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 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:

yeah but that is axl, that is totally different, axl told them to strip of her being a mod, axl in his mind was playing hero.
ron is just a paid employee

 Rep: 268 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

Olorin wrote:
misterID wrote:

I... don't know what to say to this. 16

I think I agree Ron could have handled it better and dave was just making his point. But there's some morons who get what they dish out, then can't handle it, so I don't blame the guy.

Are members being treated the same is the question. If they're in the band or not. But then again, those guys attacking Ron weren't banned, either. And its a constant douchebag fest over there, so it's not just this single issue.

Ron could've handled it better mabye, but hindsight is an amazing thing eh?

This guy has psychotically trolled Ron on the internet for years, his behaviour is odious and downright creepy.
I genuinally believed even before now, he was the guy responsible for those anonymous posts recently claiming to be an insider and trashing Ron, sowing the seeds of rumour.
Whatever he is, he has proved time and again he is nothing but a complete waste of space, he's absolutely pathetic.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:

ron went off on more than one person did he not? he seemed to have told off like 5 or more ppl in that thread?

 Rep: 77 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

smoke wrote:

dave, I guess I'll try once, but I guarantee you I won't go back and forth on this too much, because your argument is just plain bizarre, and you seem to be getting worked up.

If I told you it was ok to kill someone in self defense, would you then assume I had just suggested you should go on a murder spree?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

misterID wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

yeah but that is axl, that is totally different, axl told them to strip of her being a mod, axl in his mind was playing hero.
ron is just a paid employee

But that defeats your own argument.

dave-gnfnr wrote:

And yes Axl was also unprofessional for calling madison a cunt, just like ron is unproffesional and way out of line for wishing someone getting raped.

I dont care who you are, a band member or a poster saying shit like that is way over the line.

I'm absolutely certain Ron thought he was doing the right thing. I thought we're talking about members being treated the same? Status doesn't matter...

 Rep: 268 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

Olorin wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:

olorin i guess ron is a complete loser too right???

No Ron acted in the heat of the moment, you are calculated and methodical in your deluded vengeance as always.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:

you mean i made my point by showing people how over the line his comments were? and what vengeance? you are just upset i showed how wrong his comments were and you just cant take it

 Rep: 268 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

Olorin wrote:

I dont like you Dave, but I feel sorry for you. I dont know what Bumblefoot did or does that repulses you so much that it leads you to spend so many years spouting periodic hate rants towards him, desperately trying to bully others into your distorted point of view. Unless you know him personally, other than replacing Buckethead, I cant really fathom what it could be.

I would assume you dont like me much, I'm not suprised lol, but really man, you need to drop this shit, move on, get over it... Rons a good guy and more than capable of being the lead gutarist in GNR, either accept it or move on to something else you enjoy.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

misterID wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Ron could've handled it better mabye, but hindsight is an amazing thing eh?

This guy has psychotically trolled Ron on the internet for years, his behaviour is odious and downright creepy.
I genuinally believed even before now, he was the guy responsible for those anonymous posts recently claiming to be an insider and trashing Ron, sowing the seeds of rumour.
Whatever he is, he has proved time and again he is nothing but a complete waste of space, he's absolutely pathetic.

From what I've seen of him he's been ultra negative, but a lot of people fit that bill here and are so bitter and jaded it's impossible to talk rationally with. I really don't know about any of that other stuff. When it gets to a certain point you can't take those posters serious anymore.

But I thought he was pretty valid in making his "obnoxious, over the line" point. But I also think he's wrong, in that it had a lot to do with where (mygnr) Ron blew up. Ron wasn't coming out of nowhere, he was responding to people, not only bashing him, which I'm sure he could take, but they were lying about he and his bandmate, trying to cause trouble and were ABSOLUTELY trying to affect his real life. He could have been kicked out of the band over that DJ thing, and it could have hurt his career. I think some people were aiming for that, imo.

I remember very well, dave, that you were very vocal in saying what msl was saying was true. This could have hurt Ron. Most forum members who attack or bully, or rip other members have zero effect on that members real life. This was very different.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I dont like you Dave, but I feel sorry for you. I dont know what Bumblefoot did or does that repulses you so much that it leads you to spend so many years spouting periodic hate rants towards him, desperately trying to bully others into your distorted point of view. Unless you know him personally, other than replacing Buckethead, I cant really fathom what it could be.

I would assume you dont like me much, I'm not suprised lol, but really man, you need to drop this shit, move on, get over it... Rons a good guy and more than capable of being the lead gutarist in GNR, either accept it or move on to something else you enjoy.

BBF never did anything, I just dont like him as a guitar player, i never  understood why that is such a big deal when ppl always hated Bh or Robin but that always seemed to be ok, it just seems like oh ron talks to the fans, you cannot hate him.  I just think its funny i do nothing different with ron than others did both bh and finck yet im the hater, that always amused me about people like you.

as for me liking you or not, i dont even know you, i dont let people get to me on message boards like it seems you do, you get so worked up over me not liking ron, i just think that is what really is sad.

As for dropping the  shit, again, that is a really sad argument, I can be a fan of this band but not like Ron as their guitar player cant I? Maybe if your warped world I cannot but I never saw you saying that when people were slagging on Robin or BH.

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