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 Rep: 475 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

misterID wrote:

If they're playing arenas again they better have another opener besides BAZ.

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

James wrote:
misterID wrote:

If they're playing arenas again they better have another opener besides BAZ.

I know we've had the "they need a killer opener/nobody buys tickets to see the opening act" debate before, but when they schedule 3 arena shows in Mayberry, they better have a solid opener to get people to buy tickets.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Axlin16 wrote:

I'm hoping they add some more FL dates.... AA Arena is HOURS one-way... eww.... but if it's the only one, might not have a choice.

 Rep: 661 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

monkeychow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

A set that consists of the main hits, rotating other classics night to night, and one new song(NOT from CD) that is on a GH set, video game, soundtrack, or simply a single released on Itunes

That would unleash so much positivity in the fan base too. Think of the excitment people had around the era of the IRS leaks and so on. Or even just the live peformance of Madagascar at RIR. And it would be awesome for shock value. If GNR just droped a digital single to coincide with RIR and this new one is expecting would blow minds of fans and be awesome. Could also be used to capture the positive buzz of the tour as well - any article written about GNR's RIR peformance and so on could also mention the new single. But I guess with the record company and everything it's probably not that simple.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

misterID wrote:

If the tour is announced and there's no Chinese or Democracy mentioned anywhere in the tour promotion or on merch, outside there bio shit, I will be very optimistic for new material.

You know, they did seem to play the shit the premiered live better than the new songs that leaked afterwards. Maddy, The Blues, CD seemed more organic.

 Rep: 70 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Naltav wrote:

More good news for you guys in the US:

"@EddieTrunk: Damon is replacing Richard Fortus who is leaving Lizzy to go back to GnR because of the upcoming US dates soon to be officially announced."

 Rep: 281 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

faldor wrote:

Again, on the size of the venues.  Like Cramer pointed out, it doesn't really matter if they sell out shows, as long as they're making money.  If they sold out 100% of 3,000 seat theater shows, is that better than selling 7,000 tickets a night on average in an arena?

I personally don't know the answer to that question, if you do and it's YES, then you have a point.  If not, then they have no reason to change the way they set their touring sights.  Sure it LOOKS better playing to a packed house, but if it's more cost effective to do it the way they're doing it, then so be it.  Again, I don't KNOW that to be the case.  Lord knows this band doesn't do things the right way all the time, so who knows.  I just don't think they're hurting financially, that's all.

Anyhow, I'm gonna have to tune into Eddie's Sirius/XM show tomorrow night to see if he has anything more to say on the GNR front.  An actual full tour announcement?  When's the last time we got one of those?  I'm used to these dates trickling out one by one.

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

James wrote:
faldor wrote:

Again, on the size of the venues.  Like Cramer pointed out, it doesn't really matter if they sell out shows, as long as they're making money.  If they sold out 100% of 3,000 seat theater shows, is that better than selling 7,000 tickets a night on average in an arena?

Actually it does matter because each time this band goes on a half empty arena CD tour in the states, half the tour gets canceled.

They should start on the west coast this time and let the east coast get a taste of one of these shows you buy tickets for that never actually has a chance in hell of occurring.

 Rep: 768 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah i'm kinda  curious too why the last couple of times they started out in FL.

Could the Vancouver riot have anything to do with the reluctance to kick off on the west coast anymore?

 Rep: 70 

Re: 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour

Naltav wrote:

Sure, many parts of the organizing of GNR-stuff have seemed somewhat unproffesional over the years.

But the fact still remains. They HAVE manage to put on some huge shows/tours in the not so distant past, with little or no help from label or "proper" managament.

Some of you seem a bit too occupied with micro-details on these supposed upcoming US-shows (opening act, size of venue, etc etc etc)

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