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 Rep: 200 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

apex-twin wrote:

He did, too.

Do revisit the novel, as I personally found it to be a grabbing read.

Pt 2 opens with Norman encountering a nun whom he constantly refers to as a penguin. For whatever reason, the psycho-killer train of thought revolving around a penguin cracked me up. 16

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Almost sounds like the open to Psycho III.

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

AtariLegend wrote:

I went to see Insidious a few weeks ago. It was a bit jumpy till half way through, the 2nd half was too cliché-d. When the lights are turned on, the element of surprise kind of vanishes.

Hangover Part II was okay, but I didn't really think most of it was that laugh out funny apart from the end credits scenes.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

I went to see Insidious a few weeks ago. It was a bit jumpy till half way through, the 2nd half was too cliché-d. When the lights are turned on, the element of surprise kind of vanishes.

I loved that movie. A movie of the year contender(not talking Oscars, just personal taste). The film is a breath of fresh air in this era of remakes/sequels.

Since no one else has mentioned this film, I'll put the rest of this post in a spoiler....

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I was stoned while watching this so maybe there's a legit explanation for this...Remember how they had three kids? The middle kid was afraid of what was going on with his brother(hated seeing him comatose in that bedroom). The family moves and then BAM!....that kid is never mentioned again. It's like he didn't even exist. Its also obvious the baby only exists in the film so they can hear whats going on through that baby monitor.

One of my favorite parts of the film is near the end when that old woman gets killed. The look on her face as she's sitting there dead gave me chills.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:

The Silent House- Foreign film with almost no budget and supposedly shot in one take. A bit reminiscent of films like Paranormal Activity but was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. It is slow at times and there are scenes where there's almost no sound. It keeps you intrigued though as you want to find out what's going on in this house. The twist comes out of left field and while it works, it contradicts things that happened earlier in the film. It's also based on a true story that happened in the 1940s. Should download this or watch it on Netflix.

There's gonna be a bullshit American remake of this. I'll pass.


Red White & Blue- GREAT film. About a young promiscuous woman with HIV and these guys she meets. One wants to be her friend and develops a platonic friendship with her. When the shit eventually hits the fan, to say this guy gets pissed off would be the understatement of the decade. The film moves at a slow pace but that makes the third act even more shocking. Cant believe this film didn't get more attention last year.


Victim(2010)- I loved this. Was glued to the screen the entire time. A doctor and his male friend/companion kidnap a young guy and keep him locked in the basement so they can transform him into a woman so he can replace the doctor's dead daughter. You immediately wonder why they didn't just kidnap a woman but this question is answered when the twist comes.


 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

slashsfro wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:

I saw X-Men: First Class yesterday. It was damn good, right up there with X2 as the best X-Men movie. Fassbender and McAvoy both gave great performances.

Saw it last week and thought it was a good film.  I'd add in Kevin Bacon too in the great acting performances category.  Too bad I didn't care for the rest of the X-Men outside of the main two.  I don't think they were given enough material or the actors  just weren't very good.  January Jones is awful.  I've seen two films with her in them this year and she was very bland in both of them.

Oh yeah, the cameo was very cool and all of the people in the theater cracked up when they saw it.

James Lofton wrote:

Red White & Blue- GREAT film. About a young promiscuous woman with HIV and these guys she meets. One wants to be her friend and develops a platonic friendship with her. When the shit eventually hits the fan, to say this guy gets pissed off would be the understatement of the decade. The film moves at a slow pace but that makes the third act even more shocking. Cant believe this film didn't get more attention last year.


I'm glad you mentioned this film.  It was available to download and I passed it over because it didn't look too appealing.  I saw your review and went over to Netflix and saw that it was streaming there and watched it.

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The first two parts are slow but not at an unreasonable pace.  I think it was pretty interesting that in the first part (focused on Erica) that they showed her sitting in a swing and that she still sleeps with a stuffed animal.  That reinforced to me that she still had the aftereffects/psychological trauma from when she was raped as a child.  I thought the first minute of the film was great since there was only the piano music playing.

I also liked the second part where they focused on Frankie and his mother who had the cancer.  I don't think the movie would have worked as well if that relationship hadn't been as developed.  I think he went batshit after she overdosed on pills after he told her that he had given her blood that was HIV infected.

Questions:  Did she have sex with more than one member of the band?  I could have sworn that she had sex with the bassist or drummer too but I think Frankie got unlucky as he was the only one who got HIV.

If they had just driven her to the hospital, and dropped her off, could she have been saved?  I think it's quite ironic that the restraunt manager (I think that was his job) who is the mature of the gang ends up making the decision not to take her to the hospital.

