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 Rep: 200 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

apex-twin wrote:
Neemo wrote:

its funny how people can run their mouths and do whatever as long as it suits them but if someone posts a different point of view then for fucking shame...

Definitely. I guess you used the faggoty term without putting too much thought into it. Insults on a person can be roughly divided to degrade mental or physical capabilities or distinct features. While using the word 'faggoty', I take it you're not implying Robin's gay, but rather, suggest his outlandish wardrobe is something that could be related to the gay community. The problem is

Neemo wrote:

Robin can dress however he likes...but its not for me and i still thought his image was stupid in gnr...

And that's a perfectly sound opinion on the matter. But when one ties negative connotations to the word 'faggoty', one relates sexual orientation to something [Robin] one feels is out of place / context within the structure [GNR] this something is represented in.

Get my drift here? Faggoty, outlandish, out-of-place.

Neemo wrote:

fine then i'm a biggot...whatever you say


Originally, I was speaking in a general sense, mainly referring to a throwaway comment by Russ' friend, which, to me, had homophobic allusions. I wouldn't dare claiming his friend to be homophobic, as I've never met the man to begin with. The general subject (suspecting / detesting / abhorring the unknown and sometimes, de-humanizing or even demonizing it) is a matter deeply ingrained in the Western culture, and we as humanity still have a lot to learn about tolerance.

But I really want come down from the soapbox now.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:
Axl wrote:

Immigrants and faggots
They make no sense to me

It's all greek to me
Well some say I'm lazy
And others say that's just me
Some say I'm crazy
I guess I'll always be
But it's been such a long time
Since I knew right from wrong
It's all the means to an end, I,
I keep on movin' along

Radicals and racists
Don't point your finger at me

Karma To Neemo for derailing the Dj hate train!

 Rep: 485 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Neemo wrote:

unfortunately youths of the 90's have associated the word's gay and/or faggot with a derogatory comment....more of a subconscious thing than anything...i personally know a fair share of people who are gay, even attended a couple same sex marriages (which i 100% am in favor of btw) of freinds, but still sometimes i have a slip of the tongue around our freinds of that persuasion and will inadertantly call something "gay" then my wife shush's me .... i have to think back to what i actually said then i'm like "oops" ... i dont mean anything by it, do what you wanna do, love who you wanna love, be who you are, whatever makes you happy, man

but if i offended any board members by my use of those words i'm truly i said i edited my post...its all i can do 19

jamester wrote:

Radicals and racists
Don't point your finger at me

good analogy i suppose, since axl still takes flack from that song to this day...the song is pure brilliance if you ask me

 Rep: 485 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Neemo wrote:
Neemo wrote:

I dont understand all the hate for DJ...he's got an awesome sound and some killer chops

for example....check out dj's playing on this track...the opening and riff start after a Nikki monologue intro (around 0:40) its nothing like crazy and technical or anything but the riff and swagger is there, with a pretty cool solo starting underneath another Nikki's spoken interlude around 3:10 ... i dig it, i'd love to see what he can come up with collaborating with axl and the boys  9


 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Neemo wrote:

I dont understand all the hate for DJ...he's got an awesome sound and some killer chops

for example....check out dj's playing on this track...the opening and riff start after a Nikki monologue intro (around 0:40) its nothing like crazy and technical or anything but the riff and swagger is there, with a pretty cool solo starting underneath another Nikki's spoken interlude around 3:10 ... i dig it, i'd love to see what he can come up with collaborating with axl and the boys  9


^^Sony music content not avail in my country(USA) ^^

Here is a good fan made vid with same music. Solo starts 3:33 ish

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Sky Dog wrote:
misterID wrote:
Neemo wrote:
misterID wrote:

I respect the fact you prefer DJ, I'm obviously the exact opposite of that, but the faggot thing isn't cool.

sorry...i revised my post to edit that out

No prob, man. I used to say it all the time, too. Trying to be better about it myself smile

The thing I never understood about the fashion critiques of the new line up is the fact the same people had no problem with these looks: … c0.jpg?v=0 … axl+rose10


And Robin shined on some of my favorite GNR songs: TWAT, Better, Prostitute, Chinese Democracy, TIL... And I loved him on SCOM.

The last one is a classic. 5 However, difference tween Axl and DJ is that Axl is a complete mutt.....DJ is straight Sunstrep Strip rocker...just not my Axl was't in 85-86.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

Axl looked like a fucking bad ass at the Freddie Mercury tribute show.

And i'm frankly getting sick of the "word police". No wonder Axl doesn't visit this place.

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

johndivney wrote:

i agree. we should be as offensive as possible. it's the only way we'll learn. & it's all done in good humour.. well mostly.. i'd say only the minority of people on this board don't have a sense of humour.. but fuck those boring faggots.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

BLOW OUT SALE on all clothing! While supplies last! about 4 hours ago via web

 Rep: 633 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

RussTCB wrote:


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