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 Rep: 475 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

misterID wrote:

I thought JEH was fantastic as Freddy. Way better than Englund's shticky Freddy, which he was even to a point in the first one. He just got worse in the ensuing sequels. JEH was totally creepy. Much scarier. I loved the use of Dream by The Everly Brothers as his theme, too.

But I agree, I hated the douche boyfriend. The entire latter part of the second act all the way through the entire third act was God AWFUL. They should have played up the "dream world" a lot more. Like the snippets that are in the deleted scenes.  But, they didn't. The movie looked cool, but self conscious. You know what I mean? I thought the limited amount of gore made it much more affective. So I give them props there. The end of the film was just bad. No getting around that.

You know what disappointed me the most? Was the CG Freddy in the wallpaper. I really thought it would be cool, but it looked like it hopped right off a computer. Terrible.

I like Rooney Mara, though. She was only working with what they gave her. There was no conflict, or any real relationship with her mother like in the original. And they didn't do a good job at all as establishing her as an outsider, which I can only guess they were aiming at. But she kind of had too many popular friends, which defeats the whole purpose of making her an outsider. Katie Cassidy just seems too fake. Like she belongs in a horror film set in a sorority, with a lot of breasts on display. They were trying to make Nancy darker. It would have really helped if they made her love interest Thomas Dekker. He WAS Johnny Depp in this movie. But his character was totally wasted, imo.

I'd watch a sequel to it, though.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Looking back, maybe Sam Bayer (the director) told Rooney Mara, that her motivation was "be an outsider, be quiet, be skittish, keep to yourself, talk quietly, etc." So maybe it wasn't Mara's fault. Maybe it was Bayer's fault. Either way the character is all wrong - ALL WRONG.

Nancy in the original was not an outsider. She wasn't popular either, which is what gave her a nice blend. But Heather Langenkamp brought a power to the role of an all-American girl-next-door who could throw down with Freddy at a moment's notice. Mara brought this "artsy headcase" to the girl, who was full-blown outsider, YET was close friends with Kris, who obviously was by far the hottest girl in the school. I highly doubt they'd be friends in real life. The only way for that to work is Kris has to be a bitch who doesn't believe she's gonna die, and for her to tell Nancy to fuck off OR Nancy can't be such an outsider.

The character were ALL OVER THE PLACE in terms of how they were directed, not written. All of these characters know each other, but they don't know each other, oh wait yeah they do because they went to pre-school together... what the fuck? It reeked of a director fucking with a script.

You're right about Katie Cassidy "being a plastic" so to speak. Very cheerleader, very T&A, blonde hair, blue eyes, all the guys want her, all the girls want to be her... kind of deal. However despite all of the hotness - she was still the best actress in the movie, which frankly shocked the fuck out of me. I saw alot of Ellie Cornell's "Rachel" from Halloween 4 & 5 in that character. Someone you think will suck, but suddenly has screen-lead type quality. She was kind of wasted in the film.

Even Connie Britton ("Friday Night Lights") who played Nancy's mother, was fucking terrible. All I can assume is Bayer directed them that way. Because at times Britton delivered her lines so low, that you could barely understand her in the movie. Mara's Nancy was the same way.

Dekker was solid too. And he was practically blink and you miss him. Like I said, him and Cassidy should've led the film. Despite the fact of Cassidy having the cheerleader "from priveledge" thing, and Dekker being the cliche 'bad boy', both of them had chemistry on screen, and both had the power to lead that film.

Hidden Text:

as soon as they got killed

the film fuckin' TANKED from that point. It wasn't a coincidence. THEY, those two, were the Heather Langenkamp & Johnny Depp in the film. Think if the original had done that... who'd of been left to lead the film?

It reminded me of Nightmare 4: The Dream Master, where you had the characters from Nightmare 3: Dream Warriors brought back, and all of them had all this great chemistry, and then they get killed off, and suddenly this new cast gets brought in with NO chemistry AT ALL. The film never recovers. If it wasn't for the chemistry between Alice & Freddy, it'd been a complete wash.

It reminded me of some of the slasher-franchise films more recently like Jared Padlecki & Amanda Righetti in F13-2009, Jessica Biel & Eric Balfour in TCM-2003, and even Scout-Taylor Compton & Danielle Harris in the new Halloween I & II. Say what you want about those films, but every single one of those duo's had chemistry, semi-compelling characters, and enough acting chops to carry the films they were in. The two from Nightmare-2010 just DO NOT have that kind of weight.

As for Haley, looking back at your comments, Haley actually was the main bright spot in the movie frankly, the more I think about it. Looking back over the film, I will remember NOTHING, other than Haley's Freddy. Not only was he by far the best actor in the whole movie (nothing against the underused and well-played Clancy Brown as the principle), Haley played the role HIS way, while also playing homage to Englund's Freddy.

But for as much as Haley was a bit darker, I saw him cracking one-liners, and borrowing throwback lines from "Camp Englund" from Nightmare 1, 4 and yes, even Freddy vs. Jason as homages to the old franchise.

But come on, Englund is still iconic as Krueger, regardless of whether you didn't like him as the franchise went on. You may like Haley, but that'd be like me saying Colin Farrell was better at Sonny Crockett than Don Johnson. Or Malcolm McDowell played Dr. Loomis better than Donald Pleasence.

Come on...

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

The Everly Brothers were creepy, i'll give you that.... but this is still all-time...


 Rep: 475 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

misterID wrote:

16 Nice.

I do know there were 2 scripts they were considering and they ended up combining them, using the "coolest" parts. That might be one of the problems of the film. And Michael Bay begged Bayer to direct the movie, so you also had a director who probably wasn't into it as much as he should have been.

But saying all that, it had potential, and it still has potential if they decide to make another... And if The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is a hit, I'm sure they'll make another, seeing they have Mara contracually obligated to make 2 more Nightmare films.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Axlin16 wrote:

Good God that fucking disappoints me. Yes i'd check out a sequel (RENTAL ONLY), and seeing Haley as Krueger again intrigues me.

But the only hope is if they flesh out Mara's Nancy more in the sequels (like Langenkamp's Nancy in Dream Warriors).

Otherwise, if they have another artsy geek thing going on with her Edward James Olmos-Miami Vice, "let's respond to questions with two word responses under our breath".

It's gonna be a tough watch then. It'd help Mara if they added a cast member with some acting chops to help her carry the film. Maybe a new boyfriend, or adding another male character actor to the cast (a Lance Henriksen, Brad Dourif-type).

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Pretty good take on an origins story, cgi could have been better but is still good. A very enjoyable movie and a good movie to bring your kids to providing they're of age.

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

I'm going to the cinema Wednesday night. Can't decide between Planet of the Apes or Super 8, which should I go see?

 Rep: 50 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Rex wrote:
A Private Eye wrote:

I'm going to the cinema Wednesday night. Can't decide between Planet of the Apes or Super 8, which should I go see?

I've seen both and I personally enjoyed Super 8 more.  They're both good though.  I would have to say that Super 8 has more action and kept me more interested throughout.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

I thought Super 8 was a huge let down, it had the potential to be a classic, but while watching, I was constantly waiting for it to take that next step to greatness, sadly it never came and ended up being a missed oppurtunity.

IMO   smile

 Rep: 386 

Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen

Bono wrote:

Cowboys and Aliens.... really lame that's all I have to say.

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