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 Rep: 633 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

Neemo wrote:

its certainly a story that wont go away

one would hope that axl would comment on it and put it all to rest

we'll see if this thread turns out the same as it predecesors, but i'm more concerned about the actual quality of the conversation that follows this rumour around, we have discussed rumors for years but for some reason all the conversation this one stimulates is name calling and bickering....on one hand we are grateful to read about anything related to GnR...on the other hand this topic has been popping up time and time again to always meet with the same fate .. all we ask is that you keep it civil

 Rep: 475 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

misterID wrote:

Look, I’m not trying to start any serious drama here. All I’m saying is, based on statements he made in a recent interview with Radio Metal, it is quite conceivable that current Guns N’ Roses guitarist Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal could soon meet with Axl’s swift, cold wrath. A few choice quotes from the cool but slightly frustrated Thal:

To be fair, Ron also praised Axl in the interview, saying “there has been no other singer that I have ever worked with in my fucking life that cares as much and that gives as much and that kicks as much ass on a stage and that works as hard as that guy.” Yet we all know how fickle the A man can be. A little bit of lip can go a long way. Watch out, Ron, you may soon be out the door in favor of some other strangely-nicknamed axe god.

None of that said anything about being a rumor. He was actually just discussing Ron's interview. And I think we were all blown away by how open he was and how clearly frustrated he was. There was nothing saying "Ron is fired."

We're usually on the same wave length, Russ, but I disagree here. There were no insults, no rumors and no Ron bashing in that post. Nothing but legit opinion, like we all give. I understand you're frustrated at the topic and shit, but I don't think that was worth threatening to ban someone over. sad

I don't like the threat of bans period, except for extreme troll like behavior. It would not be surprising if something happened due to Ron's interview. It'll be interesting to see where it goes...

 Rep: 633 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

misterID wrote:

Then I must have misunderstood what you were saying about "the next one will be a ban" and "consider that a threat, promise."

But despite that, and this is my last post on this so not to make it a bigger deal than what it is, but he was basically just commenting on the same thing we were. He wasn't saying "I heard a rumor" or "I heard Ron is fired" it was more like my reaction to the interview, like "I can't believe he said that." I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't with the band after that. That's just my opinion, not fact or hope. Just taking into consideration Ron's frustration and recent actions and Axl... well, being Axl 16

Really not trying to start anything. And I can understand why this is now a sensitive subject, bro.


 Rep: 633 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 12 

Re: BUMBLEFOOT:We Could Do More To Establish The Current Band as its own!

huntermc wrote:
ppp wrote:

Universal has the final say in rather or not they will release an album. If they don't feel it well do well, they can hold it up as many labels do. Avril Lavigne has been fighting with RCA for over a year to release her latest album. They wouldn't agree unless she recorded What The Hell and released it as her first single, as they didn't feel there were any songs on her album that were commerical enough.

It's amazing that in this day and age of digital everything, that the major labels still look on anything less than multi-platinum CD sales as a failure. Imagine if they did something original and released a monthly EP of five or six songs from the Chi-Dem vault on iTunes with one or two strong tracks and two or three alternate takes, remixes, instrumentals, etc., and then after six months or a year of that put out a physical CD of the best tracks (plus a few new ones). And also a deluxe Reznor-esque limited edition box set. I mean, if they announced "New GNR track on iTunes today" I would buy it without thinking. But instead we get more rumors and aborted plans, and no new music.

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