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 Rep: 661 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

monkeychow wrote:
DCK wrote:

Hmm..Chinese Democracy or Snakepit..

Two of my favourite albums! 9:mosh:

DCK wrote:

I don't agree that he created a mess. It was ALWAYS a mess. It's always been a mess.

I agree. Look at the way VR melted down with scott and can't find a new singer.

Or the way the Slash album is to VR what Snakepit was to GNR...Slash giving up on trying to come to an agreement with his band and taking his best riffs elsewhere.

Just as Axl still shows up late, the VR boys still do what they've always done - with the exception that it would appear recently we've seen some sobriety from Slash (long may it last brother!)

Axl is no saint...he's cleartly had some emotional and anger issues over the years or whatever. But none of the rest of GNR are saints either - they were notorious drug fiends and clearly also do things their own way.

Anyway...just as I think every member of GNR made it what it was, I also think every member of GNR helped make it what it isn't too.

DCK wrote:

A friend of mine is a singer and keeps asking "why would I bother release anything when people just download it?". And he's not in a big band or anything. He just doesn't think it's worth it.

Yeah...I think it's worse for non/semi professionals too.

I mean the model these days seems to be give music away for free - interact with people who hear it to make fans - then tour and merch the hell out of stuff to make a living. Which works to an extent but I also think many bands are really going to be scratching out a living doing that - especially people who don't have big backing or previous exposure to begin with.

Then you have the dilemma of people like me.

I write songs and my dream is to eventually get them out there so that other people can (hopefully) enjoy them and so on. But to do that I want to make them sound good enough that you can play them in your ipod next to commerical tracks and not experience massive audio quality drop (it's bad enough with the talent drop 14)

Over the years I've found that whenever I get involved in bands people quit and get married or move state and so on and it's an endless in the last year or so i've taken the Slash album approach of no longer being in a band.

So now I write a song. I play the guitars in my home set up. And then I hire a session drummer to drum it, a session bass player to do better bass than I do..and then in terms of singing I try and find/hire people who will work with the song's style to do the vocals.

Problem is that gets expensive. Because that costs me so much and i have to work for a living etc.. I can only afford to do one part of one song every couple of months (eg bass on one track this month, then in december maybe some drums on another). So the fucker is fast becomming my own little Chinese Democracy in that it's songs I wrote long ago and the recording procress has been dragging on years and the songs evolve and so on. All whiile I get the cash/find the right singers.

Anyway...then when they're finally all done I'll have to pay to get it mixed and mastered properly (because home brand mixing just doesn't do it for me unless someone's really good at it...but i'm not...) all up when the thing is completed I will litterally have spent thousands of bucks on my own money..which is my's like my hobby and so on....but from my perspective it would be nice if it had a CHANCE of people buying it and then that way it breaking even for me one day of enough people liked it. But these days that's not what happens...the new model doesnt really work in my situation cos I can't just launch a tour and so on when it's all done. I guess I could go on kickstarter or one of them!

Anyway one day hopefully I'll finish it and spam you guys with it...but it has shown me that:

1. Unless you start with a full line up ready to go - it's easier to have a Chinese Democracy style recording process than you might think!


2. When you put your heart and own cash into a project - it does suck that when it comes to releasing time you know it's all going to be given away for free...not because i'm doing it to make money - far from - I tend to only write songs when I'm having an Axl style rant or meltdown in my personal life wink and it's about the artistic reward of sharing the music and capturing the emotion and all that but it does suck cos I can't imagine being able to record a follow up unless I win lotto lol.

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Sky Dog wrote:

Date City Venue
Oct. 2 Rio de Janiero Rock in Rio Festival
Oct. 5 Santiago   Movistar
Oct. 8 Buenos Aires   La Plata
Oct. 12 La Paz     Hernando Siles Stadium
Oct. 14 Asuncion   Jockey Club
Oct. 18 Mexico City   Sports Palace
Oct. 22 Jalisco    Telemex Arena
Oct. 23 Monterrey   Arena


 Rep: 485 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Neemo wrote:

sweet thanks smile

 Rep: 281 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

faldor wrote:
madagas wrote:

Date City Venue
Oct. 2 Rio de Janiero Rock in Rio Festival
Oct. 5 Santiago   Movistar
Oct. 8 Buenos Aires   La Plata
Oct. 12 La Paz     Hernando Siles Stadium
Oct. 14 Asuncion   Jockey Club
Oct. 18 Mexico City   Sports Palace
Oct. 22 Jalisco    Telemex Arena
Oct. 23 Monterrey   Arena


They really have to do something with that website.  I don't see why they can manage to update the site with new tour dates, yet the announcement of adding DJ to the band is still the top story 2 years later.