You're right about the third act, it is quite shocking.  I had seen a couple of screenshots beforehand and saw that someone had their mouth taped.  So I wasn't really suprised when Frankie went psycho.  What shocked me was when Nate went nuts and took it to another level.  I was quite suprised when he stabbed the little girl.  You just don't see that stuff in mainstream American cinema.

One great scene in the third act is when he goes out and sees parts of Erica's body wrapped in a garbage bag in the back seat.  For around 30 seconds, there is some genuine sadness/mourning in his face.  Then he goes back into the house and becomes psychotic again.  Great acting by Noah Taylor as Nate.

I found the killing of Frankie a little squeamish.  Did he behead him or cut off his skin?

Great film about 3 fucked up people.  Thanks for the recomendation as I would have just passed it over.  I'm glad I saw this.   I suspect this film didn't get more attention because some of the people probably found it a bit too slow.  Also it probably crosses over into multiple genres.  You can't really classify it as a horror film but it's not really a thriller as well.  I found that some of the handheld camera shots (at least that's what I think it was) added to the film.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

James wrote:
slashsfro wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Red White & Blue- GREAT film. About a young promiscuous woman with HIV and these guys she meets. One wants to be her friend and develops a platonic friendship with her. When the shit eventually hits the fan, to say this guy gets pissed off would be the understatement of the decade. The film moves at a slow pace but that makes the third act even more shocking. Cant believe this film didn't get more attention last year.


I'm glad you mentioned this film.  It was available to download and I passed it over because it didn't look too appealing.  I saw your review and went over to Netflix and saw that it was streaming there and watched it.


slashsfro wrote:
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Did she have sex with more than one member of the band?  I could have sworn that she had sex with the bassist or drummer too but I think Frankie got unlucky as he was the only one who got HIV.

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In that scene notice that while she's in bed with those guys, a third one is standing in the background. I might need to watch that scene again to make sure though.

slashsfro wrote:
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If they had just driven her to the hospital, and dropped her off, could she have been saved?  I think it's quite ironic that the restraunt manager (I think that was his job) who is the mature of the gang ends up making the decision not to take her to the hospital.

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Those looked like fatal wounds to me although anything is possible I suppose. Yeah having the manager who was the most "normal" guy of the group and had little to do with what was going on would be the one to make such a crucial decision. He also didn't have a very good friendship with the killer so it made his decision even more bizarre, although how anyone would react under those circumstances is unknown until the situation presents itself.

slashsfro wrote:
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What shocked me was when Nate went nuts and took it to another level.  I was quite suprised when he stabbed the little girl.  You just don't see that stuff in mainstream American cinema.

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The scene in their house was definitely disturbing and like you said, once he stabbed the little girl I knew this guy was capable of anything. You're right though, American films will rarely cross the line into child murder or terrorizing a child to that degree. Its why I prefer foreign films. Not saying I like child murder, but I like how you have no idea what's really in store for you when watching a foreign film. Hollywood spoon feeds audiences a bunch of safe, cookie cutter, popcorn fluff.

However, if memory serves me correctly, they leave it a bit open as to whether or not he actually killed the girl. It is assumed considering what he said(and we know her parents are definitely killed).

slashsfro wrote:
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I found the killing of Frankie a little squeamish.  Did he behead him or cut off his skin?

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Interesting editing for this scene as you cant really tell. At first it looked like a simple beheading, then looked as though he going to cut his spine to paralyze him, but with those motions he was making during the murder, I think he was cutting his face off and scalping him as well. May need to watch this scene again as well.

slashsfro wrote:

Great acting by Noah Taylor as Nate.

Agreed and might have been worthy of an Oscar nomination.

I should have rated this an 8. One of the best movies I've seen in years. Have a few more movies I downloaded recently to watch and after I finish those, gonna watch this again.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Saw "Cars" for the first time.

Not Toy Story.... but hilarious.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

"i'm happier than a tornado in a trailer park"

Larry The Cable Guy steals the show. The military jeep and the hippie van are great too. When they played the wake up call, even I was yelling at the TV "don't you tell him to turn off Jimi!"

I also thought it was cool that Richard & Lynda Petty actually voiced Mr. & Mrs. King.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

slashsfro wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
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However, if memory serves me correctly, they leave it a bit open as to whether or not he actually killed the girl. It is assumed considering what he said(and we know her parents are definitely killed).

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This is actually an interesting discussion point.  While both parents died, the fate of the girl remains ambigious.  I happen to think that he actually killed her because he couldn't really afford to leave any loose ends behind despite what he said.  I mean he had already injured her and showed no remorse doing that.  Also Erica had suffered psychological trauma because of her childhood event and I think that Nate wouldn't want this girl to suffer the same fate.  He probably doesn't want her hunting after him either when she grows up.

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