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 Rep: 475 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

misterID wrote:

The other thread says something about someone buying the forum and he's a "mystery man." The mods are building this up and will reveal him once the sale goes through.

This is beyond lame. Like the band who goes on a farewell tour, but keeps touring... For years... And years... And YEARS.

 Rep: 661 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

monkeychow wrote:

It's true both of those things wouldn't have happened on forums of other bands.

In particular the entire MSL episode was completely bizzare - that people who profess to be fans of the band would engage in behaviours to actively damage the band's interests - both public and personal.

I've often wondered as to why this happens.

So far I have the following theories:

1. GNR music is very emotional, thought provoking and contains complex psychological themes. It's why I connect with it. But perhaps it's possible that music of this nature attracts a higher proportion of unbalanced fans than mainstream pop. This isn't to say all GNR fans are crazy, but maybe a higher percentage than say Madonna fans or whatever.

2. GNR's managment style I think breeds this kind of behaviour in fans. There seems to be a lot of secracy, and periods of silence surrounding the band - there's always an element of mystry and uncertanty - and I think that enables the unstable element of the fanbase to start up with antics. That's not to suggest its the fault of the band - or that the band should really do anything different - but for better or worse I think it does increase the chances of this stuff happening.

For example: Dave Mustaine seems to be an emotional kind of guy, or at least I think it's fair to say he's had some problems over the years (and I mean that with all respect as he's an awesome musician) - but megadeth engages their fan base constantly - runs an official forum - where dave talks to fans about what's on his mind, immediately clarrifies any rumours surrounding the band etc. And while you always get people calling for Rust in Peace line up reunions, the vibe of the place is always positive, respectful, and dramas don't seem to occur. If someone hacked his email I'm pretty sure all other fans would tell that guy to go fuck himself.

Now that's not to say Axl should, or can do what Dave does. They are different people with different personalities - and if it works for dave to engage the fanbase directly that's fine, and it doesn't mean axl has to - but I do think the relative silence and mystery of the band increases the ability of the nutjobs to fuck with the band and it's interests.

IF axl doesn't like direct interaction, my suggestion, for what that's worth, would be to engage people properly to represent the band
online. HTGTH is almost an offical forum, but then there seems to be a real combatitive vibe there - where to like the new band you seem to have to hate the old members - and vice versa. I'd like to see an official  forum that's more like bumblefoot's attitude - that it's ok to like the old and the new - and that it's not a contest between them - there's room for everyone - where fans could interact and discuss the band freely - and where crazy schemes could be shut down instantly by an admin who had direct and free access to the band - who was truely in the loop. Just my 2c.

 Rep: 423 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

buzzsaw wrote:

I can actually easily see where a fan would damage Axl and this version of GnR.  I wouldn't do it (as much as I don't love this version), but I can see where somebody would feel justified in doing it.  It's over the top, but if you felt attached to the old band and blame Axl for the demise of the old band and keeping the old band from reuniting, it's not a stretch to think they would want to destroy what we have now.  Being a fan of GnR means different things to different people.  If you don't think there are people out there that fit the profile I described, you're fooling yourself.  They are still GnR fans...from a certain point of view (to quote Master Kenobi).


Re: MyGNR closing for business

ppp wrote:

A mystery person wants to buy it now? This is absurd. Nothing more than a pathetic attmept by Eric to get more people to donate money to his forum. If he was so pissed off at GNR not doing anything like he claimed, he'd have shut it down on day one.

 Rep: 41 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Ali wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

It's true both of those things wouldn't have happened on forums of other bands.

In particular the entire MSL episode was completely bizzare - that people who profess to be fans of the band would engage in behaviours to actively damage the band's interests - both public and personal.

I've often wondered as to why this happens.

So far I have the following theories:

1. GNR music is very emotional, thought provoking and contains complex psychological themes. It's why I connect with it. But perhaps it's possible that music of this nature attracts a higher proportion of unbalanced fans than mainstream pop. This isn't to say all GNR fans are crazy, but maybe a higher percentage than say Madonna fans or whatever.

2. GNR's managment style I think breeds this kind of behaviour in fans. There seems to be a lot of secracy, and periods of silence surrounding the band - there's always an element of mystry and uncertanty - and I think that enables the unstable element of the fanbase to start up with antics. That's not to suggest its the fault of the band - or that the band should really do anything different - but for better or worse I think it does increase the chances of this stuff happening.

For example: Dave Mustaine seems to be an emotional kind of guy, or at least I think it's fair to say he's had some problems over the years (and I mean that with all respect as he's an awesome musician) - but megadeth engages their fan base constantly - runs an official forum - where dave talks to fans about what's on his mind, immediately clarrifies any rumours surrounding the band etc. And while you always get people calling for Rust in Peace line up reunions, the vibe of the place is always positive, respectful, and dramas don't seem to occur. If someone hacked his email I'm pretty sure all other fans would tell that guy to go fuck himself.

Now that's not to say Axl should, or can do what Dave does. They are different people with different personalities - and if it works for dave to engage the fanbase directly that's fine, and it doesn't mean axl has to - but I do think the relative silence and mystery of the band increases the ability of the nutjobs to fuck with the band and it's interests.

