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 Rep: 217 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Mikkamakka wrote:

I remember you from HTGTH. You totally backed Jarmo even with his 'bad news are no news' policy. I'm surprised you needed some fresh air and came here, but do nothing, but justify Jarmo's and The Malibu Mafia's decisions. I guess it's a mission for you. Won't work here.

I didn't like MyGNR, cause every single thread turned into a chaotic name-calling. But I rather choose that, than the stalinist board. Thanks to God, we have GNREvolution.
Better to have idiots saying anything they want @ MyGNR, then a fascist regime that tells you what's right and what's wrong, what exists and what does not. "Four legs good, two legs bad". Hell, they even censored Merck's letter! They can't even talk about the 'next album', years after CD. They really can't talk about anything, just how cool Axl and the then-current line-up is, and what an evil, talentless, druggie thief Slash is. It reminds me of very, very bad times, you'd think never come back.  I live in a country that suffered from communism for 45 years, and I prefer the Hyde Park democracy.

In case of GN'R... the band, especially Axl has the most responsibility in having the most erratic fanbase on the world. I guess in the history of music. Paranoia, hatred, bitterness, insincerity, the complete lack of reliability and not taking responsibility for anything you do, but making stupid, vague comments or telling made-up stories, blaming the rest of the world... well it causes some problems in the fan base.

 Rep: 41 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Ali wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I remember you from HTGTH. You totally backed Jarmo even with his 'bad news are no news' policy. I'm surprised you needed some fresh air and came here, but do nothing, but justify Jarmo's and The Malibu Mafia's decisions. I guess it's a mission for you. Won't work here.

I didn't like MyGNR, cause every single thread turned into a chaotic name-calling. But I rather choose that, than the stalinist board. Thanks to God, we have GNREvolution.
Better to have idiots saying anything they want @ MyGNR, then a fascist regime that tells you what's right and what's wrong, what exists and what does not. "Four legs good, two legs bad". Hell, they even censored Merck's letter! They can't even talk about the 'next album', years after CD. They really can't talk about anything, just how cool Axl and the then-current line-up is, and what an evil, talentless, druggie thief Slash is. It reminds me of very, very bad times, you'd think never come back.  I live in a country that suffered from communism for 45 years, and I prefer the Hyde Park democracy.

In case of GN'R... the band, especially Axl has the most responsibility in having the most erratic fanbase on the world. I guess in the history of music. Paranoia, hatred, bitterness, insincerity, the complete lack of reliability and not taking responsibility for anything you do, but making stupid, vague comments or telling made-up stories, blaming the rest of the world... well it causes some problems in the fan base.

Apparently, you don't remember me as well as you think you do.  You're bringing in Jarmo's board and how he runs it when in reality that has nothing to do with any of this.  Nowhere, other than in your mind apparently, did I ever advocate running a message board like Jarmo's.  I cited two specific cases I thought were over the line, that's it.  There is an in between from Jarmo's board and MyGNR.  THAT is the point.  It isn't as black and white as you make it out to be.

As far for the rest of it, I'll leave it by saying I second what Madagas and Salome said.  I'm sure you'll refer to Jarmo and/or my "mission".  The latter of which, thankfully, I'm blissfully unaware of 16


 Rep: 633 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

misterID wrote:

Weren't threads deleted during the MSL thing? Didn't even you say you were going to delete threads if they continued?

I might be wrong, but I'm sure some threads have been deleted in the past, right?

 Rep: 633 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 475 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

misterID wrote:

Nah, I was saying earlier that even you guys will delete certain things and it doesn't have anything to do with censorship or barring freedom of speech. But that you guys won't let bullshit overtake the forum. Basically I was agreeing with Ali.


 Rep: 287 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Aussie wrote:

This is why some form of moderation is needed: … -icecream/

"If Axl Was An Icecream What Flavour Would He Be".

The guy that started the topic has next to his avatar "Topic Starter".  If that's the role given to him on their forum to start threads like that, god help them.

 Rep: 194 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

tejastech08 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

This is why some form of moderation is needed: … -icecream/

"If Axl Was An Icecream What Flavour Would He Be".

The guy that started the topic has next to his avatar "Topic Starter".  If that's the role given to him on their forum to start threads like that, god help them.

Pretty sure that only shows up for each thread starter if they post multiple times in a thread.

 Rep: 287 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Aussie wrote:

Ahh ok I wondered why it didn't appear in his first post but it did in subsequent ones in that thread.

Even so its shit like that which drives most normal people away from forums.  It's why I will never post there and why I got sick of mygnr too.  Having to wade through so much crap in an attempt to find any nuggets of actual information gets pretty tiring.

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Sky Dog wrote:
russtcb wrote:
misterID wrote:

Weren't threads deleted during the MSL thing? Didn't even you say you were going to delete threads if they continued?

I might be wrong, but I'm sure some threads have been deleted in the past, right?

I could be wrong,  but I honestly don't think anything was ever deleted. I know Neemo had a ridiculous time grouping things together since new threads were popping up constantly.

And yeah, I did say that I would start to delete threads once the "DJ Hates Ron" thing had already been talked to death and new threads were still being created on it. But I honestly don't think I ever deleted anything.

Not trying to be defensive, just wasn't sure if there was something I missed.

threads weren't deleted....Neemo locked a few that needed to be locked.

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