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 Rep: 475 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

misterID wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Axl looked like a fucking bad ass at the Freddie Mercury tribute show.

And i'm frankly getting sick of the "word police". No wonder Axl doesn't visit this place.

It's not about being the word police, people can say what they want. Just saying it's not necessary and ends up hurting your argument.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

  174854_6055603084_819257_q.jpg New BBF Facebook pic
Had a great time playing in PA w/ Pisser last night, thanks to all who hung out!!! big_smile about 1 hour ago via web

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

Chris Pitman Facebook ( New FB picture)
While in Rio preparing for an Art Exhibition, Im gonna go sing tonite with Rodrigo Santos Band at Club Praia,
Av. Borges Medeiros, 1426 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22470-003
Tel: 21 2108-3935
a Manzano evening is in order

Chris Pitman painting is ' Pheno Zet '
4 hours ago

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:
johndivney wrote:

i agree. we should be as offensive as possible. it's the only way we'll learn. & it's all done in good humour.. well mostly.. i'd say only the minority of people on this board don't have a sense of humour.. but fuck those boring faggots.

THAT was funny. 14

misterID wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Axl looked like a fucking bad ass at the Freddie Mercury tribute show.

And i'm frankly getting sick of the "word police". No wonder Axl doesn't visit this place.

It's not about being the word police, people can say what they want. Just saying it's not necessary and ends up hurting your argument.

I see what you're saying, but to me, when someone replies to your post and points out the 'faggot' thing, or any other word, it comes across as you the reader didn't even read the post, you just isolated a word, and decided to completely miss the point and bring something controversial up for the sake of doing it.

Kind of like the media did with "One In A Million". They didn't focus on the song, just two words. It didn't matter that he slammed white small-town racists in the song, that wasn't important. Stirring shit was important.

I'm not saying you did that here at all, because you're a good guy. It's just, I think for me, i'm hyper-sensitive the opposite way. I immediately get pissed when someone gets offended over a word, even if I don't even know why yet. I'm burned out on PC'ness I guess.

 Rep: 475 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

misterID wrote:

I never had a problem when somone would say it in a joking manner, but when it's in a mean-spirited, intentionally insulting, slag against someone, I've never been comfortable with that.

And for the record, how I interpreted OIAM was a lot different than how Axl explained it, and his explanation really hurt the song, imo.

 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

Axl's 800 different explanations fucking killed his credibility is what it did.

If he'd of just came out of the gate and said "this song points the finger at racism and/or censorship", he wouldn't have seen near the shitstorm.

Instead... "Yes I meant niggers, but not black people, and yeah faggots, but only those with AIDS who spread it around, but not gay people, and immigrants who are terrorists... etc."

What the fuck? He'd been better served just coming out and saying "I meant every word, and fuck you all"

Instead it came across as back peddling and a situation where just about every band member and producer BEGGED Axl to not record it and release it, and he was too smart for his own good.

I'm sure his ego learned ALOT of lessons after that song. Hell, even his idol Elton John thought he was a fucking asshole until he met him at the Freddie show.

 Rep: 84 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

jamester wrote:

I think I just pee'd a little! Ha!

a pic links  djs FB wall from fans


 Rep: 768 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Axlin16 wrote:

Uh... who's in the middle between Axl & DJ?


 Rep: 268 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

Olorin wrote:

Its from when they played with Korn in 2010.

 Rep: 26 

Re: GN'R Twitter Updates

WARose wrote:

looks like munky, the guitarist from korn

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