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 Rep: 475 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

misterID wrote:
Cramer wrote:

Late night speculation part I:

The more I think about it, the more I think Axl has a direct role in having My GNR shutdown. Especially with Eric ending his statement the way he did, wishing Axl the best etc. To me that is somebody who is doing their best to keep the peace.

Late night speculation part II:

Part of me also wonders if this is somehow tied to the MSL fiasco. Something that (if I remember) was never allowed to be discussed on HTGTH, yet FLOURISHED on MyGnR. Could this have been the catalyst for Axl to go apeshit on Eric finally? The tipping point where Rose decided once and for all that Eric's site was out of control (true or not) and a threat to his brand (true or not.)

I'm still thinking it's the butt hurt that Axl is ignoring them now. I'm sure he lurked on that site a lot and if the bullshit trolling made us sick, imagine that X100000000000000. They did agree to do what the band wanted for the perks... It's hard to feel sorry for him now.

 Rep: 149 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

slcpunk wrote:

Why didn't they just do this from the start?

Hi Everyone,

As you know, the closure of MYGNRFORUM was announced a few days ago by Eric.

You guys have talked and we have listened. A number of you have expressed that you would consider making donations to keep the forum alive.

A prospective buyer has approached Eric, but needs some idea of what we can hope for in donations from members to determine whether the sale can even happen.

If you are interested in donating to keep the forum alive, please send me a PM with an amount you would potentially donate. Note, please only make a pledge if you intend to actually go through with it should a sale be finalised.

The ongoing costs of maintaining the site are significant and at the moment less than half the operating costs are covered. If the site is going to have a chance to survive, some generosity from members is going to be needed, particularly in the initial stages.

Cheers everyone,

NOTE: The site could go down at any point from now - time is of the essence.

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Sky Dog wrote:

what a joke

 Rep: 149 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

slcpunk wrote:

A total joke. I also think it's bullshit. I know somebody who contacted Eric a few days ago, asking serious questions in regards to operating costs and how to sell the forum, space required etc and got no response. A serious buyer asking serious questions and got zip for a reply.

 Rep: 149 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

slcpunk wrote:

The whole thing is a sloppy mess, you'd almost think Axl was in charge of closing it.

 Rep: 30 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Well I am glad the mods here have never taken door number #1. Therefore never the need to move just a little more west.

I know I wouldn't take the door, not worth it. I like my principles.

 Rep: 633 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Axlin16 wrote:

That was pretty much a confession above that it was a ploy for someone to buy the site from him basically, anyone, Axl, another geek, etc.

I expect nothing less from Romano. roll

 Rep: 268 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Olorin wrote:

Funny how it can go offline anytime for maintenance but now they have to wait for the service provider to shut it down.

Its a bit of a shithole anyway, it used to be decent but the last couple of years its plummeted to an unintelligible level of stupidity. I'm not suprised Eric wants to bin it, I think at the root of all this is a guy who is just another disillusioned fan who is moving on in life. Plus MyGnr is a major headache just to read occasionally, never mind having to actually fund it and deal with the legal threats from the band its suppost to be supporting.

 Rep: 633 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

RussTCB wrote:


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