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 Rep: 39 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

-Jack- wrote:

Wow this artwork is so good. Been a long time since I've felt anything positive about GNR but if this is really the booklet Axl and co had in mind for the project you have to feel bad they got stiffed so hard by whatever powers that be that stopped it from happening. Love this alt booklet

 Rep: 633 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 287 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Aussie wrote:

It would be good to see large versions of that artwork on the LP, (obviously with the skipping/vinyl quality issue fixed too).

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

johndivney wrote:

so many problems... & this is only the inlay sleeve.. what a ginormous mess..
i bet you we couldn't make a list of absolutely everything that went wrong during the CD years. there'd be at least a thousand little bullet points. yet you could make a list of what went well/correctly in about 5mins.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

misterID wrote:
Aussie wrote:

You know I wouldn't be surprised if HTGTH got given a number of these to give out to members there.  The dude in that pick looks like one of the long time posters there.  I remember when CD came out there was a small number of loyal posters there that were sent a 6 pack of Dr Pepper.  Perhaps this CD was also with it?

You're right, I'm pretty sure that did happen.

I also know jarmo went to Axl's house and got to swim in his pool with Fernando. 16

 Rep: 268 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Olorin wrote:

I always thought the super duper fanclub would have got this copy. It wasnt just any loyal posters at htgth who got the Dr. Pepper, it was a certain type of loyal poster. Lets just say the anti-Slash brigade didnt go thirsty roll

 Rep: 21 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

I know the guy in the pictures on the previous page. I think he got it from Bumble's people....

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

johndivney wrote:
misterID wrote:

I also know jarmo went to Axl's house and got to swim in his pool with Fernando. 16

for real??
that's hilarious.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Intercourse wrote:

What career has that Jarmo guy got other than being a tongue for Axl's ass?
Does he work at anything 'grown up' like a proper job ?

I cannot imagine having a job as pathetic as following an ageing, grumpy rock star about the place, deleting emails so that his saintly eyes won't have see and he won't have to suffer.

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