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Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

ppp wrote:

Ugh, don't post anything from that board. It's full of crazy old men with no life that sit on a message board all day and talk about how much they hate Axl/NuGuns to the point of insanity. As if the internet itself isn't enough of a waste of time, I can't for the life of me understand talking about a band I don't like, even a shred, for hours on end.

The total definition of unhinged and desperate.

 Rep: 768 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

Axlin16 wrote:
ppp wrote:
smoke wrote:
madagas wrote:

Nice interview Ron.....all that cd era stuff is the property of UMG and Black Frog/Axl so any release will require approval by both parties. Good luck with that!

I don't know a ton about the biz, but is that true? So, UMG can/could be the ones locking down the vault?

Universal has the final say in rather or not they will release an album. If they don't feel it well do well, they can hold it up as many labels do. Avril Lavigne has been fighting with RCA for over a year to release her latest album. They wouldn't agree unless she recorded What The Hell and released it as her first single, as they didn't feel there were any songs on her album that were commerical enough.

That's right, and looking back Better might've been the only saving grace for CD.

Axl may be Axl, and the GN'R brand name may be the GN'R brand name, but regardless of the music industry's current devestation, and the death of radio... the format still works the same. Labels want a rockin' radio-ready first single, and a radio-ready ballad for the second, because in their eyes it's proven success, and for the most part - they're still right, at least on a downlaod level, because no one is buying albums anymore.

If the next GN'R album doesn't have a good single, especially after CD, UMG is gonna have alot of ice cold feet about going forward with another new GN'R album.

I've said this for awhile, but I really think UMG is gonna really be up Axl's ass next time (or currently) for a real "Day That Never Comes" (Metallica) or Check My Brain (Alice In Chains) type of track, if not pushing more of a Shinedown-direction, especially with DJ Ashba on board.

BUT, Axl's still gonna be pulling tracks from that Robin/Bucket/Paul-era, and that stuff is probably just gonna be CD II-type tracks.

Unless MASSIVE re-arranging is done, and this is just an assumption, I highly doubt a real single is in the vault, otherwise it'd been used for CD. I want to say, years ago around 2001-02 or so, when the CD recording process was in full swing, Bob Ezrin I think said there were no singles (this was before the existence of Better tho).

 Rep: 207 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

DCK wrote:

Release a double CD with all those Bucket tracks. Sorry Ron, that's the GNR I want to hear before I move on to a more rockish DJ Ashba lead GNR. I have to get that shit out my system. That's the stuff I've been waiting since 2001 to hear, not a new album with the new guys. Not yet. I wanna conclude the Finck/Bucket chapter before I roll on to Ron/Ashba. I'm sure Ashba can create some good shit, I'm just not interested until the chapter I want is closed and done with. It feels like waiting for an ice cream for a decade and in the last minute being served another one instead because the ice cream guy forgot how to make mine.

 Rep: 423 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

buzzsaw wrote:
ppp wrote:

Ugh, don't post anything from that board. It's full of crazy old men with no life that sit on a message board all day and talk about how much they hate Axl/NuGuns to the point of insanity. As if the internet itself isn't enough of a waste of time, I can't for the life of me understand talking about a band I don't like, even a shred, for hours on end.

The total definition of unhinged and desperate.

It's quite possible to love Guns N' Roses and not care for Axl and the new band.  There's nothing wrong with any group of people getting together on the internet and discussing what they like or don't like...that's kinda what the internet is for besides shopping and porn.

 Rep: 633 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

RussTCB wrote:



Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

ppp wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
ppp wrote:

Ugh, don't post anything from that board. It's full of crazy old men with no life that sit on a message board all day and talk about how much they hate Axl/NuGuns to the point of insanity. As if the internet itself isn't enough of a waste of time, I can't for the life of me understand talking about a band I don't like, even a shred, for hours on end.

The total definition of unhinged and desperate.

It's quite possible to love Guns N' Roses and not care for Axl and the new band.  There's nothing wrong with any group of people getting together on the internet and discussing what they like or don't like...that's kinda what the internet is for besides shopping and porn.

Of course. But there is very little discussion of the old band there. Just mainly axl bashing and mygnr bashing over and over and over and over again.

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

First time, long time.  Been posting at HTGTH and always respectful but reached a breaking point now with Jarmo's censorship of deleting mentions of this interview.

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

johndivney wrote:

he's a really crazy guy
he's pulled some wtf?? censorship moments before but this is surely the most bizarre??

 Rep: 84 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

jamester wrote:
14 Years of Silence wrote:

First time, long time.  Been posting at HTGTH and always respectful but reached a breaking point now with Jarmo's censorship of deleting mentions of this interview.

Welcome to GnR Evo 14 years !

 Rep: 268 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

Olorin wrote:

Its bonkers, its a damn fine interview. He doesnt bash anyone or throw dirt or even say anything controversial, he actually stills sounds quite guarded with his comments.
Why that site feels the need to delete any mention of it is beyond me, it is sycophancy in all its glory.

And this is the guy that gets invited on tour, no wonder people hate this band.

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