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 Rep: 287 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Aussie wrote:
johndivney wrote:
misterID wrote:

I also know jarmo went to Axl's house and got to swim in his pool with Fernando. 16

for real??
that's hilarious.

I wonder if he pissed in it 14

 Rep: 207 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

DCK wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

What career has that Jarmo guy got other than being a tongue for Axl's ass?
Does he work at anything 'grown up' like a proper job ?

I cannot imagine having a job as pathetic as following an ageing, grumpy rock star about the place, deleting emails so that his saintly eyes won't have see and he won't have to suffer.

Oh oh...someone is jealous and can't hide it.

I would love to work for Axl. Good hours, plenty of travel, lots of concerts and access to the groupie market. If I was a single unemployed Swedish nerd, I would have a fucking field day. I didn't have either the foresight, patience or enough of an ass kisser in me to do what Jarmo did, but if this was 1998, I would jump that band wagon instantly and replace a shitty, boring life in some godforsaken Swedish town with sex and rock n roll. The drugs one may choose as one please.

Any GNR fan would jump on the opertunity to hang with the band.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Neemo wrote:

pretty sure he has a real job

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

AtariLegend wrote:

*Yawn at the jarmo stuff*

Get the fuck over it and get a life, it isn't 2006 anymore. HTGTH is what it is.

Awesome art work, shame it's too late to make any difference.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Intercourse wrote:

Oh oh...someone is jealous and can't hide it.

ehh no..if I was 20 I'd be jealous. I'm 40 and too tired and grumpy for such a life.

Get the fuck over it and get a life

What got your panties in such a bunch?
I was just wondering does anybody know if the guy has any career other than deleting mails in a forum.
I asked a simple question.
If you can't offer anything useful just move on.

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Sky Dog wrote:

I think Jarmo does some kind of computer work.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Intercourse wrote:

Thanks man, that's all I wanted to know.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

faldor wrote:
Intercourse wrote:

What got your panties in such a bunch?
I was just wondering does anybody know if the guy has any career other than deleting mails in a forum.
I asked a simple question.
If you can't offer anything useful just move on.

With all due respect, there was really no need for your "being a tongue for Axl's ass comment".  That was a bit much.

 Rep: 2 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

salome wrote:

For those who are interested... Thanks to gunns5 from mygnr !

Sorry - "The Lizard Part Of My Brain" Sandra Yagi
"Petite Mort #1 Doggie" Sandra Yagi … paintings/

"Echo" Marat Bekeev … 805&page=1

"AK-47" Anton S. Kandinsky

If the world/TWAT
"The Visitor" Kevin Zuckerman … on-canvas/

"Girl Raped By Alien" He An … &wr_id=150

Scream" Johnnie Hurtig

"Hundreds Of Thousands" Rankin … sands.html

O Terra, Addio (Sad Rat Journey)" Socar Myles … t-journey/

supposedly designated for Better & Madagascar
"Body 2005 No. 3" Ziao Kegang … 5-no3.html
"Seated Figure in Robe" Gloria Gaddis … =&l=Gaddis

"Prisoner No. 33" Lou Jie

 Rep: 212 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Intercourse wrote:

With all due respect, there was really no need for your "being a tongue for Axl's ass comment".  That was a bit much

If his GNR web antics were not so infamous, I'd withdraw the comment.

Its no biggie anyway, he doesn't care I'm sure.

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