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 Rep: 84 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

jamester wrote:
madagas wrote:

threads weren't deleted....Neemo locked a few that needed to be locked.

And several that didnt!  2 related to this thread....yet its still open and in the main part of the GNR forum...... just sayin

 Rep: 149 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

slcpunk wrote:

There seems to be a lot of peeps asking for Madison to come back...


Re: MyGNR closing for business

ppp wrote:
Cramer wrote:

There seems to be a lot of peeps asking for Madison to come back...

Most likely all of those people are BBA. He has 94 accounts on that board according to him and he was always a fan of hers for some reason. Also Madison has at least 3 accounts there.

Mygnr was more censored under her than anyone.

 Rep: 149 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

slcpunk wrote:

Well I don't imagine it would ever happen anyway. Every other post is BBA begging to be a part of the action too. Anybody that desperate you shouldn't let in, that's for sure.

 Rep: 149 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

slcpunk wrote:

Anonymous donor has paid all costs...Eric stays.

How 'bout them apples?

 Rep: 207 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

DCK wrote:

Ok, so it was all drama and ended in a little fart. Done discussing MyGNR. At least from my part. Big play for the gallery.

 Rep: 287 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Aussie wrote:

Jeez what a load of stupid drama but I suppose it goes hand in hand with that site.

A cynic would say it's mission accomplished for Eric and something like this was the true goal behind his actions.

I wonder if the gnr camp is the anonoymous donor agreeing to meet the monthly costs of the site. They sure as hell have been intent on controlling the flow of information and their propoganda in the past. This presents an ideal opportunity for them to do it surupticiously.

And what about Erics grumbles about gnr not doing things like a normal band and very little activity, him being exposed to legal action etc. Have these issues suddenly disappeared for him?

 Rep: 16 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

dave-gnfnr wrote:

Yeah so much for a fresh start and all the banned long time members getting unbanned.
Eric is a joke, it was always about the money, it has to be Gnr who is flipping the bill to control the info flow from a huge Gnr site.
They didnt want mygnr to become uncensored like it would have been if Eric stepped down.

 Rep: 287 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

Aussie wrote:

To quote Eric's original post:

Aside from not making any business sense to run the Forum, it’s grown to expose me as the owner of the site to lawyer letters threatening lawsuits. So it’s making sense to throw the towel now and just close the I guess GNR will finally have what it has wanted for a very long time!

Why would this concern go away just because someone was paying the monthly bill.  Your ass would still be on the line legally unless the "white knight" was....   wink

Eric also said in his original post:

So for many years now, I’ve been putting up my own money to help keep alive the Forum. This is a situation which I have discussed with GNR many times. Aside from expressing they want closed in the past, even after being offered, GNR has not shown any concrete interest in supporting and/or taking over the

(the bolded word was my emphasis)

If they had not shown any interest then you would simply say that.  But saying they had not shown any "Concrete" interest suggests to me that things had got a little closer to them picking up the tab in the past, but for some reason they never put their money where their mouth was.  Until now???

 Rep: 475 

Re: MyGNR closing for business

misterID wrote:

This post was funny:

"Continue to do a shite job, Eric. Thanks for nothing."


Yeah, the whole thing was a big fuck up. The mods don't know what's going on. That UKsub's seems to have gotten a raw deal and it all comes down to some dude with hurt feelings that GNR and Axl have been ignoring him. My gut tells me that making this desperate, dramatic move (keeping the forum open after saying it was done) was just to see if he'd get some attention from the band. My guess is that the band is behind keeping it open.

And reading that forum, the admin of gunsnfnroses is a tool.

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