IF axl doesn't like direct interaction, my suggestion, for what that's worth, would be to engage people properly to represent the band
online. HTGTH is almost an offical forum, but then there seems to be a real combatitive vibe there - where to like the new band you seem to have to hate the old members - and vice versa. I'd like to see an official  forum that's more like bumblefoot's attitude - that it's ok to like the old and the new - and that it's not a contest between them - there's room for everyone - where fans could interact and discuss the band freely - and where crazy schemes could be shut down instantly by an admin who had direct and free access to the band - who was truely in the loop. Just my 2c.

Yes, the silence surrounding GN'R may contribute to the stirring of rumors and interest in them in the absence of news.  But, both the examples I cited were either during or weeks after a tour.

Also, this behavior is a choice by the individual's who display them.  They don't have to be shit-stirrers and rumor-mongers.  Last, this type of behavior can be filtered out through moderation.  That didn't happen, and in one case, the rumor-monger WAS a moderator.

At the end of the day, there are shit-stirrers who choose stir shit and moderators who choose to not filter this kind of rumor-mongering, drama-creating bullshit out.  They deserve a large share of blame for this crap happening.


 Rep: 41 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Ali wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
Ali wrote:

I think ppp was kind of saying this earlier, but I'll say it again and point to specific examples.  I can't help but look at two things:

1) In January of last year, Madison "reported" that Axl had ordered a Slash apparel ban at the Winnipeg show and she never, ever was able to prove that Axl himself actually asked for this as opposed to someone doing this on Axl's behalf, like when Doug Goldstein banned Slash from the two Joint shows in 2001.

Madison single-handedly contributed to the propagation of this rumor.  There is no doubt about that.

2)  The discussion of the MSL documents and the rumors of what it contained were damaging enough that a member of the band, Ron, felt compelled  to go to MyGNR and defend himself against these allegations.

Both of these things happened on Eric's forum, a FAN forum.

Why in the hell should these things ever happen on a FAN forum for the band in question?  At a certain point, you have to step back and say, "Is this really functioning as a fan forum now?"

Valid points. On the subject of Madison, one strange thing she did was pushing that whole reunion thing by posting obscure articles from anonymous blogs right after CD's release. Now I can understand a fan wanting a reunion but that was a bit drastic and certainly grasping at straws.

I believe that also in that instance, she was not acting as a fan per se, but as her day job, a reporter, trying to break a story to the fan base and/or the public at large.


 Rep: 287 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Aussie wrote:

If Eric wanted to step away from the forum surely he would have decided either to simply pull the plug and let it die, or a more savvy person would say why don't I try and sell it if possible.

You then advertise the fact that you wish to sell the forum, perhaps even approach the GNR camp to guage any interest in buying it.

I don't understand it, is he trying to suggest that he only now has contemplated selling it?  That would be the first thing I would think of doing if I was him, seeing if it was saleable.  He has presumably sunk in a lot more $$'s than he has got out of it so why wouldn't you look at that option first?

But the way he has gone about it it seems like an afterthought and he has already devalued the site by announcing its closure and so members started signing up elsewhere etc.

As for someone contemplating buying it and then relying on donations to make it viable, good luck with that one!

 Rep: 661 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

monkeychow wrote:
Ali wrote:

Yes, the silence surrounding GN'R may contribute to the stirring of rumors and interest in them in the absence of news.  But, both the examples I cited were either during or weeks after a tour.

True...but the entire MSL drama was fueled by lack of knowlege about possible tours, band dynamics, why people left the band, what recordings exist, what future products may come out.

MSL's rumours and stuff are only interesting because we don't know about any of those things.

It would be impossible for MSL to create such a scandal over at Megadeth because Mustaine speaks freely about such matters all the time.

Anyway, I don't blame the band, I blame the individuals who choose to engage in such behavior, but I'm just saying that I think that the way the band operates enables them to be abused in this manner.

 Rep: 194 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

tejastech08 wrote:
Ali wrote:

I think ppp was kind of saying this earlier, but I'll say it again and point to specific examples.  I can't help but look at two things:

1) In January of last year, Madison "reported" that Axl had ordered a Slash apparel ban at the Winnipeg show and she never, ever was able to prove that Axl himself actually asked for this as opposed to someone doing this on Axl's behalf, like when Doug Goldstein banned Slash from the two Joint shows in 2001.

Madison single-handedly contributed to the propagation of this rumor.  There is no doubt about that.

2)  The discussion of the MSL documents and the rumors of what it contained were damaging enough that a member of the band, Ron, felt compelled  to go to MyGNR and defend himself against these allegations.

Both of these things happened on Eric's forum, a FAN forum.

Why in the hell should these things ever happen on a FAN forum for the band in question?  At a certain point, you have to step back and say, "Is this really functioning as a fan forum now?"

To me, no fan forum should have this effect on the band they are dedicated to.  Madison wasn't acting as a fan when she did what she did, she was acting as a reporter.  MSL wasn't acting as a fan when he did what he did, he was acting like a greedy, selfish, inconsiderate fool.

Should this behavior take place and/or be discussed and rewarded on a forum dedicated to supporting a band?  No.

Like I said, I've been on fan forums for Queensryche and Iron Maiden and some others, and never, ever seen anything like this kind of crap happen there.


Not buying your line of thinking. Freedom of speech is important. If people want to talk about Axl's pubic hair, then they should be free to do so. Hell, MyGNR pretty much does that all the time. 16

 Rep: 30 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Thank god this place is solid.

I don't know how anyone stays at MYGNR after this drama bullshit.

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