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 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Alot of people were talking about how they would recover from this... nah...

They're cooked.

There's no way it'll ever be the same again. Even their diehard supporters are jumping ship to Microsoft in droves, word of mouth is bad, their biggest supporters are bad mouthing them to everyone who will listen, they haven't kept their customers informed AT ALL (you basically have to go to Google News to find out what's going on), and they've missed deadline after deadline for the return of the network...

They'll TRY to comeback, but considering they were already #3 among gamers, this will just bury them further.

Now they're promising actual free games, tons of internet goodies, and even $1 million dollar insurance for each PSN subscriber.

They certaintly are going to do everything they can to make good on it, but I don't know if they'll ever repair the bad image.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 423 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

I'm fucked.  I was so into the PS3, but bought a Wii for my wife at Xmas.  Soon both will be useless.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

monkeychow wrote:

One thing that bewilders me is why most gamers prefer microsoft to sony.

If we rewind a few years, why would you want microsoft to gain dominance in the gaming industry?

Most sony products I've owned work very well, and most microsoft products have been a god aweful nightmare.

Sony bring out Ps3 which to my eyes seemed to have technological hardware supremecy (blu ray etc) and had a free online network, while MS had hardware that was older and with a paid network...

Yet everyone of my friends went MS.

No disrespect to the Xbox fans on here, these days they're for sure the dominant player - I'm just saying i've never understood why it went that way.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Truth is most games on 360 look better and run better even though the PS3 is more powerful and Xbox Live is far superior than the PSN, I'm not a fanboy, I own all consoles but Xbox is doing its shit better than the rest. Still can't wait for the new Nintendo.

@Russ: Portal 2 is awesome, although its easier than the first and also seems shorter. I urge you to play the first before you play 2, it should be cheap now aswell.

 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

TheMole wrote:

I don't get it either. I went PS3 because my controller runs on standard bluetooth/USB, I had the ability to install another OS on the thing (never did, but I could), can hook up loads of standard peripherals, use standard USB sticks for memory expansion, can install standard hard drives (the manual even says how to open the thing up to install a new HD). To top it all off, I didn't have to pay for the privilege of using my own internet connection to play online.

Versus Microsoft's hell of vendor lock-in (propriatary this, custom made that, ...), lesser hardware specs and for-pay internet play it seemed gaming Nirvana! How could anyone NOT choose Sony's console of MS's. Certainly giving their tendency to:
  1. innovate
  2. capture enough of a market to be dominant
  3. and then let it fester until they see the heat from new competitors
  4 latter, rinse, repeat

Just like they did with DOS (6.22), Windows (Vista), Internet Explorer (IE6), programming environments (Visual Studio 6), etc... Microsoft is the last company you would want to help gain a relevant market share...

And then, Sony brought us rootkits, took away OtherOS functionality, Introduced PSN, took my PSN offline, forced firmware updates on me, ...

That said, I still got Heavy Rain, Drake's Fortune and Killzone. Seeing as half my game collection exists of PS3 exclusive I probably still would go for Sony's console if I had to choose again today. The XBOX game library is mostly targeted at the male "Hooah, Ooh-rah!" demographic anyways...

Someone, please just bring back Sega as a console manufacturer smile.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

Sega is owned by fact you can purchase many old Genisis game from the Nintendo Shop as DLC for the Wii (I have Sonic the Hedgehog)

I beleive turbografix16 is a nintendo brand now as well

the reason i have an XBox and not a PS3 is because PS3 is too damn expensive

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Neemo wrote:

ahh gotcha. I just assumed that since you could DL Bonks adventure and SOnic the hedgehog that that meant that Nintendo owned the rights to them...eitherway kudos to Nintendo for making this stuff available for people to rediscover 5

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