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 Rep: 84 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

jamester wrote:

i wonder if dave is  that robin67 guy

 Rep: 268 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

Olorin wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I dont like you Dave, but I feel sorry for you. I dont know what Bumblefoot did or does that repulses you so much that it leads you to spend so many years spouting periodic hate rants towards him, desperately trying to bully others into your distorted point of view. Unless you know him personally, other than replacing Buckethead, I cant really fathom what it could be.

I would assume you dont like me much, I'm not suprised lol, but really man, you need to drop this shit, move on, get over it... Rons a good guy and more than capable of being the lead gutarist in GNR, either accept it or move on to something else you enjoy.

BBF never did anything, I just dont like him as a guitar player, i never  understood why that is such a big deal when ppl always hated Bh or Robin but that always seemed to be ok, it just seems like oh ron talks to the fans, you cannot hate him.  I just think its funny i do nothing different with ron than others did both bh and finck yet im the hater, that always amused me about people like you.

as for me liking you or not, i dont even know you, i dont let people get to me on message boards like it seems you do, you get so worked up over me not liking ron, i just think that is what really is sad.

As for dropping the  shit, again, that is a really sad argument, I can be a fan of this band but not like Ron as their guitar player cant I? Maybe if your warped world I cannot but I never saw you saying that when people were slagging on Robin or BH.

The only thing warped is your dislike of Bumblefoot. Its not rational, and as the years go past, your desperate diatribes against the man become more and more worrying.

I'm finished with this conversation, I await your claim of victory because I cant argue with your facts... jesus fuckin christ roll

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:
misterID wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Ron could've handled it better mabye, but hindsight is an amazing thing eh?

This guy has psychotically trolled Ron on the internet for years, his behaviour is odious and downright creepy.
I genuinally believed even before now, he was the guy responsible for those anonymous posts recently claiming to be an insider and trashing Ron, sowing the seeds of rumour.
Whatever he is, he has proved time and again he is nothing but a complete waste of space, he's absolutely pathetic.

From what I've seen of him he's been ultra negative, but a lot of people fit that bill here and are so bitter and jaded it's impossible to talk rationally with. I really don't know about any of that other stuff. When it gets to a certain point you can't take those posters serious anymore.

But I thought he was pretty valid in making his "obnoxious, over the line" point. But I also think he's wrong, in that it had a lot to do with where (mygnr) Ron blew up. Ron wasn't coming out of nowhere, he was responding to people, not only bashing him, which I'm sure he could take, but they were lying about he and his bandmate, trying to cause trouble and were ABSOLUTELY trying to affect his real life. He could have been kicked out of the band over that DJ thing, and it could have hurt his career. I think some people were aiming for that, imo.

I remember very well, dave, that you were very vocal in saying what msl was saying was true. This could have hurt Ron. Most forum members who attack or bully, or rip other members have zero effect on that members real life. This was very different.

Let me guess this straight, I am not the rational one for saying what ron did was wrong? Really? That is a good one. And again I am far from very negative, I always back up my point of view with examples. And if you really do remember me very well,  you know I used to be one of Axls strongest supporters but as time went on my view changed because Axl pissed away so much talent (BH, ROBIN, Brain, not to mention the AFD band), and it took him over 10  years to release CD and then it was an overproduced mess.  I am not a blind follower, i call it like I see it, that is not being negative, its called being a realist.

As for being wrong about Ron blowing up, again what he said was way out of line and he could have easily nipped it in the bud by being professional about it but he didnt.   

As for it being lies that Ron was talking about DJ, what if it really is true?
And wasnt the so called email about Ron complaining about how much DJ makes and that its more than him???  EVen if that is true, you really think that would cause a riff between DJ and Ron?

Lets say he really did complain about that and MSL leaks the email that proves it, is that going to change your opinion on what Ron said?

As for Ron being kicked out of the band over the DJ thing.
Well Axl does know if its true or not, so if its not true, Axl would just tell DJ its bullshit and that would be that.  You dont think that would be a better way to handle it?

By Ron getting so pissed off and going on his tirade it seems there could be truth to it, because if it was not true he would not care so much.

And how would some BS poster cost Ron his career? Dont be silly.
You know what could cost him his career? His comments he made on a message board.

 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:
Olorin wrote:
dave-gnfnr wrote:
Olorin wrote:

I dont like you Dave, but I feel sorry for you. I dont know what Bumblefoot did or does that repulses you so much that it leads you to spend so many years spouting periodic hate rants towards him, desperately trying to bully others into your distorted point of view. Unless you know him personally, other than replacing Buckethead, I cant really fathom what it could be.

I would assume you dont like me much, I'm not suprised lol, but really man, you need to drop this shit, move on, get over it... Rons a good guy and more than capable of being the lead gutarist in GNR, either accept it or move on to something else you enjoy.

BBF never did anything, I just dont like him as a guitar player, i never  understood why that is such a big deal when ppl always hated Bh or Robin but that always seemed to be ok, it just seems like oh ron talks to the fans, you cannot hate him.  I just think its funny i do nothing different with ron than others did both bh and finck yet im the hater, that always amused me about people like you.

as for me liking you or not, i dont even know you, i dont let people get to me on message boards like it seems you do, you get so worked up over me not liking ron, i just think that is what really is sad.

As for dropping the  shit, again, that is a really sad argument, I can be a fan of this band but not like Ron as their guitar player cant I? Maybe if your warped world I cannot but I never saw you saying that when people were slagging on Robin or BH.

The only thing warped is your dislike of Bumblefoot. Its not rational, and as the years go past, your desperate diatribes against the man become more and more worrying.

I'm finished with this conversation, I await your claim of victory because I cant argue with your facts... jesus fuckin christ roll

How is me not liking Rons guitar playing not rational? That really makes no sense and  you are making no sense.

You cant even comment on my point about why is it ok when people didnt like Robin or Bucketheads playing but I am not allowed to not like Rons cold heartless guitar playing?

You really dont make any sense, you need to learn to make better points because you have no leg to stand on.

So in your warped world, I am wrong because I like BH and think he is better than Ron and that is worrysome? Yet others and even you can think Ron is better than BH and there is not a problem with that?

No one has ever make a legit point on why its not ok for me to not like Ron but it was ok for whomever to not like BH or Robin.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

Neemo wrote:

alright dave you made your point...let it go

as for ron getting special treatment...well mygnr deleted his posts didnt they?

anyway he's a member of the band so yeah i would say he gets a bit more slack than most

 Rep: 268 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

Olorin wrote:

Now your making me laugh 14

What time is it there, its just after midnight here...

Are you ranting before breakfast or after?

What is it, pop tarts for brecky, throw darts at your bumblefoot dartboard for half an hour while you digest it, and then head down to the library to tell the world on the internet just how bad that Ron Thal really is?

I take back what I said, I'm beginning to like you 14

Can Dave get his own section here please?

 Rep: 77 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

smoke wrote:

Ah well, whether any of it is true or false or right or wrong, it wouldn't surprise if it affects future output. Bummer.

I don't even care who's in the band anymore, I just want Axl to get some shit out there.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 16 

Re: Bumblefoot responds to rumors about him

dave-gnfnr wrote:

Russ, that is all he needed to do, he didnt need to go on that tirade, that was my point.

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