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Sky Dog wrote:

there are no other stories to tell over the last two years other than tour dates and DJ. big_smile

 Rep: 485 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Neemo wrote:

lol...well at least they havent completely forgot about it...i'm surprised you even checked it, i know i don't 16

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Sky Dog wrote:

saw it posted at htgth

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Axlin16 wrote:

I promise you Monkey, if I ever have a band that even slightly starts to take off, i'm sending you a ticket and having you as an added shredder and writer.

I guarantee you that man. I'd love to have you John Petrucci-ing in the solo spots, fuck yeah.

 Rep: 207 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

DCK wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
DCK wrote:

Hmm..Chinese Democracy or Snakepit..

Two of my favourite albums! 9:mosh:

DCK wrote:

I don't agree that he created a mess. It was ALWAYS a mess. It's always been a mess.

I agree. Look at the way VR melted down with scott and can't find a new singer.

Or the way the Slash album is to VR what Snakepit was to GNR...Slash giving up on trying to come to an agreement with his band and taking his best riffs elsewhere.

Just as Axl still shows up late, the VR boys still do what they've always done - with the exception that it would appear recently we've seen some sobriety from Slash (long may it last brother!)

Axl is no saint...he's cleartly had some emotional and anger issues over the years or whatever. But none of the rest of GNR are saints either - they were notorious drug fiends and clearly also do things their own way.

Anyway...just as I think every member of GNR made it what it was, I also think every member of GNR helped make it what it isn't too.

DCK wrote:

A friend of mine is a singer and keeps asking "why would I bother release anything when people just download it?". And he's not in a big band or anything. He just doesn't think it's worth it.

Yeah...I think it's worse for non/semi professionals too.

I mean the model these days seems to be give music away for free - interact with people who hear it to make fans - then tour and merch the hell out of stuff to make a living. Which works to an extent but I also think many bands are really going to be scratching out a living doing that - especially people who don't have big backing or previous exposure to begin with.

Then you have the dilemma of people like me.

I write songs and my dream is to eventually get them out there so that other people can (hopefully) enjoy them and so on. But to do that I want to make them sound good enough that you can play them in your ipod next to commerical tracks and not experience massive audio quality drop (it's bad enough with the talent drop 14)

Over the years I've found that whenever I get involved in bands people quit and get married or move state and so on and it's an endless in the last year or so i've taken the Slash album approach of no longer being in a band.

So now I write a song. I play the guitars in my home set up. And then I hire a session drummer to drum it, a session bass player to do better bass than I do..and then in terms of singing I try and find/hire people who will work with the song's style to do the vocals.

Problem is that gets expensive. Because that costs me so much and i have to work for a living etc.. I can only afford to do one part of one song every couple of months (eg bass on one track this month, then in december maybe some drums on another). So the fucker is fast becomming my own little Chinese Democracy in that it's songs I wrote long ago and the recording procress has been dragging on years and the songs evolve and so on. All whiile I get the cash/find the right singers.

Anyway...then when they're finally all done I'll have to pay to get it mixed and mastered properly (because home brand mixing just doesn't do it for me unless someone's really good at it...but i'm not...) all up when the thing is completed I will litterally have spent thousands of bucks on my own money..which is my's like my hobby and so on....but from my perspective it would be nice if it had a CHANCE of people buying it and then that way it breaking even for me one day of enough people liked it. But these days that's not what happens...the new model doesnt really work in my situation cos I can't just launch a tour and so on when it's all done. I guess I could go on kickstarter or one of them!

Anyway one day hopefully I'll finish it and spam you guys with it...but it has shown me that:

1. Unless you start with a full line up ready to go - it's easier to have a Chinese Democracy style recording process than you might think!


2. When you put your heart and own cash into a project - it does suck that when it comes to releasing time you know it's all going to be given away for free...not because i'm doing it to make money - far from - I tend to only write songs when I'm having an Axl style rant or meltdown in my personal life wink and it's about the artistic reward of sharing the music and capturing the emotion and all that but it does suck cos I can't imagine being able to record a follow up unless I win lotto lol.

Suddenly writing books don't seem so hard....

 Rep: 661 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I promise you Monkey, if I ever have a band that even slightly starts to take off, i'm sending you a ticket and having you as an added shredder and writer.

I guarantee you that man. I'd love to have you John Petrucci-ing in the solo spots, fuck yeah.


hahah Thanks man that would be so awesome 5

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