, but i still ask the question - would you rather be chased by someone with a knife or a gun? I think it's obvious.

As for DJ...well I guess as an Australian i didn't really understand why he thought the new gun was cool. I mean what is the purpose of him owning it? How can it be cool when it's only purpose is to take life? Unless he's also a sporting shooter or something. Although I can understand for guys like him there's more of a need for the 'protective' idea of a gun - cos you never know what kind of psychos follow famous people...but even so.

I don't think he's a bad guy for it. It's culture. And i must say when I see dudes firing guns at target ranges I can imagine in the right context - as target shooting like archery it could be kind of cool or fun...but i'm just saying as a non-usa citizen (but with a ton of respect for the usa) - we read that sort of post and go like "ahh american". It's like if i start posting about kangeroos or something. Sets off the stereotypes I guess.

I grew up as a Southern White Boy, and I say that, because I understand my race and culture the best, because it's my life experiences.

The criminals that fall under that human conditioning, of which there are TONS, are all gun users, abusers, and crime committers.

I know that if I am under color of authority, sworn in, and I go after "my people" so to speak because they broke the law, if I don't do it with a gun, i'm a fucking dead man. Because they are packing.

The cliche of "never bring a knife to a gun fight" falls into this.

That's why i'm a gun supporter. I do not, nor have I ever used "guns for fun", unlike some (DJ maybe, or even Axl). My weaponry experience is exclusive to hunting and self-protection.

I have family and friends that throughout are scattered with military and/or law enforcement backgrounds. My studies are centralized in the psychology/criminal justice field.

I hate guns, I hate that we even have to have them, but I understand, and maybe DCK is right, it's an American thing, but it's a TRUE thing where I come from.

A man in a bad world, whether by choice or force, better be able to handle what's thrown at him (gun fights), or he's gonna get dead REAL quick, and I say that just from being in the country with moonshiners, drug manufacturers, and illegal gun dealers, all of which are criminal and all of which are paranoid to death that "the man" is gonna take their liberty away.

THAT is NOT the personality of your average American. That is the personality of a group of Americans.

But that group is just as deadly as the next. You better be prepared.

I think you serve it well up here monkeychow, and I agree with you.

This issue is unreal for most people in Europe. It's non-debatable, crazy and a logic which doesn't make any sense. Speaking of the "guns don't kill people, people do". I would go as far as saying it qualifies as a "laughing stock" matter. Whenever a media crew goes to these gun-festivals and interview a couple of rednecks with some of these opinions, it's done almost as a way of making comedy-news. Half of us shakes our heads in disbelief, the rest of us cries out with laughter.

Your part of the world Axlin is based on individuality and the individuals right to bear arms in a "new world" where law enforcement and goverment support were little if not non-existant. Obviously, that part of your constiution is out-dated.

Monkey is from Australia, a British Commonwealth inspired country where they never had these issues, even if their country too was at one time a "new world".

But that is not to say that gun shooting-mass-murders isn't happening in Europe. Finland for instance has been thru several. Norway has not been thru even one even if we are the most armed country in Scandinavia.

The laws on guns here are extremely strict. There are as strict as any southern American would pluck out their own eyes in despair over "big government control".

But, sorry to say for those who like guns, our system works better. You can come and take a look any day, and then see if your cliched "guns dont kill people, people do" works as well as you might think.

But then again, in Axlins defence, his whole society is buildt different than ours. When the fondation is so different, how can you build up something else than what the fondation wants?

And this isn't even a liberal case. No politician in Scandinavia or Australia would even bring this subject up.

We have enough problems simply allowing grocery stores to sell wine in this country.

I know what works in this country, and I know what doesn't work. Gun control is one of those things which I am very very proud of.

What I am not so proud of can be done in another thread 19

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

bumblefoot  Bumblefoot
BIG shout out to Max and Ian Nania, for their generous Red Cross donation!! You RULE!! big_smile (Signed CDs donated to auction.....)

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

bumblefoot  Bumblefoot
New SixxAM song/video at @SixxSense Every song on this album is fkn AMAZING, every fkn one of em. Congrats guys!!!!! big_smile

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